-- Snacks needs to be loaded very early, so it gets its own special file. local set = vim.keymap.set require('snacks').setup({ bigfile = { enabled = true }, notifier = { enabled = true }, quickfile = { enabled = true }, statuscolumn = { enabled = true }, words = { enabled = true }, scroll = { enabled = false }, }) -- Debuggers -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- _G.dd = function(...) Snacks.debug.inspect(...) end _G.bt = function() Snacks.debug.backtrace() end vim.print = _G.dd -- Notifier -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- set({ 'n' }, 'un', function() Snacks.notifier.hide() end, { desc = 'dismiss all notifications' }) -- Buffers -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- set({ 'n' }, 'bd', function() Snacks.bufdelete() end, { desc = 'delete buffer' }) set({ 'n' }, 'bo', function() Snacks.bufdelete.other() end, { desc = 'delete other buffers' }) -- Toggles -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- local toggle = Snacks.toggle toggle.option('spell', { name = 'spelling' }):map('us') toggle.option('wrap', { name = 'wrap' }):map('uw') toggle.option('relativenumber', { name = 'relative number' }):map('uL') toggle.line_number():map('ul') toggle.diagnostics():map('ud') toggle .option( 'conceallevel', { off = 0, on = vim.o.conceallevel > 0 and vim.o.conceallevel or 2 } ) :map('uc') toggle.treesitter():map('uT') if vim.lsp.inlay_hint then toggle.inlay_hints():map('uh') end toggle({ name = 'auto format (global)', get = function() return vim.g.autoformat == nil or vim.g.autoformat end, set = function(enable) vim.g.autoformat = (enable == nil and true) or enable vim.b.autoformat = nil end, }):map('uf') toggle({ name = 'auto format (buffer)', get = function() local buf = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local gopt = vim.g.autoformat local bopt = vim.b[buf].autoformat if bopt ~= nil then return bopt end return gopt == nil or gopt end, set = function(enable) vim.b.autoformat = (enable == nil and true) or enable end, }):map('uF') -- Git -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- set({ 'n' }, 'gb', function() Snacks.git.blame_line() end, { desc = 'git blame line' }) set({ 'n' }, 'gB', function() Snacks.gitbrowse() end, { desc = 'git browse (open)' }) set({ 'n' }, 'gY', function() Snacks.gitbrowse({ open = function(url) vim.fn.setreg('+', url) end, }) end, { desc = 'git browse (copy)' }) -- LazyGit -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- if vim.fn.executable('lazygit') == 1 then set({ 'n' }, 'gg', function() Snacks.lazygit({ cwd = MarleyVim.root() }) end, { desc = 'lazygit (root dir)' }) -- set({ 'n' }, 'gG', function() -- Snacks.lazygit() -- end, { desc = 'Lazygit (cwd)' }) set({ 'n' }, 'gf', function() Snacks.lazygit.log_file() end, { desc = 'lazygit current file history' }) set({ 'n' }, 'gl', function() Snacks.lazygit.log({ cwd = MarleyVim.root() }) end, { desc = 'Lazygit log' }) -- set({ 'n' }, 'gL', function() -- Snacks.lazygit.log() -- end, { desc = 'Lazygit log (cwd)' }) end