" This script is sourced while editing the .vim file with the tests. " When the script is successful the .res file will be created. " Errors are appended to the test.log file. " " To execute only specific test functions, add a second argument. It will be " matched against the names of the Test_ funtion. E.g.: " ../vim -Nu NONE vimrc -S lib/run_test.vim test_channel.vim open_delay " The output can be found in the "messages" file. " " The test script may contain anything, only functions that start with " "Test_" are special. These will be invoked and should contain assert " functions. See test_assert.vim for an example. " " It is possible to source other files that contain "Test_" functions. This " can speed up testing, since Vim does not need to restart. But be careful " that the tests do not interfere with each other. " " If an error cannot be detected properly with an assert function add the " error to the v:errors list: " call add(v:errors, 'test foo failed: Cannot find xyz') " " If preparation for each Test_ function is needed, define a SetUp function. " It will be called before each Test_ function. " " If cleanup after each Test_ function is needed, define a TearDown function. " It will be called after each Test_ function. " " When debugging a test it can be useful to add messages to v:errors: " call add(v:errors, "this happened") " " But for real debug logging: " call ch_log( ",,,message..." ) " Then view it in 'debuglog' " Let a test take up to 1 minute let s:single_test_timeout = 60000 " Restrict the runtimepath to the exact minimum needed for testing let &rtp = getcwd() . '/lib' set rtp +=$VIM/vimfiles,$VIMRUNTIME,$VIM/vimfiles/after call ch_logfile( 'debuglog', 'w' ) " For consistency run all tests with 'nocompatible' set. " This also enables use of line continuation. set nocp " Use utf-8 by default, instead of whatever the system default happens to be. " Individual tests can overrule this at the top of the file. set encoding=utf-8 " Avoid stopping at the "hit enter" prompt set nomore " Output all messages in English. lang messages C " Always use forward slashes. set shellslash func s:TestFailed() if pyxeval( '"ycm_state" in globals()' ) let logs = pyxeval( 'ycm_state.GetLogfiles()' ) for log_name in sort( keys( logs ) ) let log = readfile( logs[ log_name ] ) let logfile = s:testid_filesafe . '_' . log_name . '.testlog' call writefile( log, logfile, 's' ) call add( s:messages, \ 'Wrote ' \ . log_name \ . ' log for failed test: ' \ . logfile ) call add( s:messages, '**** LOG FILE ' . log_name . ' ****' ) call extend( s:messages, log ) endfor endif endfunc func! Abort( timer_id ) call assert_report( 'Test timed out!!!' ) qa! endfunc func RunTheTest(test) echo 'Executing ' . a:test " Avoid stopping at the "hit enter" prompt set nomore " Avoid a three second wait when a message is about to be overwritten by the " mode message. set noshowmode " Clear any overrides. call test_override('ALL', 0) " Some tests wipe out buffers. To be consistent, always wipe out all " buffers. %bwipe! " The test may change the current directory. Save and restore the " directory after executing the test. let save_cwd = getcwd() if exists("*SetUp_" . a:test) try exe 'call SetUp_' . a:test catch call add(v:errors, \ 'Caught exception in SetUp_' . a:test . ' before ' \ . a:test \ . ': ' \ . v:exception \ . ' @ ' \ . g:testpath \ . ':' \ . v:throwpoint) endtry endif if exists("*SetUp") try call SetUp() catch call add(v:errors, \ 'Caught exception in SetUp() before ' \ . a:test \ . ': ' \ . v:exception \ . ' @ ' \ . g:testpath \ . ':' \ . v:throwpoint) endtry endif call add(s:messages, 'Executing ' . a:test) let s:done += 1 let timer = timer_start( s:single_test_timeout, funcref( 'Abort' ) ) try let s:test = a:test let s:testid = g:testpath . ':' . a:test let test_filesafe = substitute( a:test, '[)(,:]', '_', 'g' ) let s:testid_filesafe = g:testpath . '_' . test_filesafe au VimLeavePre * call EarlyExit(s:test) call ch_log( 'StartTest: ' . a:test ) messages clear exe 'call ' . a:test " We require that tests either don't make errors or that they call messages " clear call assert_true( \ empty( execute( 'messages' ) ), \ 'Test ' \ .. a:test \ .. ' produced unexpected messages output ' \ .. string( execute( 'messages' ) ) \ .. ' (hint: call :messages clear if this is expected, ' \ .. 'or use :silent)' ) call ch_log( 'EndTest: ' . a:test ) au! VimLeavePre catch /^\cskipped/ let v:errors = [] call ch_log( 'Skipped: ' . a:test ) call add(s:messages, ' Skipped') call add(s:skipped, \ 'SKIPPED ' . a:test \ . ': ' \ . substitute(v:exception, '^\S*\s\+', '', '')) catch call ch_log( 'Catch: ' . a:test ) call add(v:errors, \ 'Caught exception in ' . a:test \ . ': ' \ . v:exception \ . ' @ ' \ . g:testpath \ . ':' \ . v:throwpoint) call s:TestFailed() endtry call timer_stop( timer ) " In case 'insertmode' was set and something went wrong, make sure it is " reset to avoid trouble with anything else. set noinsertmode if exists("*TearDown") try call TearDown() catch call add(v:errors, \ 'Caught exception in TearDown() after ' . a:test \ . ': ' \ . v:exception \ . ' @ ' \ . g:testpath \ . ':' \ . v:throwpoint) endtry endif if exists("*TearDown_" . a:test) try exe 'call TearDown_' . a:test catch call add(v:errors, \ 'Caught exception in TearDown_' . a:test . ' after ' . a:test \ . ': ' \ . v:exception \ . ' @ ' \ . g:testpath \ . ':' \ . v:throwpoint) endtry endif " Clear any autocommands au! call test_override( 'ALL', 0 ) %bwipe! " Close any extra tab pages and windows and make the current one not modified. while tabpagenr('$') > 1 quit! endwhile while 1 let wincount = winnr('$') if wincount == 1 break endif bwipe! if wincount == winnr('$') " Did not manage to close a window. only! break endif endwhile exe 'cd ' . save_cwd endfunc func AfterTheTest() if len(v:errors) > 0 let s:fail += 1 call s:TestFailed() call add(s:errors, 'Found errors in ' . s:testid . ':') call extend(s:errors, v:errors) let v:errors = [] endif endfunc func EarlyExit(test) " It's OK for the test we use to test the quit detection. call add(v:errors, 'Test caused Vim to exit: ' . a:test) call FinishTesting() endfunc " This function can be called by a test if it wants to abort testing. func FinishTesting() call AfterTheTest() " Don't write viminfo on exit. set viminfo= if s:fail == 0 " Success, create the .res file so that make knows it's done. call writefile( [], g:testname . '.res', 's' ) endif if len(s:errors) > 0 " Append errors to test.log let l = [] if filereadable( 'test.log' ) let l = readfile( 'test.log' ) endif call writefile( l->extend( [ '', 'From ' . g:testpath . ':' ] ) \ ->extend( s:errors ), \ 'test.log', \ 's' ) endif if s:done == 0 let message = 'NO tests executed' else let message = 'Executed ' . s:done . (s:done > 1 ? ' tests' : ' test') endif echo message call add(s:messages, message) if s:fail > 0 let message = s:fail . ' FAILED:' echo message call add(s:messages, message) call extend(s:messages, s:errors) endif " Add SKIPPED messages call extend(s:messages, s:skipped) " Append messages to the file "messages" let l = [] if filereadable( 'messages' ) let l = readfile( 'messages' ) endif call writefile( l->extend( [ '', 'From ' . g:testpath . ':' ] ) \ ->extend( s:messages ), \ 'messages', \ 's' ) if exists( '$COVERAGE' ) && pyxeval( '_cov is not None' ) pyx _cov.stop() pyx _cov.save() endif if s:fail > 0 cquit! else qall! endif endfunc " Source the test script. First grab the file name, in case the script " navigates away. g:testname can be used by the tests. let g:testname = expand('%') let g:testpath = expand('%:p') let s:done = 0 let s:fail = 0 let s:errors = [] let s:messages = [] let s:skipped = [] try source % catch let s:fail += 1 call add(s:errors, \ 'Caught exception: ' . \ v:exception . \ ' @ ' . v:throwpoint) endtry " Names of flaky tests. let s:flaky_tests = [] " Pattern indicating a common flaky test failure. let s:flaky_errors_re = '__does_not_match__' " Locate Test_ functions and execute them. redir @q silent function /^Test_ redir END let s:tests = split(substitute(@q, 'function \(\k*()\)', '\1', 'g')) " If there is an extra argument filter the function names against it. if argc() > 1 let s:tests = filter(s:tests, 'v:val =~ argv(1)') endif pyx <