return { '', event = 'DeferredUIEnter', before = function() require('lz.n').trigger_load('which-key.nvim') end, after = function() local ai = require('') ai.setup({ n_lines = 500, custom_textobjects = { -- code blOck o = ai.gen_spec.treesitter({ a = { '@block.outer', '@conditional.outer', '@loop.outer' }, i = { '@block.inner', '@conditional.inner', '@loop.inner' }, }), -- Class c = ai.gen_spec.treesitter({ a = '@class.outer', i = '@class.inner', }), -- Usage (fn call) u = ai.gen_spec.function_call(), -- Usage (to last .) U = ai.gen_spec.function_call({ name_pattern = '[%w_]' }), -- Digit d = { '%f[%d]%d+' }, -- word within casE (snake_case, CamelCase, etc) e = { { '%u[%l%d]+%f[^%l%d]', '%f[%S][%l%d]+%f[^%l%d]', '%f[%P][%l%d]+%f[^%l%d]', '^[%l%d]+%f[^%l%d]', }, '^().*()$', }, -- buffer g = { from = { line = 1, col = 1 }, to = { line = vim.fn.line('$'), col = math.max(vim.fn.getline('$'):len(), 1), }, }, }, }) local i = require('icons') local c = require('colors') local mkA = MarleyVim.wkSpec(c.around) local mkI = MarleyVim.wkSpec(c.inner) ---@param lhs string ---@param icon string ---@param opts table local function mkKey(lhs, icon, opts) if lhs:sub(1, 1) == 'a' then return mkA(lhs, nil, icon, opts) else return mkI(lhs, nil, icon, opts) end end local groups = { around = { 'a', i.around }, around_last = { 'al', i.around }, around_next = { 'an', i.around }, inner = { 'i', i.inner }, inner_last = { 'il', i.inner }, inner_next = { 'in', i.inner }, } local mappings = { { '', '', 'whitespace' }, { '"', '', 'double quotes' }, { "'", '', 'single quotes' }, { '`', '', 'backticks' }, { '(', '󰅲', '()' }, { ')', '󰅲', '() with ws' }, { '[', '󰅪', '[] block' }, { ']', '󰅪', '[] block with ws' }, { '{', '󰅩', '{} block' }, { '}', '󰅩', '{} block with ws' }, { '<', '󰅴', '<>' }, { '>', '󰅴', '<> with ws' }, { '_', '󱁐', 'underscores' }, { '?', '󰘎', 'user prompt' }, { 'a', i.lsp.Variable, 'argument' }, { 'b', '󰅲', ')]} block' }, { 'c', i.lsp.Class, 'class' }, { 'd', i.lsp.Number, 'numbers' }, { 'e', i.lsp.Variable, 'word within case' }, { 'f', i.lsp.Function, 'function' }, { 'g', i.lsp.File, 'entire buffer' }, { 'o', i.lsp.Control, 'block, conditional, loop' }, { 'q', i.lsp.String, 'quotes/backticks' }, { 't', '󰅴', 'tags' }, { 'u', i.lsp.Method, 'use/call' }, { 'U', i.lsp.Method, 'use/call without dot' }, } local spec = { mode = { 'o', 'x' } } for name, data in pairs(groups) do name = name:gsub('^around_', ''):gsub('^insude_', '') spec[#spec + 1] = mkKey(data[1], data[2], { group = name }) for _, item in ipairs(mappings) do spec[#spec + 1] = mkKey(data[1] .. item[1], item[2], { desc = item[3] }) end end require('which-key').add({ spec }) end, }