Update files

This commit is contained in:
thatblindgeye 2023-01-21 12:53:41 -05:00
parent fb1a2db8d7
commit 4a112362c8
31 changed files with 571 additions and 449 deletions

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
const helloWorld = function () {
return 'Hello, World!';
return "Hello, World!";
module.exports = helloWorld;

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
const helloWorld = require('./helloWorld-solution');
const helloWorld = require("./helloWorld");
describe('Hello World', function () {
test('says "Hello, World!"', function () {
expect(helloWorld()).toEqual('Hello, World!');
describe("Hello World", function () {
test('says "Hello, World!"', function () {
expect(helloWorld()).toEqual("Hello, World!");

View file

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
const repeatString = function (word, times) {
if (times < 0) return 'ERROR';
let string = '';
for (let i = 0; i < times; i++) {
string += word;
return string;
if (times < 0) return "ERROR";
let string = "";
for (let i = 0; i < times; i++) {
string += word;
return string;
module.exports = repeatString;

View file

@ -1,41 +1,39 @@
const repeatString = require('./repeatString-solution');
const repeatString = require("./repeatString");
describe('repeatString', () => {
test('repeats the string', () => {
expect(repeatString('hey', 3)).toEqual('heyheyhey');
test.skip('repeats the string many times', () => {
expect(repeatString('hey', 10)).toEqual(
test.skip('repeats the string 1 times', () => {
expect(repeatString('hey', 1)).toEqual('hey');
test.skip('repeats the string 0 times', () => {
expect(repeatString('hey', 0)).toEqual('');
test.skip('returns ERROR with negative numbers', () => {
expect(repeatString('hey', -1)).toEqual('ERROR');
test.skip('repeats the string a random amount of times', function () {
/*The number is generated by using Math.random to get a value from between
describe("repeatString", () => {
test("repeats the string", () => {
expect(repeatString("hey", 3)).toEqual("heyheyhey");
test.skip("repeats the string many times", () => {
expect(repeatString("hey", 10)).toEqual("heyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyhey");
test.skip("repeats the string 1 times", () => {
expect(repeatString("hey", 1)).toEqual("hey");
test.skip("repeats the string 0 times", () => {
expect(repeatString("hey", 0)).toEqual("");
test.skip("returns ERROR with negative numbers", () => {
expect(repeatString("hey", -1)).toEqual("ERROR");
test.skip("repeats the string a random amount of times", function () {
/*The number is generated by using Math.random to get a value from between
0 to 1, when this is multiplied by 1000 and rounded down with Math.floor it
equals a number between 0 to 999 (this number will change everytime you run
the test).*/
// DO NOT use Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) in your code,
// this test generates a random number, then passes it into your code with a function parameter.
// If this doesn't make sense, you should go read about functions here: https://www.theodinproject.com/paths/foundations/courses/foundations/lessons/fundamentals-part-3
const number = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
/*The .match(/((hey))/g).length is a regex that will count the number of heys
// DO NOT use Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) in your code,
// this test generates a random number, then passes it into your code with a function parameter.
// If this doesn't make sense, you should go read about functions here: https://www.theodinproject.com/paths/foundations/courses/foundations/lessons/fundamentals-part-3
const number = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
/*The .match(/((hey))/g).length is a regex that will count the number of heys
in the result, which if your function works correctly will equal the number that
was randomaly generated. */
expect(repeatString('hey', number).match(/((hey))/g).length).toEqual(
test.skip('works with blank strings', () => {
expect(repeatString('', 10)).toEqual('');
expect(repeatString("hey", number).match(/((hey))/g).length).toEqual(
test.skip("works with blank strings", () => {
expect(repeatString("", 10)).toEqual("");

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
const reverseString = function (string) {
return string.split('').reverse().join('');
return string.split("").reverse().join("");
module.exports = reverseString;

View file

@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
const reverseString = require('./reverseString-solution');
const reverseString = require("./reverseString");
describe('reverseString', () => {
test('reverses single word', () => {
describe("reverseString", () => {
test("reverses single word", () => {
test.skip('reverses multiple words', () => {
expect(reverseString('hello there')).toEqual('ereht olleh');
test.skip("reverses multiple words", () => {
expect(reverseString("hello there")).toEqual("ereht olleh");
test.skip('works with numbers and punctuation', () => {
expect(reverseString('123! abc!')).toEqual('!cba !321');
test.skip('works with blank strings', () => {
test.skip("works with numbers and punctuation", () => {
expect(reverseString("123! abc!")).toEqual("!cba !321");
test.skip("works with blank strings", () => {

View file

@ -1,29 +1,26 @@
// we have 2 solutions here, an easier one and a more advanced one.
// The easiest way to get an array of all of the arguments that are passed to a function
// The easiest way to get an array of the rest of the arguments that are passed to a function
// is using the rest operator. If this is unfamiliar to you look it up!
const removeFromArray = function (...args) {
// the very first item in our list of arguments is the array, we pull it out with args[0]
const array = args[0];
// create a new empty array
const newArray = [];
// use forEach to go through the array
array.forEach((item) => {
// push every element into the new array
// UNLESS it is included in the function arguments
// so we create a new array with every item, except those that should be removed
if (!args.includes(item)) {
// and return that array
return newArray;
const removeFromArray = function (array, ...args) {
// create a new empty array
const newArray = [];
// use forEach to go through the array
array.forEach((item) => {
// push every element into the new array
// UNLESS it is included in the function arguments
// so we create a new array with every item, except those that should be removed
if (!args.includes(item)) {
// and return that array
return newArray;
// A simpler, but more advanced way to do it is to use the 'filter' function,
// which basically does what we did with the forEach above.
// var removeFromArray = function(...args) {
// const array = args[0]
// var removeFromArray = function(array, ...args) {
// return array.filter(val => !args.includes(val))
// }

View file

@ -1,28 +1,25 @@
const removeFromArray = require('./removeFromArray-solution');
const removeFromArray = require("./removeFromArray");
describe('removeFromArray', () => {
test('removes a single value', () => {
expect(removeFromArray([1, 2, 3, 4], 3)).toEqual([1, 2, 4]);
test.skip('removes multiple values', () => {
expect(removeFromArray([1, 2, 3, 4], 3, 2)).toEqual([1, 4]);
test.skip('ignores non present values', () => {
expect(removeFromArray([1, 2, 3, 4], 7, 'tacos')).toEqual([1, 2, 3, 4]);
test.skip('ignores non present values, but still works', () => {
expect(removeFromArray([1, 2, 3, 4], 7, 2)).toEqual([1, 3, 4]);
test.skip('can remove all values', () => {
expect(removeFromArray([1, 2, 3, 4], 1, 2, 3, 4)).toEqual([]);
test.skip('works with strings', () => {
expect(removeFromArray(['hey', 2, 3, 'ho'], 'hey', 3)).toEqual([
test.skip('only removes same type', () => {
expect(removeFromArray([1, 2, 3], '1', 3)).toEqual([1, 2]);
describe("removeFromArray", () => {
test("removes a single value", () => {
expect(removeFromArray([1, 2, 3, 4], 3)).toEqual([1, 2, 4]);
test.skip("removes multiple values", () => {
expect(removeFromArray([1, 2, 3, 4], 3, 2)).toEqual([1, 4]);
test.skip("ignores non present values", () => {
expect(removeFromArray([1, 2, 3, 4], 7, "tacos")).toEqual([1, 2, 3, 4]);
test.skip("ignores non present values, but still works", () => {
expect(removeFromArray([1, 2, 3, 4], 7, 2)).toEqual([1, 3, 4]);
test.skip("can remove all values", () => {
expect(removeFromArray([1, 2, 3, 4], 1, 2, 3, 4)).toEqual([]);
test.skip("works with strings", () => {
expect(removeFromArray(["hey", 2, 3, "ho"], "hey", 3)).toEqual([2, "ho"]);
test.skip("only removes same type", () => {
expect(removeFromArray([1, 2, 3], "1", 3)).toEqual([1, 2]);

View file

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
const sumAll = function (min, max) {
if (!Number.isInteger(min) || !Number.isInteger(max)) return 'ERROR';
if (min < 0 || max < 0) return 'ERROR';
if (min > max) {
const temp = min;
min = max;
max = temp;
let sum = 0;
for (let i = min; i < max + 1; i++) {
sum += i;
return sum;
if (!Number.isInteger(min) || !Number.isInteger(max)) return "ERROR";
if (min < 0 || max < 0) return "ERROR";
if (min > max) {
const temp = min;
min = max;
max = temp;
let sum = 0;
for (let i = min; i < max + 1; i++) {
sum += i;
return sum;
module.exports = sumAll;

View file

@ -1,22 +1,25 @@
const sumAll = require('./sumAll-solution');
const sumAll = require("./sumAll");
describe('sumAll', () => {
test('sums numbers within the range', () => {
expect(sumAll(1, 4)).toEqual(10);
test.skip('works with large numbers', () => {
expect(sumAll(1, 4000)).toEqual(8002000);
test.skip('works with larger number first', () => {
expect(sumAll(123, 1)).toEqual(7626);
test.skip('returns ERROR with negative numbers', () => {
expect(sumAll(-10, 4)).toEqual('ERROR');
test.skip('returns ERROR with non-number parameters', () => {
expect(sumAll(10, '90')).toEqual('ERROR');
test.skip('returns ERROR with non-number parameters', () => {
expect(sumAll(10, [90, 1])).toEqual('ERROR');
describe("sumAll", () => {
test("sums numbers within the range", () => {
expect(sumAll(1, 4)).toEqual(10);
test.skip("works with large numbers", () => {
expect(sumAll(1, 4000)).toEqual(8002000);
test.skip("works with larger number first", () => {
expect(sumAll(123, 1)).toEqual(7626);
test.skip("returns ERROR with negative numbers", () => {
expect(sumAll(-10, 4)).toEqual("ERROR");
test.skip("returns ERROR with non-integer parameters", () => {
expect(sumAll(2.5, 4)).toEqual("ERROR");
test.skip("returns ERROR with non-number parameters", () => {
expect(sumAll(10, "90")).toEqual("ERROR");
test.skip("returns ERROR with non-number parameters", () => {
expect(sumAll(10, [90, 1])).toEqual("ERROR");

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
const leapYears = function (year) {
return year % 4 === 0 && (year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0);
return year % 4 === 0 && (year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0);
module.exports = leapYears;

View file

@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
const leapYears = require('./leapYears-solution');
const leapYears = require("./leapYears");
describe('leapYears', () => {
test('works with non century years', () => {
test.skip('works with non century years', () => {
test.skip('works with ridiculously futuristic non century years', () => {
test.skip('works with century years', () => {
test.skip('works with century years', () => {
test.skip('works with century years', () => {
describe("leapYears", () => {
test("works with non century years", () => {
test.skip("works with non century years", () => {
test.skip("works with ridiculously futuristic non century years", () => {
test.skip("works with century years", () => {
test.skip("works with century years", () => {
test.skip("works with century years", () => {

View file

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
const ftoc = function (f) {
return Math.round((f - 32) * (5 / 9) * 10) / 10;
const convertToCelsius = function (fahrenheit) {
return Math.round((fahrenheit - 32) * (5 / 9) * 10) / 10;
const ctof = function (c) {
return Math.round(((c * 9) / 5 + 32) * 10) / 10;
const convertToFahrenheit = function (celsius) {
return Math.round(((celsius * 9) / 5 + 32) * 10) / 10;
module.exports = {

View file

@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
const { ftoc, ctof } = require('./tempConversion-solution');
const { convertToCelsius, convertToFahrenheit } = require("./tempConversion");
describe('ftoc', () => {
test('works', () => {
test.skip('rounds to 1 decimal', () => {
test.skip('works with negatives', () => {
describe("convertToCelsius", () => {
test("works", () => {
test.skip("rounds to 1 decimal", () => {
test.skip("works with negatives", () => {
describe('ctof', () => {
test.skip('works', () => {
test.skip('rounds to 1 decimal', () => {
test.skip('works with negatives', () => {
describe("convertToFahrenheit", () => {
test.skip("works", () => {
test.skip("rounds to 1 decimal", () => {
test.skip("works with negatives", () => {

View file

@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
const add = function (a, b) {
return a + b;
return a + b;
const subtract = function (a, b) {
return a - b;
return a - b;
const sum = function (array) {
return array.reduce((total, current) => total + current, 0);
return array.reduce((total, current) => total + current, 0);
const multiply = function (array) {
return array.length
? array.reduce((accumulator, nextItem) => accumulator * nextItem)
: 0;
return array.length
? array.reduce((accumulator, nextItem) => accumulator * nextItem)
: 0;
const power = function (a, b) {
return Math.pow(a, b);
return Math.pow(a, b);
const factorial = function (n) {
if (n === 0) return 1;
let product = 1;
for (let i = n; i > 0; i--) {
product *= i;
return product;
if (n === 0) return 1;
let product = 1;
for (let i = n; i > 0; i--) {
product *= i;
return product;
// This is another implementation of Factorial that uses recursion
// THANKS to @ThirtyThreeB!
const recursiveFactorial = function (n) {
if (n === 0) {
return 1;
return n * recursiveFactorial(n - 1);
if (n === 0) {
return 1;
return n * recursiveFactorial(n - 1);
module.exports = {

View file

@ -1,77 +1,77 @@
const calculator = require('./calculator-solution');
const calculator = require("./calculator");
describe('add', () => {
test('adds 0 and 0', () => {
expect(calculator.add(0, 0)).toBe(0);
describe("add", () => {
test("adds 0 and 0", () => {
expect(calculator.add(0, 0)).toBe(0);
test.skip('adds 2 and 2', () => {
expect(calculator.add(2, 2)).toBe(4);
test.skip("adds 2 and 2", () => {
expect(calculator.add(2, 2)).toBe(4);
test.skip('adds positive numbers', () => {
expect(calculator.add(2, 6)).toBe(8);
test.skip("adds positive numbers", () => {
expect(calculator.add(2, 6)).toBe(8);
describe('subtract', () => {
test.skip('subtracts numbers', () => {
expect(calculator.subtract(10, 4)).toBe(6);
describe("subtract", () => {
test.skip("subtracts numbers", () => {
expect(calculator.subtract(10, 4)).toBe(6);
describe('sum', () => {
test.skip('computes the sum of an empty array', () => {
describe("sum", () => {
test.skip("computes the sum of an empty array", () => {
test.skip('computes the sum of an array of one number', () => {
test.skip("computes the sum of an array of one number", () => {
test.skip('computes the sum of an array of two numbers', () => {
expect(calculator.sum([7, 11])).toBe(18);
test.skip("computes the sum of an array of two numbers", () => {
expect(calculator.sum([7, 11])).toBe(18);
test.skip('computes the sum of an array of many numbers', () => {
expect(calculator.sum([1, 3, 5, 7, 9])).toBe(25);
test.skip("computes the sum of an array of many numbers", () => {
expect(calculator.sum([1, 3, 5, 7, 9])).toBe(25);
describe('multiply', () => {
test.skip('multiplies two numbers', () => {
expect(calculator.multiply([2, 4])).toBe(8);
describe("multiply", () => {
test.skip("multiplies two numbers", () => {
expect(calculator.multiply([2, 4])).toBe(8);
test.skip('multiplies several numbers', () => {
expect(calculator.multiply([2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14])).toBe(645120);
test.skip("multiplies several numbers", () => {
expect(calculator.multiply([2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14])).toBe(645120);
describe('power', () => {
test.skip('raises one number to the power of another number', () => {
expect(calculator.power(4, 3)).toBe(64); // 4 to third power is 64
describe("power", () => {
test.skip("raises one number to the power of another number", () => {
expect(calculator.power(4, 3)).toBe(64); // 4 to third power is 64
describe('factorial', () => {
test.skip('computes the factorial of 0', () => {
expect(calculator.factorial(0)).toBe(1); // 0! = 1
describe("factorial", () => {
test.skip("computes the factorial of 0", () => {
expect(calculator.factorial(0)).toBe(1); // 0! = 1
test.skip('computes the factorial of 1', () => {
test.skip("computes the factorial of 1", () => {
test.skip('computes the factorial of 2', () => {
test.skip("computes the factorial of 2", () => {
test.skip('computes the factorial of 5', () => {
test.skip("computes the factorial of 5", () => {
test.skip('computes the factorial of 10', () => {
test.skip("computes the factorial of 10", () => {

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const palindromes = function (string) {
processedString = string.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z]/g, '');
return processedString.split('').reverse().join('') == processedString;
const processedString = string.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z]/g, "");
return processedString.split("").reverse().join("") == processedString;
module.exports = palindromes;

View file

@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
const palindromes = require('./palindromes-solution');
const palindromes = require("./palindromes");
describe('palindromes', () => {
test('works with single words', () => {
test.skip('works with punctuation ', () => {
test.skip('works with upper-case letters ', () => {
test.skip('works with multiple words', () => {
expect(palindromes('A car, a man, a maraca.')).toBe(true);
test.skip('works with multiple words', () => {
palindromes('Animal loots foliated detail of stool lamina.')
test.skip("doesn't just always return true", () => {
expect(palindromes('ZZZZ car, a man, a maraca.')).toBe(false);
describe("palindromes", () => {
test("works with single words", () => {
test.skip("works with punctuation ", () => {
test.skip("works with upper-case letters ", () => {
test.skip("works with multiple words", () => {
expect(palindromes("A car, a man, a maraca.")).toBe(true);
test.skip("works with multiple words", () => {
expect(palindromes("Animal loots foliated detail of stool lamina.")).toBe(
test.skip("doesn't just always return true", () => {
expect(palindromes("ZZZZ car, a man, a maraca.")).toBe(false);

View file

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
const fibonacci = function (count) {
if (count < 0) return 'OOPS';
if (count === 0) return 0;
let a = 0;
let b = 1;
for (let i = 1; i < count; i++) {
const temp = b;
b = a + b;
a = temp;
return b;
if (count < 0) return "OOPS";
if (count === 0) return 0;
let a = 0;
let b = 1;
for (let i = 1; i < count; i++) {
const temp = b;
b = a + b;
a = temp;
return b;
module.exports = fibonacci;

View file

@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
const fibonacci = require('./fibonacci-solution');
const fibonacci = require("./fibonacci");
describe('fibonacci', () => {
test('4th fibonacci number is 3', () => {
test.skip('6th fibonacci number is 8', () => {
test.skip('10th fibonacci number is 55', () => {
test.skip('15th fibonacci number is 610', () => {
test.skip('25th fibonacci number is 75025', () => {
test.skip("doesn't accept negatives", () => {
test.skip('DOES accept strings', () => {
test.skip('DOES accept strings', () => {
test.skip('DOES accept strings', () => {
describe("fibonacci", () => {
test("4th fibonacci number is 3", () => {
test.skip("6th fibonacci number is 8", () => {
test.skip("10th fibonacci number is 55", () => {
test.skip("15th fibonacci number is 610", () => {
test.skip("25th fibonacci number is 75025", () => {
test.skip("doesn't accept negatives", () => {
test.skip("DOES accept strings", () => {
test.skip("DOES accept strings", () => {
test.skip("DOES accept strings", () => {

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
const getTheTitles = function (array) {
return array.map((book) => book.title);
return array.map((book) => book.title);
module.exports = getTheTitles;

View file

@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
const getTheTitles = require('./getTheTitles-solution');
const getTheTitles = require("./getTheTitles");
describe('getTheTitles', () => {
const books = [
title: 'Book',
author: 'Name',
title: 'Book2',
author: 'Name2',
describe("getTheTitles", () => {
const books = [
title: "Book",
author: "Name",
title: "Book2",
author: "Name2",
test('gets titles', () => {
expect(getTheTitles(books)).toEqual(['Book', 'Book2']);
test("gets titles", () => {
expect(getTheTitles(books)).toEqual(["Book", "Book2"]);

View file

@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
const findTheOldest = function (array) {
return array.reduce((oldest, currentPerson) => {
const oldestAge = getAge(oldest.yearOfBirth, oldest.yearOfDeath);
const currentAge = getAge(
return oldestAge < currentAge ? currentPerson : oldest;
return array.reduce((oldest, currentPerson) => {
const oldestAge = getAge(oldest.yearOfBirth, oldest.yearOfDeath);
const currentAge = getAge(
return oldestAge < currentAge ? currentPerson : oldest;
const getAge = function (birth, death) {
if (!death) {
death = new Date().getFullYear();
return death - birth;
if (!death) {
death = new Date().getFullYear();
return death - birth;
module.exports = findTheOldest;

View file

@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
const findTheOldest = require('./findTheOldest-solution');
const findTheOldest = require("./findTheOldest");
describe('findTheOldest', () => {
test('finds the oldest person!', () => {
const people = [
name: 'Carly',
yearOfBirth: 1942,
yearOfDeath: 1970,
name: 'Ray',
yearOfBirth: 1962,
yearOfDeath: 2011,
name: 'Jane',
yearOfBirth: 1912,
yearOfDeath: 1941,
test.skip('finds the oldest person if someone is still living', () => {
const people = [
name: 'Carly',
yearOfBirth: 2018,
name: 'Ray',
yearOfBirth: 1962,
yearOfDeath: 2011,
name: 'Jane',
yearOfBirth: 1912,
yearOfDeath: 1941,
test.skip('finds the oldest person if the OLDEST is still living', () => {
const people = [
name: 'Carly',
yearOfBirth: 1066,
name: 'Ray',
yearOfBirth: 1962,
yearOfDeath: 2011,
name: 'Jane',
yearOfBirth: 1912,
yearOfDeath: 1941,
describe("findTheOldest", () => {
test("finds the oldest person!", () => {
const people = [
name: "Carly",
yearOfBirth: 1942,
yearOfDeath: 1970,
name: "Ray",
yearOfBirth: 1962,
yearOfDeath: 2011,
name: "Jane",
yearOfBirth: 1912,
yearOfDeath: 1941,
test.skip("finds the oldest person if someone is still living", () => {
const people = [
name: "Carly",
yearOfBirth: 2018,
name: "Ray",
yearOfBirth: 1962,
yearOfDeath: 2011,
name: "Jane",
yearOfBirth: 1912,
yearOfDeath: 1941,
test.skip("finds the oldest person if the OLDEST is still living", () => {
const people = [
name: "Carly",
yearOfBirth: 1066,
name: "Ray",
yearOfBirth: 1962,
yearOfDeath: 2011,
name: "Jane",
yearOfBirth: 1912,
yearOfDeath: 1941,

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
const caesar = function (string, shift) {
return string
.map((char) => shiftChar(char, shift))
return string
.map((char) => shiftChar(char, shift))
const codeSet = (code) => (code < 97 ? 65 : 97);
@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ const codeSet = (code) => (code < 97 ? 65 : 97);
const mod = (n, m) => ((n % m) + m) % m;
const shiftChar = (char, shift) => {
const code = char.charCodeAt();
const code = char.charCodeAt();
if ((code >= 65 && code <= 90) || (code >= 97 && code <= 122)) {
return String.fromCharCode(
mod(code + shift - codeSet(code), 26) + codeSet(code)
return char;
if ((code >= 65 && code <= 90) || (code >= 97 && code <= 122)) {
return String.fromCharCode(
mod(code + shift - codeSet(code), 26) + codeSet(code)
return char;
module.exports = caesar;

View file

@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
const caesar = require('./caesar-solution');
const caesar = require("./caesar");
test('works with single letters', () => {
expect(caesar('A', 1)).toBe('B');
test("works with single letters", () => {
expect(caesar("A", 1)).toBe("B");
test.skip('works with words', () => {
expect(caesar('Aaa', 1)).toBe('Bbb');
test.skip("works with words", () => {
expect(caesar("Aaa", 1)).toBe("Bbb");
test.skip('works with phrases', () => {
expect(caesar('Hello, World!', 5)).toBe('Mjqqt, Btwqi!');
test.skip("works with phrases", () => {
expect(caesar("Hello, World!", 5)).toBe("Mjqqt, Btwqi!");
test.skip('works with negative shift', () => {
expect(caesar('Mjqqt, Btwqi!', -5)).toBe('Hello, World!');
test.skip("works with negative shift", () => {
expect(caesar("Mjqqt, Btwqi!", -5)).toBe("Hello, World!");
test.skip('wraps', () => {
expect(caesar('Z', 1)).toBe('A');
test.skip("wraps", () => {
expect(caesar("Z", 1)).toBe("A");
test.skip('works with large shift factors', () => {
expect(caesar('Hello, World!', 75)).toBe('Ebiil, Tloia!');
test.skip("works with large shift factors", () => {
expect(caesar("Hello, World!", 75)).toBe("Ebiil, Tloia!");
test.skip('works with large negative shift factors', () => {
expect(caesar('Hello, World!', -29)).toBe('Ebiil, Tloia!');
test.skip("works with large negative shift factors", () => {
expect(caesar("Hello, World!", -29)).toBe("Ebiil, Tloia!");

View file

@ -10,17 +10,22 @@ If you have a suggestion to improve an exercise, an idea for a new exercise, or
## How To Use These Exercises
1. Fork and clone this repository. To learn how to fork a repository, see the GitHub documentation on how to [fork a repo](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/fork-a-repo).
* Copies of repositories on your machine are called clones. If you need help cloning to your local environment you can learn how from the GitHub documentation on [cloning a repository](https://docs.github.com/en/github/creating-cloning-and-archiving-repositories/cloning-a-repository-from-github/cloning-a-repository).
1. Fork and clone this repository. To learn how to fork a repository, see the GitHub documentation on how to [fork a repo](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/fork-a-repo).
- Copies of repositories on your machine are called clones. If you need help cloning to your local environment you can learn how from the GitHub documentation on [cloning a repository](https://docs.github.com/en/github/creating-cloning-and-archiving-repositories/cloning-a-repository-from-github/cloning-a-repository).
2. Before you start working on any execises, you should first ensure you have the following installed:
* **NPM**. You should have installed NPM already in our [Installing Node.js](https://www.theodinproject.com/paths/foundations/courses/foundations/lessons/installing-node-js) lesson. Just in case you need to check, type `npm --version` in your terminal. If you get back `Command 'npm' not found, but can be installed with:`, **do not follow the instructions in the terminal** to install with `apt-get` as this causes permission issues. Instead, go back to the installation lesson and install Node with NVM by following the instructions there.
* **Jest**. After cloning this repository to your local machine and installing NPM, go into the newly created directory (`cd javascript-exercises`) and run `npm install`. This will install Jest and set up the testing platform based on our preconfigured settings.
3. Each exercise includes 3 files: a markdown file with a description of the task, an empty (or mostly empty) JavaScript file, and a set of tests. To complete an exercise, you'll need to go to the exercise directory with `cd exerciseName` in the terminal and run `npm test exerciseName.spec.js`. This should run the test file and show you the output.
* When you first run a test, it will fail. This is by design! You must open the exercise file and write the code needed to get the test to pass.
- **NPM**. You should have installed NPM already in our [Installing Node.js](https://www.theodinproject.com/paths/foundations/courses/foundations/lessons/installing-node-js) lesson. Just in case you need to check, type `npm --version` in your terminal. If you get back `Command 'npm' not found, but can be installed with:`, **do not follow the instructions in the terminal** to install with `apt-get` as this causes permission issues. Instead, go back to the installation lesson and install Node with NVM by following the instructions there.
- **Jest**. After cloning this repository to your local machine and installing NPM, go into the newly created directory (`cd javascript-exercises`) and run `npm install`. This will install Jest and set up the testing platform based on our preconfigured settings.
3. Each exercise includes the following:
- A markdown file with a description of the task, an empty (or mostly empty) JavaScript file, and a set of tests.
- A `solutions` directory that contains a solution and the same test file with all of the tests unskipped.
To complete an exercise, you'll need to go to the exercise directory with `cd exerciseName` in the terminal and run `npm test exerciseName.spec.js`. This should run the test file and show you the output. When you first run a test, it will fail. This is by design! You must open the exercise file and write the code needed to get the test to pass.
4. Some of the exercises have test conditions defined in their spec file as `test.skip` compared to `test`. This is purposeful. After you pass one `test`, you will change the next `test.skip` to `test` and test your code again. You'll do this until all conditions are satisfied. **All tests must pass at the same time**, and you should not have any `test.skip` instances by the time you finish an exercise.
5. Once you successfully finish an exercise, check TOP's `solutions` branch to compare it with yours.
* You should not be checking the solution for an exercise until you finish it!
* Keep in mind that TOP's solution is not the only solution. Generally as long as all of the tests pass, your solution should be fine.
5. Once you successfully finish an exercise, check the `solutions` directory within each exercise to compare it with yours.
- You should not be checking the solution for an exercise until you finish it!
- Keep in mind that TOP's solution is not the only solution. Generally as long as all of the tests pass, your solution should be fine.
6. Do not submit your solutions to this repo, as any PRs that do so will be closed without merging.
**Note**: Due to the way Jest handles failed tests, it may return an exit code of 1 if any tests fail. NPM will interpret this as an error and you may see some `npm ERR!` messages after Jest runs. You can ignore these, or run your test with `npm test exerciseName.spec.js --silent` to supress the errors.

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
const pigLatin = function (string) {
return string
.split(" ")
.map((word) => {
const index = firstVowelIndex(word);
const beginning = word.slice(0, index);
const ending = word.slice(index);
return `${ending}${beginning}ay`;
.join(" ");
const firstVowelIndex = function (string) {
const vowels = string.match(/[aeiou]/g);
if (vowels[0] == "u" && string[string.indexOf(vowels[0]) - 1] == "q") {
return string.indexOf(vowels[1]);
return string.indexOf(vowels[0]);
module.exports = pigLatin;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
const pigLatin = require("./pigLatin");
// Topics
// * modules
// * strings
// Pig Latin
// Pig Latin is a made-up children's language that's intended to be confusing. test obeys a few simple rules (below) but when test's spoken quickly test's really difficult for non-children (and non-native speakers) to understand.
// Rule 1: If a word begins with a vowel sound, add an "ay" sound to the end of the word.
// Rule 2: If a word begins with a consonant sound, move test to the end of the word, and then add an "ay" sound to the end of the word.
// (There are a few more rules for edge cases, and there are regional variants too, but that should be enough to understand the tests.)
// See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pig_Latin for more details.
describe("translate", () => {
test("translates a word beginning with a vowel", () => {
test.skip("translates a word beginning with a consonant", () => {
test.skip("translates a word beginning with two consonants", () => {
test.skip("translates two words", () => {
expect(pigLatin("eat pie")).toBe("eatay iepay");
test.skip("translates a word beginning with three consonants", () => {
test.skip('counts "sch" as a single phoneme', () => {
test.skip('counts "qu" as a single phoneme', () => {
test.skip('counts "qu" as a consonant even when its preceded by a consonant', () => {
test.skip("translates many words", () => {
expect(pigLatin("the quick brown fox")).toBe("ethay ickquay ownbray oxfay");

View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
const snakeCase = function (string) {
// wtf case
string = string.replace(/\.\./g, " ");
// this splits up camelcase IF there are no spaces in the word
if (string.indexOf(" ") < 0) {
string = string.replace(/([A-Z])/g, " $1");
return string
.replace(/[,\?\.]/g, "")
.replace(/\-/g, " ")
.split(" ")
module.exports = snakeCase;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
const snakeCase = require("./snakeCase");
describe("snakeCase", () => {
test("works with simple lowercased phrases", () => {
expect(snakeCase("hello world")).toEqual("hello_world");
test.skip("works with Caps and punctuation", () => {
expect(snakeCase("Hello, World???")).toEqual("hello_world");
test.skip("works with longer phrases", () => {
expect(snakeCase("This is the song that never ends....")).toEqual(
test.skip("works with camel case", () => {
test.skip("works with kebab case", () => {
test.skip("works with WTF case", () => {