return { 'mini.hipatterns', event = { 'BufReadPost', 'BufWritePost', 'BufNewFile' }, after = function() local hipatterns = require('mini.hipatterns') -- Tailwind CSS support. local hls = {} local tailwindFts = { 'astro', 'css', 'heex', 'html', 'html-eex', 'javascript', 'javascriptreact', 'rust', 'svelte', 'typescript', 'typescriptreact', 'vue', } -- Reset hl groups when colorscheme changes. vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('ColorScheme', { callback = function() hls = {} end, }) hipatterns.setup({ highlighters = { hex_color = hipatterns.gen_highlighter.hex_color({ priority = 2000 }), shorthand = { pattern = '()#%x%x%x()%f[^%x%w]', group = function(_, _, data) ---@type string local match = data.full_match local r, g, b = match:sub(2, 2), match:sub(3, 3), match:sub(4, 4) local hex_color = '#' .. r .. r .. g .. g .. b .. b return MiniHipatterns.compute_hex_color_group(hex_color, 'bg') end, extmark_opts = { priority = 2000 }, }, tailwind = { pattern = function() if not vim.tbl_contains(tailwindFts, then return end return '%f[%w:-]()[%w:-]+%-[a-z%-]+%-%d+()%f[^%w:-]' end, group = function(_, _, m) ---@type string local match = m.full_match ---@type string, number? local color, shade = match:match('[%w-]+%-([a-z%-]+)%-(%d+)') shade = tonumber(shade) local c = require('colors') local bg = vim.tbl_get(c.tailwind, color, shade) if bg then local hl = 'MiniHipatternsTailwind' .. color .. shade if not hls[hl] then hls[hl] = true local bg_shade = shade == 500 and 950 or shade < 500 and 900 or 100 local fg = vim.tbl_get(c.tailwind, color, bg_shade) vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, hl, { bg = '#' .. bg, fg = '#' .. fg }) end return hl end end, extmark_opts = { priority = 2000 }, }, }, }) end, }