return { 'lualine.nvim', event = 'DeferredUIEnter', beforeAll = function() vim.g.lualine_laststatus = vim.o.laststatus if vim.fn.argc(-1) > 0 then -- Set an empty statusline until lualine loads. vim.o.statusline = ' ' else -- Hide the statusline on the starter page. vim.o.laststatus = 0 end end, before = function() require('lz.n').trigger_load({ 'mini.icons', 'aerial.nvim' }) if vim.g.colors_name == 'rose-pine' then require('lz.n').trigger_load('rose-pine') end end, after = function() local icons = require('icons') vim.o.laststatus = vim.g.lualine_laststatus require('lualine').setup({ options = { theme = 'auto', globalstatus = vim.o.laststatus == 3, disabled_filetypes = { statusline = { 'dashboard', 'alpha', 'ministarter', 'snacks_dashboard', }, }, sections = { lualine_a = { 'mode' }, lualine_b = { 'branch' }, lualine_c = { { 'diagnostics', symbols = { error = icons.diagnostics.Error, warn = icons.diagnostics.Warn, info = icons.diagnostics.Info, hint = icons.diagnostics.Hint, }, }, { 'filetype', icon_only = true, separator = '', padding = { left = 1, right = 0 }, }, { 'filename', path = 4, symbols = { readonly = ' 󰌾 ', modified = '' }, }, { 'aerial', sep = ' ', sep_icon = '', depth = 5, dense = false, dense_sep = '.', colored = true, }, }, lualine_x = { { function() ---@alias NoiceStatusOv {has:(fun():boolean), get:(fun():string), get_hl:(fun():string)} return require('noice') .api .status .command --[[@as NoiceStatusOv]] .get() end, cond = function() return package.loaded['noice'] and require('noice') .api .status .command --[[@as NoiceStatusOv]] .has() end, color = function() return MarleyVim.fg('Statement') end, }, { function() return ' ' .. require('dap').status() end, cond = function() return package.loaded['dap'] and require('dap').status ~= '' end, color = function() return MarleyVim.fg('debug') end, }, { 'diff', symbols = { added = icons.git.added, modified = icons.git.modified, removed = icons.git.removed, }, source = function() local gitsigns = vim.b.gitsigns_status_dict if gitsigns then return { added = gitsigns.added, modified = gitsigns.changed, removed = gitsigns.removed, } end end, }, }, lualine_y = { { 'progress', separator = ' ', padding = { left = 1, right = 0 } }, { 'location', padding = { left = 0, right = 1 } }, }, lualine_z = { function() return ' ' ..'%R') end, }, }, extensions = { 'neo-tree' }, }, }) end, }