2013 lines
50 KiB
2013 lines
50 KiB
# eslint-disable eslint-comments/disable-enable-pair, max-lines
background: '#161925'
color0: '#161925'
color1: '#282C34'
color2: '#ED254E'
color3: '#71F79F'
color4: '#F9DC5C'
color5: '#7CB7FF'
color6: '#C74D89'
color7: '#00C1E4'
color8: '#DCDFE4'
color9: '#4C5058'
color10: '#FF4972'
color11: '#95FFC3'
color12: '#FFFF80'
color13: '#A0DBFF'
color14: '#EB71AD'
color15: '#24E5FF'
color16: '#FFFFFF'
gpg: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/drduh/config/master/gpg.conf
allowedHosts: '*'
s3Endpoint: s3.wasabisys.com
siteLogoUrl: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/megabyte-labs/install.doctor/master/home/dot_local/etc/branding/black-icon-128x128.png
siteName: Healthchecks
siteRoot: '/'
siteLogoUrl: https://gitlab.com/megabyte-labs/misc/assets/-/raw/master/logo/color3@10x.png
templatesUrl: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Lissy93/portainer-templates/main/templates.json
description: Uptime monitoring for Megabyte Labs managed web services
name: Uptime Monitoring
serverUrl: megabyte.space
# All JuiceFS volumes should be postfixed with "manhattan" so you should create private-manhattan, public-manhattan, user-manhattan, and docker-manhattan
juicefsVolumeNamePostfix: manhattan
kubernetesHost: kochab
macosRemoteLogin: 'on'
themeparkTheme: aquamarine
- https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/1037309320238203168/DhiWise---Figma-to-Code
- https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/1056467900248561542/Locofy-FREE-BETA---Figma-to-React%2C-React-Native%2C-HTML%2FCSS%2C-Next.js%2C-Gatsby
- buster-captcha-solver-for/mpbjkejclgfgadiemmefgebjfooflfhl
# - chatgpt-app-for-chrome-me/camppjleccjaphfdbohjdohecfnoikec
# - chatgpt-for-google/jgjaeacdkonaoafenlfkkkmbaopkbilf
# - compose-ai-ai-powered-wri/ddlbpiadoechcolndfeaonajmngmhblj
# - headless-recorder/djeegiggegleadkkbgopoonhjimgehda
# - hoppscotch-browser-extens/amknoiejhlmhancpahfcfcfhllgkpbld
# - jiffy-reader/lljedihjnnjjefafchaljkhbpfhfkdic
# - liner-chatgpt-google-assi/bmhcbmnbenmcecpmpepghooflbehcack
# - loom-–-screen-recorder-sc/liecbddmkiiihnedobmlmillhodjkdmb
# - replixai/nhfededlooagdmcpamafanjolhkekbbl
# - ai-based-grammar-checker/oldceeleldhonbafppcapldpdifcinji
- automa/infppggnoaenmfagbfknfkancpbljcca
# - bardeen-automate-manual-w/ihhkmalpkhkoedlmcnilbbhhbhnicjga
- bitly-powerful-short-link/iabeihobmhlgpkcgjiloemdbofjbdcic
- bitwarden-free-password-m/nngceckbapebfimnlniiiahkandclblb
# - briskine-email-templates/lmcngpkjkplipamgflhioabnhnopeabf
# - buffer/noojglkidnpfjbincgijbaiedldjfbhh
# - chrome-remote-desktop/inomeogfingihgjfjlpeplalcfajhgai
# - desktop-app-for-google-ta/lpofefdiokgmcdnnaigddelnfamkkghi
# - discoverly/dijhcpbkalfgkcebgoncjmfpbamihgaf
- emoji-keyboard-by-joypixe/ipdjnhgkpapgippgcgkfcbpdpcgifncb
# - falcon/mmifbbohghecjloeklpbinkjpbplfalb
# - floccus-bookmarks-sync/fnaicdffflnofjppbagibeoednhnbjhg
# - giphy-for-chrome/jlleokkdhkflpmghiioglgmnminbekdi
# - gitako-github-file-tree/giljefjcheohhamkjphiebfjnlphnokk
# - gnome-shell-integration/gphhapmejobijbbhgpjhcjognlahblep
# - google-dictionary-by-goog/mgijmajocgfcbeboacabfgobmjgjcoja
# - google-translate/aapbdbdomjkkjkaonfhkkikfgjllcleb
# - google-trends-supercharge/ocmojhiloccgbpjnkeiooioedaklapap
# - grepper/amaaokahonnfjjemodnpmeenfpnnbkco
# - gsconnect/jfnifeihccihocjbfcfhicmmgpjicaec
# - hunter-email-finder-exten/hgmhmanijnjhaffoampdlllchpolkdnj
# - huntr-job-search-tracker/mihdfbecejheednfigjpdacgeilhlmnf
# - hypertype/lohojfppjeknalpoklojhfnndocgekbd
# - json-resume-exporter/caobgmmcpklomkcckaenhjlokpmfbdec
- json-viewer-pro/eifflpmocdbdmepbjaopkkhbfmdgijcc
- magical-chatgpt-ai-writer/iibninhmiggehlcdolcilmhacighjamp
# - mailvelope/kajibbejlbohfaggdiogboambcijhkke
# - markdown-here/elifhakcjgalahccnjkneoccemfahfoa
# - metamask/nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn
# - notion-web-clipper/knheggckgoiihginacbkhaalnibhilkk
- octohint/hbkpjkfdheainjkkebeoofkpgddnnbpk
- pieces-save-code-snippets/igbgibhbfonhmjlechmeefimncpekepm
# - postman-interceptor/aicmkgpgakddgnaphhhpliifpcfhicfo
# - pushbullet/chlffgpmiacpedhhbkiomidkjlcfhogd
# - rakuten-get-cash-back-for/chhjbpecpncaggjpdakmflnfcopglcmi
- refined-github/hlepfoohegkhhmjieoechaddaejaokhf
# - save-to-google-drive/gmbmikajjgmnabiglmofipeabaddhgne
# - screenity-screen-recorder/kbbdabhdfibnancpjfhlkhafgdilcnji
- search-by-image/cnojnbdhbhnkbcieeekonklommdnndci
# - sessionbox-multi-login-to/megbklhjamjbcafknkgmokldgolkdfig
- singlefile/mpiodijhokgodhhofbcjdecpffjipkle
- sponsorblock-for-youtube/mnjggcdmjocbbbhaepdhchncahnbgone
# - toucan-language-learning/lokjgaehpcnlmkebpmjiofccpklbmoci
# - vimeo-record-screen-webca/ejfmffkmeigkphomnpabpdabfddeadcb
- vytal/ncbknoohfjmcfneopnfkapmkblaenokb
- web-archives/hkligngkgcpcolhcnkgccglchdafcnao
# - web-vitals/ahfhijdlegdabablpippeagghigmibma
firefoxPublicProfile: https://github.com/ProfessorManhattan/firefox-profile-with-plugins.git
- automa
- axe-devtools
- bitwarden-password-manager
# - buffer-for-firefox
- buster-captcha-solver
- canvasblocker
- chatgpt-for-google
- clearurls
- clockwork-dev-tools
- consent-o-matic
- decentraleyes
- dictionary-anyvhere
- duckduckgo-for-firefox
# - ebates
- emoji-sav
- facebook-container
- falcon_extension
# - firefox-translations # functionality now integrated into Firefox
# - floccus
# - giphy-for-firefox
# - gnome-shell-integration
- greasemonkey
# - hoppscotch
# - json-lite
- languagetool
# - pushbullet
# - mailvelope
# - markdown-here
- medium-unlimited-read-for-free
# - multi-account-containers
# - notion-web-clipper
- pieces-save-code-from-the-web
- private-relay
- profile-switcher
- refined-github-
- search_by_image
- single-file
- sponsorblock
- styl-us
- swift-selection-search
- tampermonkey
# - temporary-containers
- tiny_url
- torproject-snowflake
- tree-style-tab
- uaswitcher
- ublock-origin
- umatrix
# - undoclosetabbutton
- view-page-archive
- vue-js-devtools
- wappalyzer
- wayback-machine_new
- xdebug-helper-for-firefox
main: Montserrat Bold
shiftToSee: false
timeout: 9
whiteLabel: false
- aisleriot
- gnome-mahjongg
- gnome-mines
- gnome-sudoku
- rhythmbox
- cmake_cmake-gui.desktop
- display-im6.q16.desktop
- flutter_openurl.desktop
- htop.desktop
- scvim.desktop
theme: Betelgeuse
AI: &AI []
# - aider
# - ai-shell
# - aifiles
# - talksheet
# - tgpt
AI-Desktop: &AI-Desktop []
# - chatgpt-nofwl
# - chatgpt-menubar
# - gpt-engineer
# - langflow
# - mage-ai
# - shell-gpt
Android: &Android []
# - apktool
# - repo
# - scrcpy
Android-Desktop: &Android-Desktop []
# - android-studio
# - genymotion
# - scrcpy-gui
# - soduto
Anon: &Anon
- onionshare
Ansible: &Ansible []
# - ansible
# - ansibler
# - ansible-lint
# - ansibleconnect
# - awxcli
# - molecule
# - winrm-cli
Ansible-Roles: &Ansible-Roles []
# TODO: Implement these using chezmoiscripts
## - ssh
## - swarm
## - vpn
## - wsl
## - antivirus
## - common
# - connect
## - debloat
## - desktop
# - disks
## - dns
## - dnsmasq
## - environment
## - extensions
## - finish
## - firewall
## - fuse
## - guacamole
## - hosthomepage
## - hosts
# - motd
# - pfsense
# - pihole
# - pip
## - prepare
## - security
## - ssh
# - swarm
# - maas
Backup: &Backup
# - autorestic
# - backup
- ghorg
# - mackup
# - restic
# - sanoid
Backup-Desktop: &Backup-Desktop
# - cryptomator
# - seafile-client
- timeshift
Browsers: &Browsers
- w3m
Browsers-Desktop: &Browsers-Desktop
# - brave-browser
- google-chrome
# - chrome-cli
# - ferdium
- firefox
# - microsoft-edge
- tor-browser
# - act
# - argo-cli
# - drone-cli
# - fpm
# - github-runner
# - gitlab-runner
# - glen
- pipelight
# - tart
- atuin
- bash-completion
- bandwhich
- bat
- bat-extras
# - bottom
- broot
- carapace
- cheat
- chezmoi
- clipboard
- curl
- curlie
- delta
# - desk
- direnv
- docker-langserver
- dog
- dua
- duf
- dust
- empty-trash
- eza
- fcp
- fd
- firefox-profile
- fish-shell
- fkill
- fzf
# - ghcup
- git
# - microsoft-git
# - glances
- glow
- gnu
- gping
- gum
- hoard
- htmlq # htmlq is used by the the Firefox script
- hyfetch
- hyperfine
- jq
- lsd
# - mask
# - mc
# - navi
- nb
- neovim
- netcat
# - ntfy
- nmap
- nnn
- node
- nushell
# - oh-my-posh
# - pass
- postfix
- procs
- prettier
# - privoxy
- python2
- recoverpy
- ripgrep
- ripgrep-all
- rm-improved
- rsync
- sd
- sheldon
- solargraph
- sql-language-server
- task
- pkgx
- tmux
- topgrade
# - tor
- translate
- tree
- ugm
- vim
- volta
- xpanes
- xxh
- watchexec
# - watchman
- wget
- whalebrew
- wifi-password
- yq
- zoxide
- zsh
- zx
# - zenity
CLI-Extras: &CLI-Extras
- ack
- airdrop-cli
# - axel
- bin
- bitly
- brew-gem
# - brew-pkg
- charm
- cod
# - desed
- difftastic
# - dockutil
# - doitlive
- duti
- ejs
# - emplace
- emoj
- fdupes
- fig
- figlet
# - filebrowser
- forever
- fm
# - gitmoji-cli
# - gopass
- grex
- gron
- has
- handlr
# - helix
- hexyl
# - hstr
- http-prompt
- httpie
- httpstat
- howdoi
# - hurl
# - imgur-uploader
- is-up
- jiq
- jqp
- just
- kcpassword
- litecli
- lolcat
# - marp
- mods
- mycli
# - neofetch
- nomino
- normit
# - nve
- obsidian-cli
# - opn-cli
- pastel
- peco
# - percol
# - pfsense-fauxapi
- pick
# - pidcat
- pgcli
- pueue
- pywhat
# - resume
- s-search
- sad
# - safe-rm
# - search-gpt
- shml
- shx
- slack-term
- slides
- social-analyzer
- soft-serve
- speed-test
- statcode
- stegcloak
- thefuck
- tldr
- xdotool
- timewarrior
- tmuxinator
- up
# - vdirsyncer
- wallpaper-cli
- wego
- whereami
- wipe-modules
- xh
- xz
- yank
- zsh-completions
Cloud: &Cloud
# - awscli
# - aws-shell
# - azure-cli
# - azure-functions
# - budibase-cli
# - consul-cli
# - curator
- doctl
# - envconsul
# - fission
# - fly
# - gcloud
- heroku-cli
# - infracost
# - juju
- lexicon
# - logcli
# - mongodb-atlas
# - nextcloud
# - psu
# - rancher-cli
Cloud-Storage: &Cloud-Storage
# - gdrive
# - gphotos-sync
- rclone
# - s5cmd
Compression: &Compression
- p7zip
- pigz
Communication: &Communication []
# - apprise
# - irssi
Communication-Desktop: &Communication-Desktop
- *Communication
- adium
# - discord
# - element
# - microsoft-teams
# - jitsi-meet
# - keybase
- pidgin
# - skype
# - slack
# - telegram
- vesktop
# - zoom
Crypto: &Crypto
- cointop
# - monero
# - monero-cli
# - mymonero
Crypto-Desktop: &Crypto-Desktop []
# - ledger-live
# - onlykey
# - blocky
- hostctl
# - iodine
- switchhosts
Data-Manipulation: &Data-Manipulation
- dasel
- fq
# - fselect
- fx
- gojq
# - hclq
- jc
- jo
- jq
- miller
- oq
# - osquery
- pup
- ramda
- schema
- sttr
- taplo
- textql
- toml-sort
- xsv
- xurls
- yj
- yq
Database: &Database
- iredis
- mariadb
# - mongodb
# - octosql
- sqlite
- steampipe
- usql
Database-Desktop: &Database-Desktop
- beekeeper-studio
- medis
# - mongodb-compass
Development-Tools-Desktop: &Development-Tools-Desktop
# - github-desktop
- httpie-desktop
# - intellij-idea-ce
- meld
# - powershell
# - redis-desktop-manager
- redis-insight
# - visual-studio
- warp-terminal
- wezterm
# - winui-gallery
# - wpfui
# - xcode
# - xcodes
# - xcodes-app
# - xcpretty
# - x64dbg
Docker: &Docker
# - bane
# - clair
# - container-structure-test
# - dive
# - docker-pushrm
# - docker-slim
# - dockle
# - dockly
# - footloose
# - grype
- trivy
- trufflehog
E-mail: &E-mail
# - himalaya
- mailsy
E-mail-Desktop: &E-mail-Desktop
- m-cli
- mailspring
- protonmail-import-export
- protonmail-bridge
# - thunderbird
Engineering-Desktop: &Engineering-Desktop []
# - arduino-ide
# - cutter
# - fritzing
Essentials: &Essentials
- clamav
- docker
- meta-package-manager
- openssl-osx-ca
# - rkhunter
Essentials-Desktop: &Essentials-Desktop
# - autokey
# - bismuth
# - codeedit
- eul
- firefox
- flow-launcher
- gnome
- iina
- kvantum
# - lapce
- malwarebytes
- mpv
- portmaster
- rofi
- sddm
- spacedrive
# - tabby
- vlc
# - vscode
File-System: &File-System
# - duck
# - glusterfs
# - goofys
- sshfs
File-System-Desktop: &File-System-Desktop []
# - cyberduck
Finance: &Finance []
# - infracost
Finance-Desktop: &Finance-Desktop []
# - tradingview
Games-Desktop: &Games-Desktop
# - mudlet # MUD client
- steam
Git: &Git
# - aicommits
- commitizen
- gh
- gist
- git
# - gitql
- git-bug
- git-branchless
- git-extras
- git-filter-repo
- git-jump
- git-lfs
- git-open
# - git-secret
- git-subrepo
- git-town
- gitomatic
- git-stats
# - gitui
# - glab
# - hub
- lazygit
- multi-gitter
# - opencommit
# - repo
# - starred
# - tig
Git-Desktop: &Git-Desktop
# - github-classroom-assistant
- gitify
# - gitkraken
Git-Project-Tools: &Git-Project-Tools
- appnest-readme
- commitlint
# - git-notify
- hbs-cli
- husky
- liquidjs
- pnpm-lock-export
- synp
- yarnhook
Go: &Go
# - delve
- go
- goreleaser
# - go-outline
- gomodifytags
- gopkgs
- gopls
- gotests
- impl
- staticcheck
# - wails
Home: &Home []
# - go-chromecast
Kubernetes: &Kubernetes []
# - cmctl
# - kdash
# - kn
# TODO: Check if some of these are installed by Krew and remove if they are
# - krew
# - kubectx
# - kubekey
# - kubenav
# - kube-shell
# - kubernetes-cli
# - helm
# - helmfile
# - helm-docs
# - kubernetes-kompose
# - kubeval
# - k9s
# - kustomize
# - linkerd2
# - minikube
# - openshift-cli
# - skaffold
# - tilt
# - velero
Kubernetes-Desktop: &Kubernetes-Desktop []
# - lens
Linting: &Linting
# - ansible-lint
- cloc
- dockfmt
- dotenv-linter
# - dprint
- eslint
- eslint-dashboard
- eslintd
- esprint
- gitleaks
- golangci-lint
# - hadolint
- markdownlint-cli
- prettierd
# - pre-commit
- psscriptanalyzer
- reek
- rubocop
- ruff
- shellcheck
- shfmt
# - swiftformat
# - tflint
# - tfsec
- tokei
# - trunk
- vale
- yamllint
- yapf
Logging: &Logging []
# - fuego
# - papertrail
# - rsyslog
# - runitor
# - sentry-cli
# - unbuffer
Media: &Media
# - alda
# - beets
# - crunch
# - exiftool
- ffmpeg
- gifsicle
- imagemagick
- jpegoptim
- korkut
- lux
- pandoc
- sharp
- spotdl
- svgo
# - tinypng
- vidmerger
- wkhtmltopdf
- you-get
- youtube-dl
- yt-dlp
Media-Desktop: &Media-Desktop
# - airtame
# - audacity
# - balenaetcher
# - blender
# - brasero
# - crunch-app
# - gimp
# - handbrake
# - inkscape
# - kdenlive
# - kodi
# - krita
# - lollypop
# - obs-studio
# - plex
# - plex-htpc
# - plex-media-server
# - prezi-video
# - raspberry-pi-imager
# - shotcut
# - shotwell
- upscayl
- vlc
# - youtube-music
Misc-Desktop: &Misc-Desktop
- _misc-flatpaks
- _nautilus-extensions
# - barrier
# - cakebrew
- chrome-remote-desktop-host
# - clocker
- devtoys
- devtoys-windows
# - drawio
- eartrumpet
- edex-ui
# - envpane
# - google-assistant
- gnome-tweaks
- hiddenbar
- keycastr
- linkliar
# - logi-options-plus
# - logi-tune
- mark-text
# - meetingbar
- modern-flyouts
- monitorcontrol
- openinterminal
- pake
# - pock
- polybar
- pretzel
# - privileges
- qlplugins
# - remote-desktop
# - remmina
- rofi
# - rustdesk
- secretive
# - stats
- swiftbar
# - teamviewer
# - tigervnc
# - xpra
Misc-Development-Tools: &Misc-Development-Tools
- ansifilter
# - aqua
- astronvim
# - automake
# - bazelisk
# - binwalk
- bfg
- bundler
# - carthage
- cmake
# - cocoapods
# - codeclimate Errors it out because it requires Docker to be installed
# - dotnet
- expect
# - fury
# - gradle
# - ideviceinstaller
# - ios-deploy
# - ios-sim
- java
# - jenv
- libimobiledevice
- license
# - lightproxy
- lua
# - makeself
- meta
# - mono
# - ninja
- ntl
# - nugetpackageexplorer
# - openjdk
# - platformio
# - please
# - porter
# - proxyman
# - pushpin
- rust
# - snapcraft
# - solidity
# - swimat
# - tomcat
- upx
# - windows-adk
# - windows-admin-center
- windows-power-toys
- caddy
- certbot
- cfssl
- gixy
- mkcert
- nginx
- nginx-unit
# - maas
- ngxtop
Network-Enabled: &Network-Enabled
- cockpit
- cups
- lexicon
- squid
Networking: &Networking
# - etcd
# - cloudflared
# - glusterfs
# - juicefs
# - mole
# - mutagen
# - nebula
# - ngrok
# - privaxy
# - pwnat
- rustscan
- ssl-proxy
# - tailscale
# - warp
Orchestration: &Orchestration
- dagu
# - nomad
# - pm2
# - robotframework
- sake
# - waypoint
- composer
- php
Package-Management: &Package-Management
# - homebrew
- whalebrew
- eget
- gup
- mise
- syncpack
# - ultra
- zap
Productivity-Desktop: &Productivity-Desktop
# - alt-tab
# - amethyst
- espanso
# - fiscript
- languagetool
# - libreoffice
# - microsoft-office
# - notion
- obsidian
- raycast
- skhd
Python: &Python
- flake8
- isort
# - mambaforge
- poetry
- python
- virtualenv
Recording: &Recording
- asciinema
# - blackhole
- carbon-now
- dframe
- t-rec
- terminalizer
- vhs
Recording-Desktop: &Recording-Desktop
- flameshot
# - kap
# - peek
- sharex
Ruby: &Ruby
- ruby
# - assh
- endlessh
# - fabric
- fail2ban
# - hss
# - mosh
- openssh-server
- skm
- ssh-vault
- sshpass
- sshs
# - sync-ssh-keys
# - teleport
- tmate
# - wetty
- wishlist
Security: &Security
- bitwarden-cli
# - boringtun
- debsecan
# - dotenv-vault
- envchain
# - envconsul
# - envio
# - onlykey-agent
# - onlykey-cli
- openssl
- pony
- protonvpn-cli
# - quark-engine
# - scap-security-guide
- skate
- ssh-vault
# - sshuttle
# - teller
# - vault
- wireguard-client
- wireguard-tools
# - yubikey-manager
Security-Desktop: &Security-Desktop
- bitwarden
- lulu
- portmaster
# - privileges
- protonvpn
- santa
# - swifty
- tunnelblick
# - yubikey-authenticator
# - yubikey-manager-qt
Server: &Server
- cockpit
- cups
- easyengine
- haproxy
# - netdata
- redis
- samba
- sftpgo
- wazuh
Shell-Scripting: &Shell-Scripting
- argc
- bashly
# - bats
- shc
- shdoc
- shellcheck
- shfmt
Social-Networking: &Social-Networking
- enola
- holehe
- social-analyzer
# - t
Hacking: &Hacking []
# - ettercap
# - john
Sys-Admin: &Sys-Admin
- arping
# - ctop
# - fleetctl
# - goaccess
# - gtop
# - htop
# - ipmitool
- iproute2mac
# - masscan
# - plumber
- prefsniff
# - pulumi
# - rtop
# - supervisor
# - sysbench
# - sysdig
- sysz
- ugm
# - upt
# - winrm-cli
# - wireshark-cli
Sys-Admin-Desktop: &Sys-Admin-Desktop
# - networkmanager
# - pppc-utility
# - quasar
- recuva
- sloth
- snitch
- wireshark
Templates: &Templates
# - confd
# - consul-template
# - cookiecutter
- gomplate
Terraform: &Terraform []
# - aiac
# - terraform
# - tfenv
# - tflint
Testing: &Testing []
# - allure
# - appium
# - molecule
Transfer: &Transfer
# - aria2
- croc
# - dat
- ffsend
- gdown
# - magic-wormhole
# - nitroshare
- ots
- portal
- share
- syncthing
- lsyncd
- unison
Transfer-Desktop: &Transfer-Desktop
# - dat-desktop
# - google-drive
- motrix
- qbittorrent
- sparkleshare
- webtorrent
Utilities: &Utilities
- blueutil
# - nativefier
Virtualization: &Virtualization
# - d2vm
# - distrobox
- kvm
- libguestfs-tools
# - lxdc
# - lxd-ui
# - packer
# - quickemu
# - vagrant
# - vagrant-vmware-utility
# - vermin
Virtualization-Desktop: &Virtualization-Desktop
- docker-desktop
- gnome-boxes
# - parallels
# - quickgui
- utm
# - vagrant-manager
- virtualbox
# - vmware
Web-Development: &Web-Development
# - angular-cli
# - autodoc
- auto-install
# - browser-sync
# - bun
- caniuse
# - capacitor
# - cloudflare-cli
# - coder
# - cordova
- deno
# - deta
# - devbox
# - devspace
- electron
- emma
# - fastify
# - fastlane
# - feathers
# - firebase
# - flutter
# - generator-ngx-rocket
- gfi
- gulp
- hey
- htmlhint
- hugo
# - ionic
- imageoptim-cli
# - ipfs
# - ipfs-deploy
- jest
# - json-server
- lighthouse
- localtunnel
# - mailcatcher
- majestic
# - medusa
# - mitmproxy
- muffet
# - nativescript
- ncc
# - nectar
# - nest
# - newman
- ngrok
- node-prune
- nodemon
- np
- npkill
- npm-check # Similar to npm-check-updates
- npm-check-updates
# - nx
- oclif
# - osx-sign
- package-size
- page-fetch
- pageres
- patch-package
# - pipedream-cli
# - pkg
# - playwright
- pnpm
# - projen
# - psi
# - quicktype
- semantic-release
- serve
# - serverless
# - shuttle
# - sphinx
- storybook
- surge
# - trellis
- ts2c
- turbo
- typescript
- typescript-to-lua
# - web-ext
- websocat
# - wordpressify
# - wp-cli
# - wrangler
- wrk
- yarn
# - zola
Web-Development-Desktop: &Web-Development-Desktop
# - altair
# - betwixt
# - fiddler
# - figma
# - google-web-designer
# - http-toolkit
- imagine
- imageoptim
# - ipfs-desktop
# - mjml
# - markmap
# - mockoon
# - mqttx
# - ndb
- phpmon
- pieces
- pieces-os
- pieces-cli
- pika
# - postman
- responsively
- runjs
# - wordpresscom
# - zaproxy
_Basic: &_Basic
- *CLI
- *Compression
- *Essentials
- endlessh
- fail2ban
- openssh-server
_General-Purpose-Server: &_General-Purpose-Server
- *CLI
- *Database
- *Essentials
- *File-System
- *PHP
- *Python
- *Ruby
- *SSH
- *Sys-Admin
- *Transfer
- *Virtualization
- ansifilter
- aqua
- astronvim
- automake
# - autorestic
- bat
- bfg
- boringtun
# - buildkite-agent
- clamav
# - cloudflared
- cmake
- cockpit
- docker
- dotnet
- envchain
# - etcd
# - exiftool
- expect
- ffmpeg
- filebrowser
# - fury
- git
- git-extras
- git-filter-repo
- git-lfs
# - git-secret
- git-subrepo
# - gitlab-runner
- gitomatic
- glusterfs
- go
- gomplate
# - goofys
# - gradle
- imagemagick
- java
# - libimobiledevice
# - nebula
# - netdata
- openssh-server
# - pm2
- rclone
# - restic
# - rkhunter
- rust
- sake
- samba
# - sapling
- sftpgo
- sharp
- skate
# - snapcraft
# - solidity
- sqlite
- ssh-vault
- sshfs
# - teller
# - tinypng
- upx
# - warp
- wazuh
# - windows-adk
# - windows-admin-center
- windows-power-toys
_Basic-Desktop: &_Basic-Desktop
- *_Basic
- *Essentials-Desktop
- firewall-applet
- firewall-config
- mas
- plymouth
- stacer
_Standard: &_Standard
- *_Basic
- *Backup
- *Cloud-Storage
- bitwarden-cli
# - discord
# - gitkraken
# - jitsi-meet
# - microsoft-teams
# - plex-htpc
- slack
- thunderbird
- yubico-authenticator
# - zoom
_Standard-Desktop: &_Standard-Desktop
- *_Basic-Desktop
- *Backup-Desktop
- *Communication-Desktop
- *Media-Desktop
- *Misc-Desktop
- *Productivity-Desktop
- *Recording-Desktop
- *Virtualization-Desktop
- bitwarden
- bottles
# - brave-browser
- mailspring
- protonvpn
# - tailscale
# - warp
_Full: &_Full
- *_Standard
- *AI
- *Android
- *Ansible
- *Backup
- *Browsers
- *CI
- *CLI-Extras
- *Cloud
- *Cloud-Storage
- *Crypto
- *DNS
- *Data-Manipulation
- *Database
- *Docker
- *E-mail
- *File-System
- *Finance
- *Git
- *Git-Project-Tools
- *Go
- *Hacking
- *Home
- *Kubernetes
- *Linting
- *Logging
- *Media
- *Misc-Development-Tools
- *Network-Enabled
- *Networking
- *Orchestration
- *PHP
- *Package-Management
- *Python
- *Recording
- *Ruby
- *SSH
- *Security
- *Server
- *Shell-Scripting
- *Social-Networking
- *Sys-Admin
- *Terraform
- *Templates
- *Testing
- *Transfer
- *Utilities
- *Virtualization
- *Web-Development
_Full-Desktop: &_Full-Desktop
- *_Full
- *_Standard-Desktop
- *AI-Desktop
- *Android-Desktop
- *Backup-Desktop
- *Browsers-Desktop
- *Communication-Desktop
- *Crypto-Desktop
- *Database-Desktop
- *Development-Tools-Desktop
- *E-mail-Desktop
- *Engineering-Desktop
- *File-System-Desktop
- *Finance-Desktop
- *Games-Desktop
- *Git-Desktop
- *Kubernetes-Desktop
- *Media-Desktop
- *Misc-Desktop
- *Productivity-Desktop
- *Recording-Desktop
- *Security-Desktop
- *Sys-Admin-Desktop
- *Transfer-Desktop
- *Virtualization-Desktop
- *Web-Development-Desktop
# - browsersaurus
- monitorcontrol
- warp-terminal
- *_Basic
- *_Basic-Desktop
- *_Basic
- *_Basic-Desktop
- *Docker
- *_Full-Desktop
- *Anon
- *Crypto
- *Crypto-Desktop
- *_Full-Desktop
__hostname__gpg-tmpl: []
- *Kubernetes
- *Kubernetes-Desktop
- *Networking
- maas
- *Media
- *Media-Desktop
- *Communication-Desktop
- *Productivity-Desktop
__hostname__personal-tmpl: []
__hostname__provision-tmpl: []
- *Networking
- filezilla
- remote-desktop
- teamviewer
- *Backup
- *Docker
- *Networking
- swarm
__hostname__util-tmpl: []
- onlykey
__hostname__vpn-pritunl-tmpl: []
- protonvpn
- vpn
- tailscale
- warp
__hostname__vpn-tmpl: []
- *Browsers-Desktop
__hostname__work-tmpl: []
- vector
# helm repo add cloudflare-exporter https://lablabs.github.io/cloudflare-exporter/ && helm install cloudflare-exporter/cloudflare-exporter
- name: cloudflare-exporter
url: https://lablabs.github.io/cloudflare-exporter/
pkg: cloudflare-exporter/cloudflare-exporter
- name: juicefs
url: https://juicedata.github.io/charts/
pkg: juicefs/juicefs-csi-driver
cmd: null
- https://github.com/BalliAsghar/mailsy-alfred/releases/download/2.0.0/Mailsy.alfredworkflow
cmd: bash -c 'if ! sdkmanager --list_installed | grep "{PLUGIN}" > /dev/null; then echo y | sdkmanager --install "{PLUGIN}"; fi'
- add-ons;addon-google_apis-google-24
# - build-tools;31.0.0
# - build-tools;32.0.0
# - build-tools;33.0.2
- build-tools;34.0.0
- cmake;3.22.1
- cmdline-tools;latest
- emulator
- extras;android;m2repository
- extras;google;auto
- extras;google;google_play_services
- extras;google;instantapps
- extras;google;m2repository
- extras;google;market_apk_expansion
- extras;google;market_licensing
- extras;google;simulators
- extras;google;webdriver
- extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout-solver;1.0.2
- extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout;1.0.2
- ndk-bundle
- platform-tools
# - platforms;android-31
# - platforms;android-32
# - platforms;android-33
- platforms;android-34
- skiaparser;3
# - sources;android-31
# - sources;android-32
# - sources;android-33
- sources;android-34
# - system-images;android-31;default;x86_64
# - system-images;android-32;android-desktop;x86_64
# - system-images;android-33-ext5;google_apis_playstore;arm64-v8a
# - system-images;android-33-ext5;google_apis_playstore;x86_64
# - system-images;android-33;android-automotive;arm64-v8a
# - system-images;android-33;android-automotive;x86_64
# - system-images;android-33;android-desktop;arm64-v8a
# - system-images;android-33;android-desktop;x86_64
# - system-images;android-33;android-tv;arm64-v8a
# - system-images;android-33;android-tv;x86
# - system-images;android-33;android-wear;arm64-v8a
# - system-images;android-33;android-wear;x86_64
# - system-images;android-33;aosp_atd;arm64-v8a
# - system-images;android-33;aosp_atd;x86_64
# - system-images;android-33;default;arm64-v8a
# - system-images;android-33;default;x86_64
# - system-images;android-33;google-tv;arm64-v8a
# - system-images;android-33;google-tv;x86
# - system-images;android-33;google_apis;arm64-v8a
# - system-images;android-33;google_apis;x86_64
# - system-images;android-33;google_apis_playstore;arm64-v8a
# - system-images;android-33;google_apis_playstore;x86_64
# - system-images;android-33;google_atd;arm64-v8a
# - system-images;android-33;google_atd;x86_64
- system-images;android-34-ext8;google_apis_playstore;arm64-v8a
- system-images;android-34-ext8;google_apis_playstore;x86_64
- system-images;android-34;android-tv;arm64-v8a
- system-images;android-34;android-tv;x86
- system-images;android-34;default;arm64-v8a
- system-images;android-34;default;x86_64
- system-images;android-34;google-tv;arm64-v8a
- system-images;android-34;google-tv;x86
- system-images;android-34;google_apis;arm64-v8a
- system-images;android-34;google_apis;x86_64
- system-images;android-34;google_apis_playstore;arm64-v8a
- system-images;android-34;google_apis_playstore;x86_64
# - system-images;android-TiramisuPrivacySandbox;google_apis;arm64-v8a
# - system-images;android-TiramisuPrivacySandbox;google_apis;x86_64
# - system-images;android-TiramisuPrivacySandbox;google_apis_playstore;arm64-v8a
# - system-images;android-TiramisuPrivacySandbox;google_apis_playstore;x86_64
# - system-images;android-UpsideDownCakePrivacySandbox;google_apis_playstore;arm64-v8a
# - system-images;android-UpsideDownCakePrivacySandbox;google_apis_playstore;x86_64
cmd: null
- deployer/deployer
cmd: bash -c 'if ! docker extension list | grep "$(echo "{PLUGIN}" | sed 's/\:.*//')" > /dev/null; then echo y | docker extension install "{PLUGIN}"; fi'
- ambassador/telepresence-docker-extension:1.0.19
- docker/disk-usage-extension:0.2.8
- docker/logs-explorer-extension:0.2.5
- docker/resource-usage-extension
- docker/volumes-backup-extension:1.1.4
- drone/drone-ci-docker-extension:0.2.0
- mutagenio/docker-desktop-extension:0.17.3
- okteto/docker-desktop-extension:0.3.3
- portainer/portainer-docker-extension:2.19.3
- redhatdeveloper/openshift-dd-ext
- snyk/snyk-docker-desktop-extension:0.7.4
# - tailscale/docker-extension:1.0.1
when: docker extension list &> /dev/null
cmd: bash -c 'if ! docker image list | awk \'{print $1 " " $2}\' | grep "{PLUGIN}" > /dev/null; then docker pull "{PLUGIN}"; fi'
- alpine:latest
- postgres:10
- postgres:12
- postgres:latest
- ubuntu:latest
cmd: bash -c 'if ! docker plugin ls | grep "{PLUGIN}" > /dev/null; then echo y | docker plugin install "{PLUGIN}"; fi'
# TODO - Add https://github.com/ContainX/docker-volume-netshare
- juicedata/juicefs
- n0r1skcom/docker-volume-cephfs
- sapk/plugin-rclone
- vieux/sshfs
when: docker plugin ls &> /dev/null
cmd: bash -c 'if ! dotnet tool list -g | grep "{PLUGIN}" > /dev/null; then dotnet tool install -g "{PLUGIN}"; fi'
- Cake.Tool
- microsoft.cst.attacksurfaceanalyzer.cli
- dotnet-format
- git-credential-manager
cmd: bash -c 'if ! gcloud components list | grep "^..Installed.*{PLUGIN}" > /dev/null; then echo "Installing.." && gcloud components install --quiet "{PLUGIN}"; fi'
- app-engine-go
- cloud-datastore-emulator
- cloud-firestore-emulator
- cloud-run-proxy
- gke-gcloud-auth-plugin
- log-streaming
- pubsub-emulator
# - terraform-tools
update: gcloud components update
cmd: bash -c 'if [ -f "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/shell/private.sh" ]; then source "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/shell/private.sh"; fi && if [ -n "$GITHUB_TOKEN" ] && ! gh extension list | grep "{PLUGIN}" > /dev/null; then gh extension install "{PLUGIN}"; fi'
- abdfnx/gh-tran
- dlvhdr/gh-dash
- github/gh-net
- mislav/gh-cp
cmd: bash -c 'if [ ! -f "${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/install.doctor/intellij-idea-ce" ] || ! cat "${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/install.doctor/intellij-idea-ce" | grep "${PLUGIN}" &> /dev/null; then idea installPlugins "{PLUGIN}" && mkdir -p "${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/install.doctor" && echo "{PLUGIN}" >> "${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/install.doctor/intellij-idea-ce"; fi'
# - AngularJS
- app.pieces.plugins.jetbrains
- com.dmarcotte.handlebars
# - com.github.copilot
- com.github.masahirosuzuka.PhoneGapIntelliJPlugin
# - com.jetbrains.edu
- com.jetbrains.rust
# - com.wakatime.intellij.plugin
- org.intellij.plugins.hcl
- com.intellij.lang.jsgraphql
- com.chrisrm.idea.MaterialThemeUI
- name.kropp.intellij.makefile
# - com.genymotion.idea
- Docker
- io.flutter
# - Dart
# - Jetbrains TeamCity Plugin
- mobi.hsz.idea.gitignore
- NodeJS
- org.editorconfig.editorconfigjetbrains
- org.intellij.plugins.markdown
- org.jetbrains.completion.full.line
- org.jetbrains.plugins.go-template
cmd: bash -c '{PLUGIN}'
- if ! helm plugin list | grep "Preview helm upgrade changes as a diff" > /dev/null; then helm plugin install https://github.com/databus23/helm-diff; fi
- if ! helm plugin list | grep "Query at a given interval a Prometheus, ElasticSearch or Sentry instance." > /dev/null; then helm plugin install https://github.com/ContainerSolutions/helm-monitor; fi
- if ! helm plugin list | grep "This plugin provides secrets values encryption for Helm charts secure storing" > /dev/null; then helm plugin install https://github.com/jkroepke/helm-secrets; fi
cmd: bash -c 'if ! kubectl krew list | grep "^{PLUGIN}$" > /dev/null; then if ! kubectl krew search "{PLUGIN}" | grep " unavailable on " > /dev/null; then kubectl krew install "{PLUGIN}"; else echo "UNSUPPORTED PLATFORM - {PLUGIN} is not supported on the current platform"; fi; fi'
- access-matrix
- cert-manager
- cost
- ctx
- datree
- deprecations
# flyte fails to install on macOS arm64
# W1105 install.go:164] failed to install plugin "flyte": plugin "flyte" does not offer installation for this platform
- flyte
- get-all
- graph
# ingress-nginx fails to install on macOS arm64
# W1105 install.go:164] failed to install plugin "ingress-nginx": plugin "ingress-nginx" does not offer installation for this platform
- ingress-nginx
- karmada
- konfig
- kyverno
- liqo
- minio
- modify-secret
- neat
- node-shell
- ns
- oidc-login
- resource-capacity
- score
- sniff
- tail
- tree
- tunnel
- view-allocations
# virt fails to install on macOS arm64
# W1105 install.go:164] failed to install plugin "virt": plugin "virt" does not offer installation for this platform
- virt
# warp fails to install on macOS arm64
# W1105 install.go:164] failed to install plugin "warp": plugin "warp" does not offer installation for this platform
- warp
- who-can
cmd: |
#!/usr/bin/env bash
PLUGIN_FOLDER="$(echo "{PLUGIN}" | sed 's/.*\/\(.*\)$/\1/')"
MAIN_TMP="$(mktemp)" && curl -sSL "{PLUGIN}/releases/latest/download/main.js" > "$MAIN_TMP"
MANIFEST_TMP="$(mktemp)" && curl -sSL "{PLUGIN}/releases/latest/download/manifest.json" > "$MANIFEST_TMP"
curl -sSL "{PLUGIN}/releases/latest/download/styles.css" > "$STYLES_TMP" || unset STYLES_TMP
find "$HOME/Documents" -type d -maxdepth 5 -name ".obsidian" | while read OBSIDIAN_DIR; do
mkdir -p "${OBSIDIAN_DIR}/plugins/${PLUGIN_FOLDER}"
cp -f "$MAIN_TMP" "${OBSIDIAN_DIR}/plugins/${PLUGIN_FOLDER}/main.js"
cp -f "$MANIFEST_TMP" "${OBSIDIAN_DIR}/plugins/${PLUGIN_FOLDER}/manifest.json"
if [ -n "$STYLES_TMP" ]; then
cp -f "$STYLES_TMP" "${OBSIDIAN_DIR}/plugins/${PLUGIN_FOLDER}/styles.css"
- https://github.com/aidenlx/media-extended
# - https://github.com/alangrainger/obsidian-google-photos
- https://github.com/aleksey-rezvov/obsidian-local-images
- https://github.com/alexandru-dinu/obsidian-sortable
- https://github.com/AlexW00/obsidian-note-linker
- https://github.com/argenos/nldates-obsidian
- https://github.com/bingryan/obsidian-markdown-export-plugin
- https://github.com/blacksmithgu/obsidian-dataview
# - https://github.com/bramses/chatgpt-md
- https://github.com/Canna71/obsidian-janitor
- https://github.com/caronchen/obsidian-epub-plugin
# - https://github.com/CIMSTA/obsidiosaurus
- https://github.com/Clemens-E/obsidian-languagetool-plugin
- https://github.com/coddingtonbear/obsidian-local-rest-api
- https://github.com/dartungar/obsidian-mermaid
# - https://github.com/davish/obsidian-full-calendar
- https://github.com/deathau/cm-editor-syntax-highlight-obsidian
- https://github.com/deathau/csv-obsidian
- https://github.com/denolehov/obsidian-git
# - https://github.com/devbean/obsidian-wordpress
# - https://github.com/dexin-qi/obsidian-sync-calendar
- https://github.com/dhamaniasad/obsidian-rich-links
# - https://github.com/different-ai/obsidian-ava
# - https://github.com/EasyChris/obsidian-to-notion
- https://github.com/Ellpeck/ObsidianCustomFrames
- https://github.com/FlorianWoelki/obsidian-iconize
- https://github.com/ganesshkumar/obsidian-table-editor
# - https://github.com/getmatterapp/obsidian-matter
- https://github.com/HEmile/obsidian-search-on-internet
- https://github.com/hipstersmoothie/obsidian-plugin-toc
# - https://github.com/ivan-lednev/obsidian-day-planner
# - https://github.com/jamesmagoo/nostr-writer
- https://github.com/javalent/settings-search
# - https://github.com/joethei/obsidian-rss
# - https://github.com/jonstodle/obsius-obsidian-plugin
# - https://github.com/khoj-ai/khoj
- https://github.com/liamcain/obsidian-calendar-plugin
- https://github.com/liamcain/obsidian-periodic-notes
- https://github.com/linjunpop/obsidian-gist
- https://github.com/lukeleppan/better-word-count
- https://github.com/lukeleppan/obsidian-discordrpc
- https://github.com/Make-md/makemd
- https://github.com/marcjulianschwarz/obsidian-file-link
# - https://github.com/marcusolsson/obsidian-projects
- https://github.com/mcndt/obsidian-quickshare
- https://github.com/meld-cp/obsidian-encrypt
# - https://github.com/mgmeyers/obsidian-kanban
- https://github.com/mgmeyers/obsidian-style-settings
- https://github.com/mProjectsCode/obsidian-meta-bind-plugin
- https://github.com/MrGVSV/obsidian-github-embeds
# - https://github.com/MSzturc/obsidian-advanced-slides
# - https://github.com/noatpad/obsidian-banners
# - https://github.com/NomarCub/obsidian-open-vscode
# - https://github.com/nybbles/obsidian-pocket
# - https://github.com/Obsidian-Desci/Obsidian-Desci
- https://github.com/obsidian-tasks-group/obsidian-tasks
- https://github.com/obsidianmd/obsidian-importer
# - https://github.com/ObsidianPublisher/obsidian-github-publisher
- https://github.com/oeN/liquid-template
- https://github.com/OliverBalfour/obsidian-pandoc
- https://github.com/oliveryh/obsidian-emoji-toolbar
# - https://github.com/omnivore-app/obsidian-omnivore
- https://github.com/ozntel/file-tree-alternative
- https://github.com/phibr0/obsidian-charts
- https://github.com/phibr0/obsidian-dictionary
- https://github.com/pieces-app/obsidian-pieces
- https://github.com/platers/obsidian-linter
# - https://github.com/polyipseity/obsidian-terminal
- https://github.com/ravimashru/obsidian-show-file-path
- https://github.com/sbquinlan/obsidian-handlebars
- https://github.com/scambier/obsidian-omnisearch
- https://github.com/snezhig/obsidian-front-matter-title
# - https://github.com/tadashi-aikawa/obsidian-various-complements-plugin
# - https://github.com/trashhalo/obsidian-webhooks
- https://github.com/twentytwokhz/language-translator
- https://github.com/twibiral/obsidian-execute-code
- https://github.com/Vinzent03/find-unlinked-files
- https://github.com/Vinzent03/obsidian-advanced-uri
# - https://github.com/weichenw/obsidian-hypothesis-plugin
# - https://github.com/xryul/obsidian-image-converter
# - https://github.com/YukiGasai/obsidian-google-calendar
# - https://github.com/YukiGasai/obsidian-google-tasks
# - https://github.com/zsviczian/excalibrain
# - https://github.com/zsviczian/obsidian-excalidraw-plugin
# raycast: Manually install Raycast extensions - no CLI method
cmd: bash -c 'if [ ! -f /tmp/steampipe-plugin-list ]; then steampipe plugin list > /tmp/steampipe-plugin-list; fi && if ! cat /tmp/steampipe-plugin-list | grep "{PLUGIN}" > /dev/null; then steampipe plugin install "{PLUGIN}"; fi'
# - algolia
# - aws
# - azure
# - azuread
# - azuredevops
# - bitbucket
# - buildkite
# - cloudflare
- code
- config
# - consul
- csv
- digitalocean
- docker
# - gcp
- github
# - googledirectory
# - googlesheets
# - googleworkspace
# - grafana
- heroku
- hibp
- imap
- ipinfo
# - jira
# - jumpcloud
# - kubernetes
# - ldap
- linkedin
- mastodon
- net
# - nomad
# - openai
- openapi
# - prometheus
- reddit
- rss
# - sentry
# - shopify
# - slack
# - stripe
- tailscale
# - terraform
# - trivy
# - twilio
- vercel
- whois
# - ernw/openstack
- theapsgroup/gitlab
# - theapsgroup/keycloak
# - theapsgroup/vault
- twitter
update: steampipe plugin update --all
cmd: echo "Teams plugins are installed via the Teams app"
- name: Pieces
plugin: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/app/789f23b3-d882-45ca-b3a3-de7f850656ea
cmd: bash -c 'if ! vagrant plugin list | grep "{PLUGIN}" > /dev/null; then vagrant plugin install "{PLUGIN}"; fi'
- vagrant-bindfs
- vagrant-digitalocean
- vagrant-google
- vagrant-hostmanager
- vagrant-libvirt
# Dependency issues
# - vagrant-openstack-provider
# - vagrant-openstack
# - vagrant-parallels
# Dependency issue
# - vagrant-proxmox
- vagrant-share
- vagrant-vbguest
- vagrant-vmware-desktop
- vagrant-xenserver
cmd: null # VSIXInstaller.exe can be used to install a local file. The first step is to download the plugin file. https://gist.github.com/ScottHutchinson/b22339c3d3688da5c9b477281e258400
# - GitHub.copilotvs
- TemplateStudio.TemplateStudioForWinUICs
- lepo.wpf-ui
- https://github.com/airblade/vim-gitgutter.git
- https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale.git
- https://github.com/editorconfig/editorconfig-vim.git
- https://github.com/ekalinin/dockerfile.vim.git
- https://github.com/fatih/vim-go.git
# - https://github.com/github/copilot.vim
- https://github.com/hdima/python-syntax.git
- https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.git
- https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.vim.git
- https://github.com/kristijanhusak/vim-carbon-now-sh.git
- https://github.com/mxw/vim-jsx.git
- https://github.com/Yggdroot/indentLine
- https://github.com/nanotee/zoxide.vim.git
- https://github.com/pangloss/vim-javascript.git
# - https://github.com/pearofducks/ansible-vim.git
- https://github.com/plasticboy/vim-markdown.git
- https://github.com/sheerun/vim-polyglot.git
- https://github.com/prettier/vim-prettier.git
- https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons.git
- https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree.git
- https://github.com/stanangeloff/php.vim.git
- https://github.com/terryma/vim-multiple-cursors.git
- https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive.git
- https://github.com/tpope/vim-sensible.git
- https://github.com/justinmk/vim-sneak.git
- https://github.com/tpope/vim-surround.git
- https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline.git
- https://github.com/vim-syntastic/syntastic.git
- https://github.com/leafgarland/typescript-vim.git
# Handled by script that looks at ~/.config/Code/extensions.json
# vscode:
# cmd: bash -c 'if ! code --list-extensions | grep "{PLUGIN}" > /dev/null; then code --install-extension "{PLUGIN}"; fi'
# plugins:
# - GitHub.copilot
# vscodium:
# cmd: bash -c 'if ! codium --list-extensions | grep "{PLUGIN}" > /dev/null; then codium --install-extension "{PLUGIN}"; fi'
# plugins:
# - GitHub.copilot
- bismuth
- latte-dock
- nautilus
- nautilus-gtkhash
- nautilus-search-tool
- kde-settings-qubes
- kdeplasma-addons
- konsole
- kscreen
- kvantum
- plymouth-kcm
- sssd-kcm
- sddm-kcm
mirageUrl: https://github.com/mirage/qubes-mirage-firewall/releases/latest/download/mirage-firewall.tar.bz2
promptKeyboards: false
provisionVM: provision
# - centos-8
# - centos-8-minimal
# - debian-10
- debian-11
- debian-11-minimal
- fedora-37
- fedora-38
- fedora-38-minimal
# - gentoo
# - gentoo-minimal
# - kali
- whonix-gw-16
- whonix-ws-16
- https://qubes.3isec.org/Templates_4.1/qubes-template-archlinux-4.0.6-202204171510.noarch.rpm
- https://qubes.3isec.org/Templates_4.1/qubes-template-debian-12-4.0.6-202208292254.noarch.rpm
- https://qubes.3isec.org/Templates_4.1/qubes-template-jammy-4.0.6-202205012228.noarch.rpm
- warp-terminal