ALE Elixir Integration                                     *ale-elixir-options*

mix                                                            *ale-elixir-mix*

The `mix` linter is disabled by default, as it can be too expensive to run.
See `:help g:ale_linters`

g:ale_elixir_mix_options                             *g:ale_elixir_mix_options*
  Type: |String|
  Default: `'mix'`

  This variable can be changed to specify the mix executable.

mix_format                                              *ale-elixir-mix-format*

g:ale_elixir_mix_format_options               *g:ale_elixir_mix_format_options*
  Type: |String|
  Default: `''`

  This variable can be changed to specify the mix options passed to the
  mix_format fixer

dialyxir                                                  *ale-elixir-dialyxir*

Dialyzer, a DIscrepancy AnaLYZer for ERlang programs.

It can be used with elixir through dialyxir

Options for dialyzer are not configurable by ale, but they are instead
configured on your project's `mix.exs`.

See https://github.com/jeremyjh/dialyxir#with-explaining-stuff for more

elixir-ls                                                *ale-elixir-elixir-ls*

Elixir Language Server (https://github.com/JakeBecker/elixir-ls)

g:ale_elixir_elixir_ls_release                 *g:ale_elixir_elixir_ls_release*
  Type: |String|
  Default: `'elixir-ls'`

  Location of the elixir-ls release directory. This directory must contain
  the language server scripts (language_server.sh and language_server.bat).

g:ale_elixir_elixir_ls_config                   *g:ale_elixir_elixir_ls_config*
  Type: |Dictionary|
  Default: `{}`

  Dictionary containing configuration settings that will be passed to the
  language server. For example, to disable Dialyzer: >
    \   'elixirLS': {
    \     'dialyzerEnabled': v:false,
    \   },
    \ }
  Consult the ElixirLS documentation for more information about settings.

credo                                                        *ale-elixir-credo*

Credo (https://github.com/rrrene/credo)

g:ale_elixir_credo_strict                           *g:ale_elixir_credo_strict*

  Type: |Integer|
  Default: `0`

  Tells credo to run in strict mode or suggest mode.  Set variable to 1 to
  enable --strict mode.

g:ale_elixir_credo_config_file                 *g:ale_elixir_credo_config_file*

  Type: |String|
  Default: `''`

  Tells credo to use a custom configuration file.

cspell                                                      *ale-elixir-cspell*

See |ale-cspell-options|
