diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..be7ab0f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#### Requirements
+#### Required Info
+- [ ] I have searched the [issues](https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/issues) for my issue and found nothing related and/or helpful
+- [ ] I have read or at least glanced at the [FAQ](https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/wiki/FAQ-&-Troubleshooting)
+- [ ] I have read or at least glanced at the [Wiki](https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/wiki)
+- [ ] `VimDevIcons` is the last loaded vim plugin?
+- [ ] What **version** of vim are you using?
+ - hint: `vim --version`
+- [ ] What **font** are you using?
+- [ ] Are you using vim from the terminal or a GUI vim?
+- [ ] Are you using Mac, Linux or Windows?
+#### Optional Info
+- [ ] Provide **screenshots** where appropriate
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e0950a03
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+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#### Requirements (please check off with 'x')
+- [ ] I have read the [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
+- [ ] I have read or at least glanced at the [FAQ](https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons#faq--troubleshooting)
+- [ ] I have read or at least glanced at the [Wiki](https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/wiki)
+#### What does this Pull Request (PR) do?
+#### How should this be manually tested?
+#### Any background context you can provide?
+#### What are the relevant tickets (if any)?
+#### Screenshots (if appropriate or helpful)
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/.github/workflows/ci.yml
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index 00000000..91a278bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/.github/workflows/ci.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+name: CI
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - master
+ pull_request:
+ branches:
+ - master
+ test:
+ name: Test
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ vim:
+ - v9.0.0000
+ - v8.2.1000
+ - v8.2.0000
+ - v8.1.0000
+ - v8.0.0000
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout code
+ uses: actions/checkout@main
+ - name: Checkout vim-themis
+ uses: actions/checkout@main
+ with:
+ repository: thinca/vim-themis
+ path: vim-themis
+ - name: Setup Vim
+ uses: rhysd/action-setup-vim@v1
+ id: vim
+ with:
+ version: ${{ matrix.vim }}
+ - name: Test
+ env:
+ THEMIS_VIM: ${{ steps.vim.outputs.executable }}
+ run: ./vim-themis/bin/themis --reporter spec
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/.github/workflows/vint.yml b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/.github/workflows/vint.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b642131
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/.github/workflows/vint.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+name: vint
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - master
+ pull_request:
+ branches:
+ - master
+ build:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ python-version: [3.8]
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@main
+ - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
+ uses: actions/setup-python@main
+ with:
+ python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
+ - name: Install dependencies
+ run: |
+ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
+ - name: Install vint
+ run: |
+ pip install vim-vint
+ - name: Run vint
+ run: |
+ vint --verbose --stat $(find . -type f -name '*.vim')
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/.gitignore b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dded3349
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..735d5f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/.gitrepo
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+; DO NOT EDIT (unless you know what you are doing)
+; This subdirectory is a git "subrepo", and this file is maintained by the
+; git-subrepo command. See https://github.com/git-commands/git-subrepo#readme
+ remote = https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons.git
+ branch = master
+ commit = 71f239af28b7214eebb60d4ea5bd040291fb7e33
+ parent = fe1ac6d7e91d0055b82a6b20906b18e922b322a4
+ method = merge
+ cmdver = 0.4.3
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/CHANGELOG.md b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/CHANGELOG.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5fa504dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+This project is using [Semantic Versioning 2.0.0](http://semver.org/)
+- v0.11.0
+ - Added Docker filetypes support (PR #228) (@IngoHeimbach)
+ - Added Swift filetypes support (PR #252) (@motform)
+ - Added Elixir filetypes support (PR #244) (@akoutmos)
+ - Added configuration for 'prePadding' (fixes #231)
+ - Added support for `vue` filetype extensions out-of-the-box (fixes #235)
+ - Added configuration for 'DevIconsArtifactFix' (#225)
+ - Added leftrelease override to work on single mouse click (PR #246) (@Matrix86)
+ - Added Travis CI with vim linting (PR #236) (@kutsan)
+ - Fixed Vim-Startify no longer working "out of the box" (#233)
+ - Fixed Denite information being discarded (fixes #216) (PR #229 @carlitux)
+ - Fixed inconsistent spacing between folder and file glyphs (fixes #213)
+ - Updated variable declarations and refactored into set function (PR #237) (@kutsan)
+ - Updated plugin initialization functions to autoload on demand (PR #238) (@kutsan)
+ - Updated documentation and refactored massively to Wiki (PR #232) (@kutsan)
+ - Updated `vim` glyph to better glyph (fixes #234)
+ - Updated Readme screenshots and badges
+- v0.10.0
+ - Added support for symlink directories (PR #221) (@mhartington)
+ - Added missing Denite config in readme (PR #217, fixes #205) (@mohamadLy)
+ - Fixed NERDTree folder open bug with cascade setting (fixes #194)
+ - Fixed potential issue with Vim-Airline (PR #219) (@chrisbra)
+ - Fixed readme.md (removed duplicate section) (PR #222) (@thehappydinoa)
+ - Updated Vim-Airline Repo link in readme (PR #220) (@chrisbra)
+- v0.9.3
+ - Added `tsx` filetype (PR #210) (@dustinblackman)
+ - Updated links of [deprecated kien/ctrlp](https://github.com/kien/ctrlp.vim) to [active ctrlp fork](https://github.com/ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim) (PR #211) (@haxorjim)
+ - Updated MacOS and Windows `guifont` examples with alternate format (fixes #208)
+- v0.9.2
+ - Added `yaml` filetype (PR #207) (@jpoppe)
+ - Added mention of `vim-workspace` as an integrated plugin (PR #206) (@bagrat)
+ - Fixed NERDTree keymap `U` open folder icon bug (fixes #189)
+- v0.9.1
+ - Added `sass` filetype (PR #202) (@toastal)
+ - Fixed NERDTree open/close folder icon bugs (fixes #194)
+ - Fixed airline conflict with file enconding `skip_expected_string` feature (fixes #203)
+ - Fixed possible glyph artifacts on open/close folder glyphs
+- v0.9.0
+ - Added support for [Denite](https://github.com/Shougo/denite.nvim) (PR #191) (@0phoff)
+ - Added symbol for byte order marker (BOM) (utf-8) (PR #199) (@Snaptags)
+ - Added support for `.zshrc`, `.vimrc`, `pp` (Puppet classes extensions), and `Vagrantfile` filetypes (enhancement #200) (@kiyanwang)
+ - Added support for `h`, `hpp`, `hxx` (C/C++ header filetype extensions) (enhancement #190)
+ - Added support for `bash`, `zsh`, `ksh`, `csh`, `awk`, `ps1` (script extensions) (enhancement #196)
+ - Added support for `rmd` (R Markdown) (partially fixes #195)
+ - Fixes opened folders titles padding/spacing offset (fixes #197)
+- v0.8.6
+ - Added support for vimfiler explorer mode (fixes #171)
+ - Added `doc/tags` to `.gitignore` (PR #182) (@doronbehar)
+ - Added warning to readme pertaining to old versions of NERDTree and CtrlP (PR #177, fixes #174) (@Melon-Bread)
+ - Fixes CtrlP buffer names (PR #185) (@HerringtonDarkholme)
+ - Fixes character encoding issue in vim doc (PR #178) (@mhartington)
+ - Fixes extraneous space after glyph in airline (PR #184) (@tbodt)
+ - Fixes errors when NERDTree not present (PR #187) (@blueyed)
+ - Updated Contributor Covenant to `v1.4`
+ - Updated API examples
+- v0.8.5
+ - Fixed errors in neovim (E670) (PR #163, fixes #162) (@mhartington)
+ - Fixed issue of updating NERDTree window via `CursorHoldUpdate` (PR #166) (@svanharmelen)
+ - Fixes updating of special buffer when selected
+ - Fixes potential issues CtrlP opening in wrong buffer when NERDTree is opened
+ - Fixed issue with CtrlP `:CtrlPMRU` always defaulting to current buffer (fixes #88)
+ - Also adds glyphs to other CtrlP modes besides MRU as a side effect
+ - Fixed documentation discrepency on pluging load order (PR #169) (@F1LT3R)
+ - Fixed documentation related to CtrlP MRU mode (PR #170, fixes #168) (@F1LT3R)
+- v0.8.4
+ - Fixed always warning about deprecated CtrlP version (fixes #137)
+ - Fixed missing configuration info about pattern based symbols (fixes #152)
+ - Fixed `WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol` method iterator missing `break` (PR #156) (@blueyed)
+ - Fixed a typo in the readme (PR #159) (@SSARCandy)
+ - Added reference to [tiagofumo/vim-nerdtree-syntax-highlight](https://github.com/tiagofumo/vim-nerdtree-syntax-highlight) in readme (PR #161) (@tiagofumo)
+ - However, the [FAQ](https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/wiki/FAQ) has been moved to the [Wiki](https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/wiki) in this release
+- v0.8.3
+ - Fixed NERDTree not displaying glyph (icon) for newly created files (fixes #153)
+ - Also adds info to readme about `updatetime`
+ - Fixed resourcing `vimrc` not maintaining current NERDTree state (fixes #154)
+ - Adds new public methods `webdevicons#hardRefresh()` and `webdevicons#softRefresh()`
+ - Makes public method `webdevicons#refresh()` do a 'soft' refresh
+ - Fixed various source formatting and implemented most of vim lint ([vint](https://github.com/Kuniwak/vint)) recommendations
+ - Added public methods available to readme
+- v0.8.2
+ - Updated `jsx` filetype (using React glyph) (enhancement PR #148) (@alpertuna)
+ - Added issue and pull request templates
+- v0.8.1
+ - Fixed Unite display issues (absolute paths and/or duplicate paths) (fixes #140)
+ - Fixed custom CtrlP open function causing 'E16' (fixes #115)
+ - Fixed typo in readme for setting default folder glyph (PR #143)
+ - Added documentation for highlighting icon/glyphs only (not just entire lines) in NERDTree (fixes #142)
+- v0.8.0
+ - Added support for more [unite](https://github.com/Shougo/unite.vim) actions: `file_rec/async`, `file_rec/neovim`, `file_rec/neovim2`, `file_rec/git` (enhancement PR #132, fixes #131) (@mhartington)
+ - Improved Darwin detection by using a lighter method/logic (#135) (@delphinus35)
+ - Fixes `NERDTree-C` (fix PR #139) (@endenwer)
+ - Fixes error using open/close symbols for folder (fixes #130)
+- v0.7.1
+ - Misc readme updates
+ - Fixed performance issues and odd graphical artifacts in v0.7.0 (fixes #127)
+ - Improved installation instructions and re-organized some items to [Nerd Fonts repo](https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts) (PR #129, fixes #125, #128) (@her)
+- v0.7.0
+ - Deprecated support for [kien/ctrlp](https://github.com/kien/ctrlp.vim) and only support [active ctrlp fork](https://github.com/ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim) going forward (fixes #117)
+ - Added information to readme about [vim-startify](https://github.com/mhinz/vim-startify) support (enhancement #94)
+ - Added information to readme with possible fix to 'Dots after icons' (fixes #110) (@KabbAmine)
+ - Added support for 'cljc' (Clojure) filetypes (fix PR #120) (@spacepluk)
+ - Fixed certain folders in NERDTree showing file glyphs (based on pattern matching) (fixes #112)
+ - Fixed OS icon being display with as Linux Tux on Mac (fixes #118,fix PR #121) (@trodrigu)
+ - Fixed deprecated Linux font path in readme (fix PR #123) (@jrobeson)
+- v0.6.1
+ - Fixed likely breaking bug: undefined variable g:DevIconsEnableFoldersOpenClose (fixes #109)
+ - Fixed up the changelog details
+- v0.6.0
+ - Added support for [Powerline](https://github.com/powerline/powerline) (enhancement PR #74) (@delphinus35)
+ - Added support for 'ts' (TypeScript) filetypes (enhancement #79)
+ - Added support for 'jl' (Julia) filetypes
+ - Added support for 'bat' (batch) filetypes
+ - Added support for 'ejs' (Embedded JavaScript Templates) filetypes (enhancement #105) (@lerrua)
+ - Added support for 'react.jsx' filetype
+ - Added support for 'procfile' filetype
+ - Changed default 'go' filetype glyph to a better one
+ - Added open & close folder glyphs (icons) (enhancement #104)
+ - Fixed new files not having icons until refreshing NERDTree (fixes #33)
+ - Solution very similar to [nerdtree-git-plugin](https://github.com/Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin)
+- v0.5.4
+ - Misc readme updates
+ - Add support for ocaml 'ml', 'mli' filetypes (enhancement PR #99) (@CharlieMartell)
+ - Add support for 'sql' and 'dump' filetypes (enhancement PR #100) (@lerrua)
+ - Add support for 'ico' filetypes (enhancement PR #101) (@lerrua)
+ - Add support for 'markdown' filetypes (enhancement PR #102) (@lerrua)
+ - Improved install fonts instructions on Mac (enhancement PR #103) (@lerrua)
+- v0.5.3
+ - Add 'slim' filetype support (same icon as 'html') (enhancement PR #98) (@lerrua)
+ - Add 'fish' filetype support (same icon as 'sh') (enhancement #93) (@michaelmrose)
+ - Updated old link references (enhancement PR #87) (@lerrua)
+ - Improved default Ruby icon (uses 'glyph set 2') (enhancement PR #97) (@lerrua)
+ - Prevent destorying user's conceal settings (Use setlocal) (enhancement PR #96) (@shawncplus)
+ - Fixes filenames of buffers getting lost in unite filter (fixes #86) (@ahrse)
+ - Various readme updates and fixes
+- v0.5.2
+ - Various readme updates and fixes
+ - Various file clean-up (.gitignore removed)
+ - Fixed link to install fonts (PR #83 fixes #81) (@theRemix)
+ - Fixed glyph used for Go (PR #82) (@hoop33)
+ - Added Code of Conduct
+- v0.5.1
+ - Fixed [CtrlP](https://github.com/ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim) integration bugs (truncating 6 characters is unreliable) and only add glyphs for MRU File Mode (Fixes #80)
+ - Readme updates and improvements
+- v0.5.0
+ - Readme updates (removed polls sections, v0.5.0 specific changes)
+ - Misc code formatting fixes (tabs to spaces, modeline additions, reorganization)
+ - Update API: make WebDevIconsGetFileFormatSymbol return only fenc (fixes #73)
+ - Added Perl support (enhancement #60)
+ - Added support for some (mostly frontend) frameworks (enhancement #61)
+ - Added basic support for vim-flagship (enhancement #70)
+ - Added support for Unite and Vimfiler (enhancement #54)
+ - Added support for CtrlP (enhancement #56)
+ - Rebranding part 1: title and image (vim-devicons) (enhancement #76)
+- v0.4.4
+ - Lots of readme updates and tweaks
+ - Changelog semver details
+ - Spelling / confusing grammar corrections (PR #68) (@adelarsq)
+ - Fixed default folder/directory glyph (PR Fixes #72) (@cj)
+ - Mac OS X screenshot (Fixes #32) (@RageZBla)
+ - Fixed misalignment when used with [nerdtree-git-plugin](https://github.com/Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin) (Fixes #71)
+ - Fixed re-sourcing bug (Fixes #71)
+ - Fixed directory node user settings being overwritten (Fixes #59)
+ - Fixed minor screenshot issues and clean-up
+- v0.4.3
+ - Prevent error 'Unknown function' when opening Vim without airline plugin (Fixes #67)
+ - Temporary fix for gvim glyph artifact issues (particuarly NERDTree) (Fixes #58)
+ - Support file format symbols (glyphs) in vim-airline (Enhancement #66)
+ - Add vimrc setup example to readme (Documentation #65)
+ - Fixes Conceal highlighting issues (Fixes #53, #52)
+ - Make sure plugin plays nice with [nerdtree-git-plugin](https://github.com/Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin) (Enhancement #62)
+ - general readme updates and improvements
+ - changelog format fixes
+- v0.4.2
+ - Updated vim doc with latest readme updates (html2vimdoc)
+ - Fixes #7 update readme for font and vim setup on osx and win platforms
+ - Fixes #49 with a FAQ update
+ - Fixes #41 No such event: nerdtree syntax match (@nbicalcarata)
+ - Removed test files from the repo and added folders to git-ignore
+ - Warn about loading vim-webdevicons before nerdtree plugin
+ - fix lazy NERDTree (@blueyed)
+ - Improve conceiling with NERDTree (@blueyed)
+ - add instructions to readme for vim setup on os x (@alfredbez)
+- v0.4.1
+ - Fixes #39 - updated screenshots (particularly nerdtree)
+ - Fixes #37 - g:webdevicons_conceal_nerdtree_brackets applying global config
+ - Add instructions to readme for adding icon to lightline (@hoop33)
+ - Updated vim doc with latest readme updates (sync'd with html2vimdoc)
+ - Added TL;DR section to readme
+ - Add a note to readme to load NERDTree before vim-webdevicons (@hoop33)
+ - Fix: Automatically turning off NERDTree support (@hoop33)
+ - general readme updates
+- v0.4.0
+ - #27 Remove [ ] wrapping icons
+ - #26 Add detection and warning on unsupported (old) NERDTree versions
+ - updated readme with more links and new details on new features and conifgs
+ - #30 Improve vim standard plugin conventions and tips
+ - #30 work on sections and standard plugin conventions part 1
+ - #30 clean-up of unused (for now) autoload file
+ - #28 setting global options broken part 1
+ - #29 Add vimdoc, more updates
+ - autogenerating vimdoc using html2vimdoc
+ - readme updates
+- v0.3.4
+ - Adds basic support for directory/folder glyphs - fixes #22
+ - optimize icon lookup - WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol: use if/else (@blueyed)
+ - Do not clobber the default or customized airline formatter (@blueyed)
+ - fixed a bug related to the latest airline updates (Ali Aliev)
+ - various readme updates
+ - more sample usage images
+- v0.3.3
+ - Load the plugin once only (@blueyed)
+ - Add font installation instructions, fixes #5 (@wikimatze)
+ - added plugin install instructions
+ - slight readme re-ordering
+ - moved contributing section near bottom
+ - added additional screenshots
+ - added more thanks to those whose some more of the glyphs came from
+- v0.3.2
+ - moved screenshots into the wiki (wiki.vim-webdevicons) to reduce unnecessary project size of cloning repo
+- v0.3.1
+ - readme updates (with references to new font-patcher repo)
+ - readme updates screenshots reference wiki
+- v0.3.0
+ - moved font-patcher and patched fonts into a separate repo (nerd-filetype-glyphs-fonts-patcher)
+ - adds twigg file type support for #10 (@wikimatze)
+ - adds cpp file type support
+ - updated utf8 test file with glyphs
+ - readme fixes (@wikimatze, @blueyed)
+ - readme updates
+- v0.2.1
+ - readme updates
+- v0.2.0
+ - Script for patching any font: Initial cleaned up work for issue (feature enhancement) for #1
+ - added python font patcher and readme updates
+- v0.1.4
+ - readme updates
+- v0.1.3
+ - fixes #3 make matches case insensitive (ignore case)
+- v0.1.2
+ - fixes lookup for exact file notes (@johngeorgewright)
+- v0.1.1
+ - updated readme substantially
+- v0.1.0
+ - release
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
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+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
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+# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
+## Our Pledge
+In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
+contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
+our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
+size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience,
+nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and
+## Our Standards
+Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment
+* Using welcoming and inclusive language
+* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
+* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
+* Focusing on what is best for the community
+* Showing empathy towards other community members
+Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
+* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or
+* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
+* Public or private harassment
+* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic
+ address, without explicit permission
+* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
+ professional setting
+## Our Responsibilities
+Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable
+behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in
+response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
+Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or
+reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions
+that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
+permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
+threatening, offensive, or harmful.
+## Scope
+This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
+when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of
+representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail
+address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
+representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
+further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
+## Enforcement
+Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
+reported by contacting the project team on
+[VimDevIcons Gitter Chat](https://gitter.im/ryanoasis/vim-devicons)
+or contacting [@ryanoasis](https://github.com/ryanoasis). All
+complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that
+is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is
+obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
+Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
+Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good
+faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other
+members of the project's leadership.
+## Attribution
+This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4,
+available at [http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4][version]
+[homepage]: http://contributor-covenant.org
+[version]: http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/CONTRIBUTING.md b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/CONTRIBUTING.md
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+# Contributing Guide
+## How to contribute
+* Fork the project and submit a Pull Request (PR)
+ * Explain what the PR fixes or improves
+ * Screenshots for bonus points
+* Use sensible commit messages
+ * If your PR fixes a separate issue number, include it in the commit message
+## Things to keep in mind
+* Smaller PRs are likely to be merged more quickly than bigger changes
+* If it is a useful PR it **will** get merged in eventually
+ * [E.g. see how many have already been merged vs. still open](https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/pulls)
+* This project _was_ using [Semantic Versioning 2.0.0](http://semver.org/) but we have since mostly abandoned that
+* Try to add to the unit tests where possible so we can maintain our test coverage
+* Issues not filled out with the template will be closed straight away and will only be responded to once filled properly
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/DEVELOPER.md b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/DEVELOPER.md
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+### API
+" returns the font character that represents the icon
+" parameters: a:1 (filename), a:2 (isDirectory)
+" both parameters optional
+" by default without parameters uses buffer name
+" returns the font character that represents
+" the file format as an icon (windows, linux, mac)
+#### Public Methods
+" Returns the current version of the plugin
+" Calls webdevicons#softRefresh()
+" basically a backwards compatibility convenience
+" Does a 'hard' refresh of NERDTree
+" resets vim-devicons syntax and closes and reopens NERDTree
+" Does a 'soft' refresh of NERDTree
+" resets vim-devicons syntax and toggles NERDTree to the same state
+#### API Examples
+##### Status line
+> Custom vim status line (not relying on vim-airline or lightline):
+set statusline=%f\ %{WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol()}\ %h%w%m%r\ %=%(%l,%c%V\ %Y\ %=\ %P%)
+##### Simple function call
+echo WebDevIconsGetFileFormatSymbol()
+#### Integration with other plugins
+##### vim-startify
+let entry_format = "' ['. index .']'. repeat(' ', (3 - strlen(index)))"
+if exists('*WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') " support for vim-devicons
+ let entry_format .= ". WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(entry_path) .' '. entry_path"
+ let entry_format .= '. entry_path'
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/LICENSE b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bde3f5c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+The MIT License (MIT)
+Copyright (c) 2014 Ryan L McIntyre
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/README.md b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a79e4dc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+![chat on gitter](https://img.shields.io/gitter/room/nwjs/nw.js.svg?style=for-the-badge)
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+> Supports plugins such as [NERDTree](https://github.com/preservim/nerdtree), [vim-airline](https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline), [CtrlP](https://github.com/ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim), [powerline](https://github.com/powerline/powerline), [denite](https://github.com/Shougo/denite.nvim), [unite](https://github.com/Shougo/unite.vim), [lightline.vim](https://github.com/itchyny/lightline.vim), [vim-startify](https://github.com/mhinz/vim-startify), [vimfiler](https://github.com/Shougo/vimfiler.vim), [vim-buffet](https://github.com/bagrat/vim-buffet) and [flagship](https://github.com/tpope/vim-flagship).
+> See [Screenshots](https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/wiki/screenshots) for more.
+- Adds filetype glyphs (icons) to various vim plugins.
+- Customizable and extendable glyphs settings.
+- Supports a wide range of file type extensions.
+- Supports popular full filenames, like `.gitignore`, `node_modules`, `.vimrc`, and many more.
+- Supports byte order marker (BOM).
+- Works with patched fonts, especially [Nerd Fonts](https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts).
+> See [Detailed Features](https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/wiki/Detailed-Features) for more.
+> See [Configuration](https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/wiki/Extra-Configuration) for a list of configuration and customization options.
+1. Install a [Nerd Font compatible font](https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts#font-installation) or [patch your own](https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts#font-patcher). Then set your terminal font (or `guifont` if you are using GUI version of Vim).
+1. Install the Vim plugin with your favorite plugin manager, e.g. [vim-plug](https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug):
+ ```vim
+ Plug 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons'
+ ```
+ > Always load the vim-devicons as the very last one.
+1. Configure Vim
+ ```vim
+ set encoding=UTF-8
+ ```
+ > No need to set explicitly under Neovim: always uses UTF-8 as the default encoding.
+> See [Installation](https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/wiki/Installation) for detailed setup instructions
+Use `:help devicons` for further configuration.
+See [DEVELOPER](DEVELOPER.md) for how to use the API.
+See [FAQ](https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/wiki/FAQ-&-Troubleshooting).
+### [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)
+This project has adopted a Code of Conduct that we expect project participants to adhere to. Check out [code of conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) for further details.
+### [Contributing Guide](CONTRIBUTING.md)
+Read our [contributing](CONTRIBUTING.md) guide to learn about how to send pull requests, creating issues properly.
+### Promotion
+You can help us by simply giving a star or voting on vim.org. It will ensure continued development going forward.
+- Star this repository [on GitHub](https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons).
+- Vote for it [on vim.org](http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=5114).
+Thanks goes to these people for inspiration and helping with sending PRs.
+- [vim-airline](https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline)
+- [nerdtree](https://github.com/preservim/nerdtree)
+- [nerdtree-git-plugin](https://github.com/Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin) by [@Xuyuanp](https://github.com/Xuyuanp)
+- [seti-ui](https://atom.io/themes/seti-ui) by [@jesseweed](https://github.com/jesseweed)
+- [devicons](http://vorillaz.github.io/devicons) by [@vorillaz](https://github.com/vorillaz)
+- [development.svg.icons](https://github.com/benatespina/development.svg.icons) by [@benatespina](https://github.com/benatespina)
+- [Learn Vimscript the Hard Way](http://learnvimscriptthehardway.stevelosh.com/) book by [Steve Losh](http://stevelosh.com/)
+- All [contributors](https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/graphs/contributors)
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/autoload/airline/extensions/tabline/formatters/webdevicons.vim b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/autoload/airline/extensions/tabline/formatters/webdevicons.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c2980259
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/autoload/airline/extensions/tabline/formatters/webdevicons.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+" Version: 0.11.0
+" Webpage: https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons
+" Maintainer: Ryan McIntyre
+" License: see LICENSE
+function! airline#extensions#tabline#formatters#webdevicons#format(bufnr, buffers) abort
+ " Call original formatter.
+ let originalFormatter = airline#extensions#tabline#formatters#{g:_webdevicons_airline_orig_formatter}#format(a:bufnr, a:buffers)
+ return originalFormatter . g:WebDevIconsTabAirLineBeforeGlyphPadding .
+ \ WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(bufname(a:bufnr)) . g:WebDevIconsTabAirLineAfterGlyphPadding
+" modeline syntax:
+" vim: fdm=marker tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab:
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/autoload/devicons/plugins/ctrlp.vim b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/autoload/devicons/plugins/ctrlp.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ea48984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/autoload/devicons/plugins/ctrlp.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+" Initialize for up to date ctrlp fork: ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim
+" Support for kien/ctrlp.vim deprecated since v0.7.0
+" @TODO implementation for CtrlP buffer and find file mode
+function! devicons#plugins#ctrlp#init() abort
+ let l:ctrlp_warning_message = 'vim-devicons: https://github.com/kien/ctrlp.vim is deprecated since v0.7.0, please use https://github.com/ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim'
+ let l:ctrlp_warned_file = webdevicons#pluginHome() . '/status_warned_ctrlp'
+ if exists('g:loaded_ctrlp') && g:webdevicons_enable_ctrlp
+ let l:forkedCtrlp = exists('g:ctrlp_mruf_map_string')
+ if l:forkedCtrlp
+ if !exists('g:ctrlp_formatline_func')
+ " logic for ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim:
+ let g:ctrlp_formatline_func = 's:formatline(s:curtype() == "buf" ? v:val : WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(v:val) . " " . v:val) '
+ endif
+ elseif empty(glob(l:ctrlp_warned_file))
+ " logic for kien/ctrlp.vim:
+ echohl WarningMsg |
+ \ echomsg l:ctrlp_warning_message
+ " only warn first time, do not warn again:
+ try
+ execute writefile(['File automatically generated after warning about CtrlP once', l:ctrlp_warning_message], l:ctrlp_warned_file)
+ catch
+ endtry
+ endif
+ endif
+" vim: tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab:
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/autoload/devicons/plugins/denite.vim b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/autoload/devicons/plugins/denite.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5884644a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/autoload/devicons/plugins/denite.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+function! devicons#plugins#denite#init() abort
+ let s:denite_ver = (exists('*denite#get_status_mode') ? 2 : 3)
+ if s:denite_ver == 3
+ call denite#custom#source('file,file/rec,file_mru,file/old,buffer,directory/rec,directory_mru', 'converters', ['devicons_denite_converter'])
+ else
+ call denite#custom#source('file,file_rec,file_mru,file_old,buffer,directory_rec,directory_mru', 'converters', ['devicons_denite_converter'])
+ endif
+" vim: tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab:
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/autoload/devicons/plugins/flagship.vim b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/autoload/devicons/plugins/flagship.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f67103c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/autoload/devicons/plugins/flagship.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+function! devicons#plugins#flagship#init() abort
+ if g:webdevicons_enable_flagship_statusline
+ augroup webdevicons_flagship_filetype
+ autocmd User Flags call Hoist('buffer', 'WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol')
+ augroup END
+ endif
+ if g:webdevicons_enable_flagship_statusline_fileformat_symbols
+ augroup webdevicons_flagship_filesymbol
+ autocmd User Flags call Hoist('buffer', 'WebDevIconsGetFileFormatSymbol')
+ augroup END
+ endif
+" vim: tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab:
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/autoload/devicons/plugins/startify.vim b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/autoload/devicons/plugins/startify.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3c2d124
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/autoload/devicons/plugins/startify.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+function! devicons#plugins#startify#init() abort
+ exec ":function! StartifyEntryFormat() abort \n return 'WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(absolute_path) .\" \". entry_path' \n endfunction"
+" vim: tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab:
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/autoload/devicons/plugins/unite.vim b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/autoload/devicons/plugins/unite.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c40924a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/autoload/devicons/plugins/unite.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+function! devicons#plugins#unite#init() abort
+ let s:filters = {
+ \ 'name': 'devicons_unite_converter'
+ \ }
+ function! s:filters.filter(candidates, context) abort
+ for candidate in a:candidates
+ if has_key(candidate, 'action__buffer_nr')
+ let bufname = bufname(candidate.action__buffer_nr)
+ let filename = fnamemodify(bufname, ':p:t')
+ let path = fnamemodify(bufname, ':p:h')
+ elseif has_key(candidate, 'word') && has_key(candidate, 'action__path')
+ let path = candidate.action__path
+ let filename = candidate.word
+ endif
+ let icon = WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(filename, isdirectory(filename))
+ " prevent filenames of buffers getting 'lost'
+ if filename != path
+ let path = printf('%s', filename)
+ endif
+ " Customize output format.
+ let candidate.abbr = printf('%s %s', icon, path)
+ endfor
+ return a:candidates
+ endfunction
+ call unite#define_filter(s:filters)
+ unlet s:filters
+ call unite#custom#source('file,file_rec,buffer,file_rec/async,file_rec/neovim,file_rec/neovim2,file_rec/git', 'converters', 'devicons_unite_converter')
+" vim: tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab:
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/autoload/devicons/plugins/vimfiler.vim b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/autoload/devicons/plugins/vimfiler.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62e6c3d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/autoload/devicons/plugins/vimfiler.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+function! devicons#plugins#vimfiler#init() abort
+ call vimfiler#custom#profile('default', 'context', {
+ \ 'columns': 'devicons:size:time',
+ \ 'explorer_columns': 'devicons'
+ \ })
+" vim: tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab:
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/autoload/vimfiler/columns/devicons.vim b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/autoload/vimfiler/columns/devicons.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d11ee22f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/autoload/vimfiler/columns/devicons.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+" FILE: devicons.vim
+" Version: 0.11.0
+" Webpage: https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons
+" Maintainer: Ryan McIntyre
+" License: MIT license {{{
+" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+" a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+" "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+" without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+" distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+" permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+" the following conditions:
+" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+" in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+" }}}
+let s:save_cpo = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+function! vimfiler#columns#devicons#define() abort
+ return s:column
+let s:column = {
+ \ 'name' : 'devicons',
+ \ 'description' : 'get devicon glyph',
+ \ 'syntax' : 'vimfilerColumn__devicons',
+ \ }
+function! s:column.length(files, context) abort
+ return 3
+function! s:column.define_syntax(context) abort "{{{
+ syntax match vimfilerColumn__TypeText '\[T\]'
+ \ contained containedin=vimfilerColumn__Type
+ syntax match vimfilerColumn__TypeImage '\[I\]'
+ \ contained containedin=vimfilerColumn__Type
+ syntax match vimfilerColumn__TypeArchive '\[A\]'
+ \ contained containedin=vimfilerColumn__Type
+ syntax match vimfilerColumn__TypeExecute '\[X\]'
+ \ contained containedin=vimfilerColumn__Type
+ syntax match vimfilerColumn__TypeMultimedia '\[M\]'
+ \ contained containedin=vimfilerColumn__Type
+ syntax match vimfilerColumn__TypeDirectory '\[do\]'
+ \ contained containedin=vimfilerColumn__Type
+ syntax match vimfilerColumn__TypeSystem '\[S\]'
+ \ contained containedin=vimfilerColumn__Type
+ syntax match vimfilerColumn__TypeLink '\[L\]'
+ \ contained containedin=vimfilerColumn__Type
+ highlight def link vimfilerColumn__TypeText Constant
+ highlight def link vimfilerColumn__TypeImage Type
+ highlight def link vimfilerColumn__TypeArchive Special
+ highlight def link vimfilerColumn__TypeExecute Statement
+ highlight def link vimfilerColumn__TypeMultimedia Identifier
+ highlight def link vimfilerColumn__TypeDirectory Preproc
+ highlight def link vimfilerColumn__TypeSystem Comment
+ highlight def link vimfilerColumn__TypeLink Comment
+function! s:column.get(file, context) abort
+ return WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(strpart(a:file.action__path, strridx(a:file.action__path, '/')), a:file.vimfiler__is_directory)
+let &cpo = s:save_cpo
+unlet s:save_cpo
+" vim: foldmethod=marker
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/doc/webdevicons.txt b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/doc/webdevicons.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c1f5db19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/doc/webdevicons.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1078 @@
+Contents ~
+ 1. Introduction |devicons-introduction|
+ 2. Features |devicons-features|
+ 3. Installation |devicons-installation|
+ 4. Developers |devicons-developers|
+ 5. Troubleshooting |devicons-troubleshooting|
+ 6. Contributing |devicons-contributing|
+ 1. Code of Conduct [22] |devicons-code-of-conduct-22|
+ 2. Contributing Guide [23] |devicons-contributing-guide-23|
+ 3. Promotion |devicons-promotion|
+ 7. Acknowledgments |devicons-acknowledgments|
+ 8. License |devicons-license|
+ 9. Detailed Installation |devicons-detailed-installation|
+ 1. Step 1 'Nerd Font' |Nerd-Font|
+ 2. Step 2 'VimDevIcons Plugin' |VimDevIcons-Plugin|
+ 1. Pathogen [38] |devicons-pathogen-38|
+ 2. NeoBundle [39] |devicons-neobundle-39|
+ 3. Vundle [40] |devicons-vundle-40|
+ 4. Manual |devicons-manual|
+ 3. Step 3 'Configure Vim' |Configure-Vim|
+ 1. Set Encoding |devicons-set-encoding|
+ 2. Set Font |devicons-set-font|
+ 3. vim-airline |devicons-vim-airline|
+ 4. vimrc examples |devicons-vimrc-examples|
+ 4. That's it! You're done. |devicons-thats-it-youre-done.|
+ 10. Usage |devicons-usage|
+ 1. NERDTree |devicons-nerdtree|
+ 2. Unite |devicons-unite|
+ 3. Denite |devicons-denite|
+ 4. Vimfiler |devicons-vimfiler|
+ 5. CtrlP |devicons-ctrlp|
+ 6. Airline |devicons-airline|
+ 7. Startify |devicons-startify|
+ 8. Lightline Setup |devicons-lightline-setup|
+ 9. Powerline Setup |devicons-powerline-setup|
+ 10. Flagship |devicons-flagship|
+ 11. Detailed Features |devicons-detailed-features|
+ 12. Extra Configuration |devicons-extra-configuration|
+ 1. Character Mappings |devicons-character-mappings|
+ 2. API |devicons-api|
+ 1. Public Methods |devicons-public-methods|
+ 2. API Examples |devicons-api-examples|
+ 1. Status line |devicons-status-line|
+ 2. Simple function call |devicons-simple-function-call|
+ 3. Integration with other plugins |devicons-integration-with-other-plugins|
+ 1. vim-startify |devicons-vim-startify|
+ 13. FAQ |devicons-faq|
+ 1. Why isn't it working? How come I don't see any icons? |devicons-why-isnt-it-working-how-come-i-dont-see-any-icons|
+ 2. How did you get color matching based on file type in NERDtree? |devicons-how-did-you-get-color-matching-based-on-file-type-in-nerdtree|
+ 3. How did you get color matching on just the glyph/icon in NERDtree? |devicons-how-did-you-get-color-matching-on-just-glyph-icon-in-nerdtree|
+ 4. How do I solve issues after re-sourcing my |vimrc|?
+ 5. Why do I have artifacts after (or instead) of icons? |devicons-why-do-i-have-artifacts-after-of-icons|
+ 6. Square brackets around icons |devicons-square-brackets-around-icons|
+ 1. from terminal |devicons-from-terminal|
+ 7. Do I have to use a patched font such as Nerd Fonts? |devicons-do-i-have-to-use-patched-font-such-as-nerd-fonts|
+ 8. Rationale: Why does this exist? How did this start? |devicons-rationale-why-does-this-exist-how-did-this-start|
+ 14. References |devicons-references|
+ *devicons-introduction*
+Introduction ~
+ _ ___ ____ ____
+ | | / (_____ ___ / __ \___ _ __/ _/________ ____ _____
+ | | / / / __ `__ \/ / / / _ | | / // // ___/ __ \/ __ \/ ___/
+ | |/ / / / / / / / /_/ / __| |/ _/ // /__/ /_/ / / / (__ )
+ |___/_/_/ /_/ /_/_____/\___/|___/___/\___/\____/_/ /_/____/
+Adds Icons to Your Plugins
+Supports plugins such as NERDTree [1], vim-airline [2], CtrlP [3], powerline
+[4], denite [5], unite [6], lightline.vim [7], vim-startify [8], vimfiler [9],
+vim-workspace [10] and flagship [11].
+See Screenshots [12] for more.
+ *devicons-features*
+Features ~
+- Adds filetype glyphs (icons) to various vim plugins.
+- Supports byte order marker (BOM).
+- Customizable and extendable glyphs settings.
+- Supports a wide range of file type extensions.
+- Supports popular full filenames, like '.gitignore', 'node_modules',
+ '.vimrc'.
+- Works with patched fonts, especially Nerd Fonts [13].
+See Detailed Features [14] for more.
+See Configuration [15] for a list of configuration and customization options.
+ *devicons-installation*
+Installation ~
+1. Install a Nerd Font compatible font [16] or patch your own [17]. Then set
+ your terminal font (or 'guifont' if you are using GUI version of Vim).
+2. Install the Vim plugin with your favorite plugin manager, e.g. vim-plug
+ [18]:
+ "vim Plug 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons'"
+ Always load the vim-devicons as the very last one.
+3. Configure Vim
+ 'vim set encoding=UTF-8'
+ No need to set explicitly under Neovim: always uses UTF-8 as the default
+ encoding.
+See Installation [19] for detailed setup instructions
+Use ':help devicons' for further configuration.
+ *devicons-developers*
+Developers ~
+See DEVELOPER [20] for how to use the API.
+ *devicons-troubleshooting*
+Troubleshooting ~
+See FAQ [21].
+ *devicons-contributing*
+Contributing ~
+ *devicons-code-of-conduct-22*
+Code of Conduct [22] ~
+This project has adopted a Code of Conduct that we expect project participants
+to adhere to. Check out code of conduct [22] for further details.
+ *devicons-contributing-guide-23*
+Contributing Guide [23] ~
+Read our contributing [23] guide to learn about how to send pull requests,
+creating issues properly.
+ *devicons-promotion*
+Promotion ~
+You can help us by simply giving a star or voting on vim.org. It will ensure
+continued development going forward.
+- Star this repository on GitHub [24].
+- Vote for it on vim.org [25].
+ *devicons-acknowledgments*
+Acknowledgments ~
+Thanks goes to these people for inspiration and helping with sending PRs.
+- vim-airline [2]
+- nerdtree [1]
+- nerdtree-git-plugin [26] by @Xuyuanp [27]
+- seti-ui [28] by @jesseweed [29]
+- devicons [30] by @vorillaz [31]
+- development.svg.icons [32] by @benatespina [33]
+- Learn Vimscript the Hard Way [34] book by Steve Losh [35]
+- All contributors [36]
+ *devicons-license*
+License ~
+MIT [37]
+ *devicons-detailed-installation*
+Detailed Installation ~
+ *Nerd-Font*
+Step 1 'Nerd Font' ~
+Get a **Nerd Font!** [16] or patch your own. [17] Without this, things break
+ *VimDevIcons-Plugin*
+Step 2 'VimDevIcons Plugin' ~
+**Set VimDevIcons to load _after_ these plugins!**
+NERDTree [1] | vim-airline [2] | CtrlP [3] | powerline [4] | Denite [5] | unite
+[6] | lightline.vim [7] | vim-startify [8] | vimfiler [9] | flagship [11]
+Choose your favorite plugin manager
+ *devicons-pathogen-38*
+Pathogen [38] ~
+- 'git clone https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons ~/.vim/bundle/vim-
+ devicons'
+ *devicons-neobundle-39*
+NeoBundle [39] ~
+- Add to vimrc:
+ "vim NeoBundle 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons'" * And install it:
+ 'vim :so ~/.vimrc :NeoBundleInstall'
+ *devicons-vundle-40*
+Vundle [40] ~
+- Add to vimrc:
+ "vim Plugin 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons'" * And install it:
+ 'vim :so ~/.vimrc :PlugInstall'
+ *devicons-manual*
+Manual ~
+- copy all of the files into your '~/.vim' directory
+ *Configure-Vim*
+Step 3 'Configure Vim' ~
+Add the following in your '.vimrc' or '.gvimrc':
+ *devicons-set-encoding*
+Set Encoding ~
+**Set encoding to UTF-8 to show glyphs**
+'vim set encoding=utf8'
+ *devicons-set-font*
+Set Font ~
+**Set Vim font to a Nerd Font**
+Linux 'vim set guifont='
+ set guifont=DroidSansMono\ Nerd\ Font\ 11
+macOS (OS X) and Windows
+ set guifont=:h
+ set guifont=DroidSansMono\ Nerd\ Font:h11
+ " or:
+ set guifont=DroidSansMono_Nerd_Font:h11
+**Note:** if you don't set 'guifont' then you'll have to set your terminal's
+font, else things break!
+ *devicons-vim-airline*
+vim-airline ~
+**If you use vim-airline you need this:**
+'vim let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1'
+ *devicons-vimrc-examples*
+vimrc examples ~
+- Sample Windows vimrc configuration 1 [41]
+- Sample Linux vimrc configuration 1 [42]
+ *devicons-thats-it-youre-done.*
+That's it! You're done. ~
+ *devicons-usage*
+Usage ~
+If you installed and setup things correctly you should now see icons in the
+supported plugins!
+**Notes on include order:** _for support of these plugins: NERDTree [1], vim-
+airline [2], CtrlP [3], powerline [4], Denite [5], unite [6], vimfiler [9],
+flagship [11] you **must** configure vim to load those plugins__before_ vim-
+devicons loads. for better nerdtree-git-plugin [26] support, you _should_
+configure vim to load nerdtree-git-plugin **_before_** VimDevIcons loads. * if
+you are lazy loading Denite [5] using the Dein plugin manager, you will need to
+source VimDevIcons before Denite loads.
+Lightline Setup and Powerline Setup require some extra setup as shown below:
+ *devicons-nerdtree*
+NERDTree ~
+Should work "out of the box", no particular configuration should be needed.
+ " Can be enabled or disabled
+ let g:webdevicons_enable_nerdtree = 1
+ " whether or not to show the nerdtree brackets around flags
+ let g:webdevicons_conceal_nerdtree_brackets = 1
+ *devicons-unite*
+Unite ~
+Should work "out of the box", no particular configuration should be needed.
+ " Can be enabled or disabled
+ " adding the custom source to unite
+ let g:webdevicons_enable_unite = 1
+ *devicons-denite*
+Denite ~
+Should work "out of the box", no particular configuration should be needed.
+ " Can be enabled or disabled
+ " Adding the custom source to denite
+ let g:webdevicons_enable_denite = 1
+ *devicons-vimfiler*
+Vimfiler ~
+Should work "out of the box", no particular configuration should be needed.
+ " Can be enabled or disabled
+ " adding the column to vimfiler
+ let g:webdevicons_enable_vimfiler = 1
+ *devicons-ctrlp*
+CtrlP ~
+Should work "out of the box", no particular configuration should be needed.
+ " Can be enabled or disabled
+ " add glyphs to all modes
+ let g:webdevicons_enable_ctrlp = 1
+ *devicons-airline*
+Airline ~
+Should work "out of the box", no particular configuration should be needed.
+ " adding to vim-airline's tabline
+ let g:webdevicons_enable_airline_tabline = 1
+ " adding to vim-airline's statusline
+ let g:webdevicons_enable_airline_statusline = 1
+ *devicons-startify*
+Startify ~
+Should work "out of the box", no particular configuration should be needed.
+ " Can be enabled or disabled
+ " adding to vim-startify screen
+ let g:webdevicons_enable_startify = 1
+ *devicons-lightline-setup*
+Lightline Setup ~
+To add the appropriate icon to lightline [7], call the function
+'WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol()' and/or 'WebDevIconsGetFileFormatSymbol()' in
+your '.vimrc'. For example, you could set your sections to:
+ let g:lightline = {
+ \ 'component_function': {
+ \ 'filetype': 'MyFiletype',
+ \ 'fileformat': 'MyFileformat',
+ \ }
+ \ }
+ function! MyFiletype()
+ return winwidth(0) > 70 ? (strlen(&filetype) ? &filetype . ' ' . WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol() : 'no ft') : ''
+ endfunction
+ function! MyFileformat()
+ return winwidth(0) > 70 ? (&fileformat . ' ' . WebDevIconsGetFileFormatSymbol()) : ''
+ endfunction
+ *devicons-powerline-setup*
+Powerline Setup ~
+- _Note this is for the current Powerline [4] not the deprecated vim-
+ powerline [43]_
+To enable for Powerline [4] some |vimrc| and powerline configuration changes
+are needed:
+|vimrc| changes (only required if you don't already have powerline setup for
+ set rtp+=$HOME/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/powerline/bindings/vim/
+ " Always show statusline
+ set laststatus=2
+ " Use 256 colours (Use this setting only if your terminal supports 256 colours)
+ set t_Co=256
+powerline configuration changes:
+file type segment
+ {
+ "function": "vim_devicons.powerline.segments.webdevicons",
+ "priority": 10,
+ "draw_soft_divider": false,
+ "after": " "
+ }
+file format segment
+ {
+ "function": "vim_devicons.powerline.segments.webdevicons_file_format",
+ "draw_soft_divider": false,
+ "exclude_modes": ["nc"],
+ "priority": 90
+ }
+for full example see sample file [44]
+ *devicons-flagship*
+Flagship ~
+Should work "out of the box", no particular configuration should be needed.
+ " Can be enabled or disabled
+ " adding to flagship's statusline
+ let g:webdevicons_enable_flagship_statusline = 1
+ *devicons-detailed-features*
+Detailed Features ~
+- Adds filetype glyphs (icons) to various vim plugins, currently supports:
+- NERDTree [1]
+ - Using the version hosted on vimscripts [45] in favor of GitHub will
+ lead to a outdated message, and icons will fail to show.
+- vim-airline [2] (statusline and tabline)
+- CtrlP [3] (All modes now supported)
+ - Using the version hosted on vimscripts [46] in favor of GitHub will
+ lead to a outdated message, and icons will fail to show.
+- powerline [4] (statusline)
+ - see: powerline setup
+- Denite [5]
+ - Currently supports 'file_rec', 'file_old', 'buffer', and
+ 'directory_rec'
+- unite [6]
+ - Currently supports 'file', 'file_rec', 'buffer', 'file_rec/async', and
+ 'file_rec/neovim'
+- lightline.vim [7] (statusline)
+ - see: lightline setup
+- vim-startify [8]
+- vimfiler [9]
+- flagship [11]
+ - Support is **experimental** because the API may be changing [47]
+- vim-workspace [10]
+- Supports byte order marker (BOM)
+- Customizable and extendable glyphs (icons) settings
+- ability to override defaults and use your own characters or glyphs
+- Supports a wide range of file type extensions by default:
+- 'styl, sass, scss, htm, html, slim, ejs, css, less, md, rmd, json, js, jsx,
+ rb, php, py, pyc, pyd, pyo, coffee, mustache, hbs, conf, ini, yml, yaml,
+ bat, jpg, jpeg, bmp, png, gif, twig, cpp, c++, cxx, cc, cp, c, h, hpp, hxx,
+ hs, lhs, lua, java, sh, bash, zsh, ksh, csh, awk, ps1, fish, diff, db, clj,
+ cljs, edn, scala, go, dart, xul, sln, suo, pl, pm, t, rss, f#, fsscript,
+ fsx, fs, fsi, rs, rlib, d, erl, hrl, vim, ai, psd, psb, ts, jl, pp, vue,
+ swift, eex, ex, exs'
+- Supports a few full filename matches, by default:
+- 'gruntfile.coffee, gruntfile.js, gruntfile.ls, gulpfile.coffee,
+ gulpfile.js, gulpfile.ls, dropbox, .ds_store, .gitconfig, .gitignore,
+ .bashrc, .zshrc, .vimrc, .bashprofile, favicon.ico, license, node_modules,
+ react.jsx, procfile'
+- Supports a few library pattern matches, by default:
+- 'jquery, angular, backbone, requirejs, materialize, mootools, Vagrantfile'
+- Works with patched fonts, especially Nerd Fonts [13]
+ *devicons-extra-configuration*
+Extra Configuration ~
+- These options can be defined in your |vimrc| or 'gvimrc'
+- Most options are enabled **'1'** by default but can be disabled with
+ **'0'**
+- You _should_**not** need to configure anything, however, the following
+ options are provided for customizing or changing the defaults:
+ " loading the plugin
+ let g:webdevicons_enable = 1
+ " adding the flags to NERDTree
+ let g:webdevicons_enable_nerdtree = 1
+ " adding the custom source to unite
+ let g:webdevicons_enable_unite = 1
+ " adding the column to vimfiler
+ let g:webdevicons_enable_vimfiler = 1
+ " adding to vim-airline's tabline
+ let g:webdevicons_enable_airline_tabline = 1
+ " adding to vim-airline's statusline
+ let g:webdevicons_enable_airline_statusline = 1
+ " ctrlp glyphs
+ let g:webdevicons_enable_ctrlp = 1
+ " adding to vim-startify screen
+ let g:webdevicons_enable_startify = 1
+ " adding to flagship's statusline
+ let g:webdevicons_enable_flagship_statusline = 1
+ " turn on/off file node glyph decorations (not particularly useful)
+ let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodes = 1
+ " use double-width(1) or single-width(0) glyphs
+ " only manipulates padding, has no effect on terminal or set(guifont) font
+ let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeGlyphDoubleWidth = 1
+ " whether or not to show the nerdtree brackets around flags
+ let g:webdevicons_conceal_nerdtree_brackets = 1
+ " the amount of space to use after the glyph character (default ' ')
+ let g:WebDevIconsNerdTreeAfterGlyphPadding = ' '
+ " Force extra padding in NERDTree so that the filetype icons line up vertically
+ let g:WebDevIconsNerdTreeGitPluginForceVAlign = 1
+ " Adding the custom source to denite
+ let g:webdevicons_enable_denite = 1
+ " the amount of space to use after the glyph character in vim-airline
+ tabline(default '')
+ let g:WebDevIconsTabAirLineAfterGlyphPadding = ' '
+ " the amount of space to use before the glyph character in vim-airline
+ tabline(default ' ')
+ let g:WebDevIconsTabAirLineBeforeGlyphPadding = ' '
+ *devicons-character-mappings*
+Character Mappings ~
+- 'ƛ' is used as an example below, substitute for the glyph you **actually**
+ want to use
+ " change the default character when no match found
+ let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesDefaultSymbol = 'ƛ'
+ " set a byte character marker (BOM) utf-8 symbol when retrieving file encoding
+ " disabled by default with no value
+ let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeByteOrderMarkerDefaultSymbol = ''
+ " enable folder/directory glyph flag (disabled by default with 0)
+ let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFolderNodes = 1
+ " enable open and close folder/directory glyph flags (disabled by default with 0)
+ let g:DevIconsEnableFoldersOpenClose = 1
+ " enable pattern matching glyphs on folder/directory (enabled by default with 1)
+ let g:DevIconsEnableFolderPatternMatching = 1
+ " enable file extension pattern matching glyphs on folder/directory (disabled by default with 0)
+ let g:DevIconsEnableFolderExtensionPatternMatching = 0
+ " disable showing the distribution for unix file encoding (enabled by default with 1)
+ let g:DevIconsEnableDistro = 0
+ " enable custom folder/directory glyph exact matching
+ " (enabled by default when g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFolderNodes is set to 1)
+ let WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFolderNodesExactMatches = 1
+ " change the default folder/directory glyph/icon
+ let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFolderNodesDefaultSymbol = 'ƛ'
+ " change the default open folder/directory glyph/icon (default is '')
+ let g:DevIconsDefaultFolderOpenSymbol = 'ƛ'
+ " change the default dictionary mappings for file extension matches
+ let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExtensionSymbols = {} " needed
+ let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExtensionSymbols['js'] = 'ƛ'
+ " change the default dictionary mappings for exact file node matches
+ let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExactSymbols = {} " needed
+ let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExactSymbols['MyReallyCoolFile.okay'] = 'ƛ'
+ " add or override individual additional filetypes
+ let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExtensionSymbols = {} " needed
+ let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExtensionSymbols['myext'] = 'ƛ'
+ " add or override pattern matches for filetypes
+ " these take precedence over the file extensions
+ let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesPatternSymbols = {} " needed
+ let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesPatternSymbols['.*jquery.*\.js$'] = 'ƛ'
+specify OS to decide an icon for unix fileformat (_not_ defined by default) -
+this is useful for avoiding unnecessary 'system()' call. see #135 [48] for
+further details.
+ let g:WebDevIconsOS = 'Darwin'
+ *devicons-api*
+API ~
+ " returns the font character that represents the icon
+ " parameters: a:1 (filename), a:2 (isDirectory)
+ " both parameters optional
+ " by default without parameters uses buffer name
+ WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(...)
+ " returns the font character that represents
+ " the file format as an icon (windows, linux, mac)
+ WebDevIconsGetFileFormatSymbol()
+ *devicons-public-methods*
+Public Methods ~
+ " Returns the current version of the plugin
+ webdevicons#version()
+ " Calls webdevicons#softRefresh()
+ " basically a backwards compatibility convenience
+ webdevicons#refresh()
+ " Does a 'hard' refresh of NERDTree
+ " resets vim-devicons syntax and closes and reopens NERDTree
+ webdevicons#hardRefresh()
+ " Does a 'soft' refresh of NERDTree
+ " resets vim-devicons syntax and toggles NERDTree to the same state
+ webdevicons#softRefresh()
+ *devicons-api-examples*
+API Examples ~
+ *devicons-status-line*
+Status line ~
+Custom vim status line (not relying on vim-airline or lightline):
+ set statusline=%f\ %{WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol()}\ %h%w%m%r\ %=%(%l,%c%V\ %Y\ %=\ %P%)
+ *devicons-simple-function-call*
+Simple function call ~
+ echo WebDevIconsGetFileFormatSymbol()
+ *devicons-integration-with-other-plugins*
+Integration with other plugins ~
+ *devicons-vim-startify*
+vim-startify ~
+ let entry_format = "' ['. index .']'. repeat(' ', (3 - strlen(index)))"
+ if exists('*WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') " support for vim-devicons
+ let entry_format .= ". WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(entry_path) .' '. entry_path"
+ else
+ let entry_format .= '. entry_path'
+ endif
+ *devicons-faq*
+FAQ ~
+**Table of Contents:**
+**It's not working at all:**
+- **Why isn't it working? How come I don't see any icons?**
+**Syntax or color highlighting:**
+- **How did you get color matching based on file type in NERDtree?**
+- **How did you get color matching on just the glyph/icon in NERDtree?**
+**Re-sourcing |vimrc|:**
+- **How do I solve issues after re-sourcing my |vimrc|?**
+**Weird artifacts after/on the glyphs:**
+- **Why do I have artifacts after (or instead) of icons?**
+- **Square brackets around icons?**
+- **Do I have to use a patched font such as Nerd Fonts?**
+**Why does this exist? How did this start?**
+ *devicons-why-isnt-it-working-how-come-i-dont-see-any-icons*
+Why isn't it working? How come I don't see any icons? ~
+- Are you using the patched font provided in the separate repo (Nerd Fonts
+ [13]) or are you patching your own?
+- _NOTE:_ if running vim and no font set it will default to the terminal font
+ that is set
+- check what the vim/gvim font is set to, from ex mode:
+ 'vim :set guifont?'
+- check if the plugin is loaded (should give '1'), from ex mode:
+ 'vim :echo loaded_webdevicons'
+- check if the plugin is enabled (should give '1'), from ex mode:
+ 'vim :echo g:webdevicons_enable'
+- check if the plugin is enabled for NERDTree (should give '1'), from ex
+ mode:
+ - this should _NOT_ need to be set under normal circumstances
+ 'vim :echo g:webdevicons_enable_nerdtree'
+- check if you are able to see the characters, from ex mode:
+ 'vim :echo g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesDefaultSymbol'
+- if all this looks correct you may try this to see if any files show flags
+ - last resort, see if you can even set the default symbol and have it
+ display anywhere (NERDTree, vim-airline's statusline, vim-airlines's
+ tabline), from ex mode:
+ "vim :let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesDefaultSymbol='x'"
+ *devicons-how-did-you-get-color-matching-based-on-file-type-in-nerdtree*
+How did you get color matching based on file type in NERDtree? ~
+- You can either use this additional plugin: vim-nerdtree-syntax-highlight
+ [49] created by @tiagofumo [50]
+- Or you can use my current settings from:
+ https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree/issues/201#issuecomment-9954740
+ ```vim " NERDTress File highlighting function!
+ NERDTreeHighlightFile(extension, fg, bg, guifg, guibg) exec 'autocmd
+ FileType nerdtree highlight ' . a:extension .' ctermbg='. a:bg .'
+ ctermfg='. a:fg .' guibg='. a:guibg .' guifg='. a:guifg exec 'autocmd
+ FileType nerdtree syn match ' . a:extension .' #^\s+.*'. a:extension .'$#'
+ endfunction
+ call NERDTreeHighlightFile('jade', 'green', 'none', 'green', '#151515')
+ call NERDTreeHighlightFile('ini', 'yellow', 'none', 'yellow', '#151515')
+ call NERDTreeHighlightFile('md', 'blue', 'none', '#3366FF', '#151515') call
+ NERDTreeHighlightFile('yml', 'yellow', 'none', 'yellow', '#151515') call
+ NERDTreeHighlightFile('config', 'yellow', 'none', 'yellow', '#151515') call
+ NERDTreeHighlightFile('conf', 'yellow', 'none', 'yellow', '#151515') call
+ NERDTreeHighlightFile('json', 'yellow', 'none', 'yellow', '#151515') call
+ NERDTreeHighlightFile('html', 'yellow', 'none', 'yellow', '#151515') call
+ NERDTreeHighlightFile('styl', 'cyan', 'none', 'cyan', '#151515') call
+ NERDTreeHighlightFile('css', 'cyan', 'none', 'cyan', '#151515') call
+ NERDTreeHighlightFile('coffee', 'Red', 'none', 'red', '#151515') call
+ NERDTreeHighlightFile('js', 'Red', 'none', '#ffa500', '#151515') call
+ NERDTreeHighlightFile('php', 'Magenta', 'none', '#ff00ff', '#151515') call
+ NERDTreeHighlightFile('ds_store', 'Gray', 'none', '#686868', '#151515')
+ call NERDTreeHighlightFile('gitconfig', 'Gray', 'none', '#686868',
+ '#151515') call NERDTreeHighlightFile('gitignore', 'Gray', 'none',
+ '#686868', '#151515') call NERDTreeHighlightFile('bashrc', 'Gray', 'none',
+ '#686868', '#151515') call NERDTreeHighlightFile('bashprofile', 'Gray',
+ 'none', '#686868', '#151515') 'Note: If the colors still are not
+ highlighting, try invoking such as:' autocmd VimEnter * call
+ NERDTreeHighlightFile('jade', 'green', 'none', 'green', '#151515') ``` per:
+ https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/issues/49#issuecomment-101753558
+ *devicons-how-did-you-get-color-matching-on-just-glyph-icon-in-nerdtree*
+How did you get color matching on just the glyph/icon in NERDtree? ~
+- You can add something like this to your |vimrc|
+ ```vim " NERDTress File highlighting only the glyph/icon " test highlight
+ just the glyph (icons) in nerdtree: autocmd filetype nerdtree highlight
+ haskell_icon ctermbg=none ctermfg=Red guifg=#ffa500 autocmd filetype
+ nerdtree highlight html_icon ctermbg=none ctermfg=Red guifg=#ffa500 autocmd
+ filetype nerdtree highlight go_icon ctermbg=none ctermfg=Red guifg=#ffa500
+ autocmd filetype nerdtree syn match haskell_icon ##
+ containedin=NERDTreeFile " if you are using another syn highlight for a
+ given line (e.g. " NERDTreeHighlightFile) need to give that name in the
+ 'containedin' for this " other highlight to work with it autocmd filetype
+ nerdtree syn match html_icon ## containedin=NERDTreeFile,html autocmd
+ filetype nerdtree syn match go_icon ## containedin=NERDTreeFile ```
+How do I solve issues after re-sourcing my *vimrc*?
+- Try adding this to the bottom of your |vimrc|
+ 'vim if exists("g:loaded_webdevicons") call webdevicons#refresh() endif'
+ *devicons-why-do-i-have-artifacts-after-of-icons*
+Why do I have artifacts after (or instead) of icons? ~
+- Dots after icons in NERDTree (on GVim), try:
+'vim autocmd FileType nerdtree setlocal nolist'
+source: Issue #110 [51]
+- Newly created files in NERDTree are slow to show the glyph (icon)
+- check your current setting of ':updatetime?'
+- try setting 'updatetime' in your |vimrc| to a lower value like '250', for
+ more info see: Issue #153 [52]
+ *devicons-square-brackets-around-icons*
+Square brackets around icons ~
+- By default if your Vim supports conceal you should not see these, debug
+ steps:
+ - Check if the plugin feature is set (should be '1'):
+ 'vim echo g:webdevicons_conceal_nerdtree_brackets'
+ - Check that your vim was compiled with the 'conceal' feature (should be
+ '+conceal'):
+ ```shell
+ *devicons-from-terminal*
+ from terminal ~
+ vim --version | grep conceal ```
+ - Check the 'conceallevel' (should be '3'):
+ 'vim set conceallevel?'
+ *devicons-do-i-have-to-use-patched-font-such-as-nerd-fonts*
+Do I have to use a patched font such as Nerd Fonts? ~
+VimDevIcons was desired to work with Nerd Fonts [13], however you do _not_ have
+to use a patched font or even Nerd Fonts specified glyphs. You have 2 main
+fontconfig fallback
+1. Install the NERD Font symbol fonts:
+2. Symbols Nerd Font:style=1000-em [53]
+3. Symbols Nerd Font:style=2048-em [54]
+4. Install 10-nerd-font-symbols.conf [55] for Fontconfig
+5. for additional information see: Issue #124 [56] and [Nerd Fonts
+ 'fontconfig']
+Use your own glyph codepoints
+- specify your own glyphs and/or use your own font (see: Character Mappings
+ [57])
+ *devicons-rationale-why-does-this-exist-how-did-this-start*
+Rationale: Why does this exist? How did this start? ~
+After seeing the awesome theme for Atom (seti-ui) and the awesome plugins work
+done for NERDTree and vim-airline and wanting something like this for Vim I
+decided to create my first plugin.
+ *devicons-references*
+References ~
+[1] https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree
+[2] https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline
+[3] https://github.com/ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim
+[4] https://github.com/powerline/powerline
+[5] https://github.com/Shougo/denite.nvim
+[6] https://github.com/Shougo/unite.vim
+[7] https://github.com/itchyny/lightline.vim
+[8] https://github.com/mhinz/vim-startify
+[9] https://github.com/Shougo/vimfiler.vim
+[10] https://github.com/bagrat/vim-workspace
+[11] https://github.com/tpope/vim-flagship
+[12] https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/wiki/screenshots
+[13] https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts
+[14] https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/wiki/Detailed-Features
+[15] https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/wiki/Extra-Configuration
+[16] https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts#font-installation
+[17] https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts#font-patcher
+[18] https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug
+[19] https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/wiki/Installation
+[20] DEVELOPER.md
+[21] https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/wiki/FAQ-&-Troubleshooting
+[24] https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons
+[25] http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=5114
+[26] https://github.com/Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin
+[27] https://github.com/Xuyuanp
+[28] https://atom.io/themes/seti-ui
+[29] https://github.com/jesseweed
+[30] http://vorillaz.github.io/devicons
+[31] https://github.com/vorillaz
+[32] https://github.com/benatespina/development.svg.icons
+[33] https://github.com/benatespina
+[34] http://learnvimscriptthehardway.stevelosh.com/
+[35] http://stevelosh.com/
+[36] https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/graphs/contributors
+[38] https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen
+[39] https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim
+[40] https://github.com/gmarik/vundle
+[41] https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/wiki/samples/v0.10.x/.vimrc-windows-1
+[42] https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/wiki/samples/v0.10.x/.vimrc-linux-1
+[43] https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-powerline
+[44] https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/wiki/samples/v0.10.x/powerline/themes/vim/default.json
+[45] http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1658
+[46] http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3736
+[47] https://github.com/tpope/vim-flagship/issues/6#issuecomment-116121220
+[48] https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/pull/135
+[49] https://github.com/tiagofumo/vim-nerdtree-syntax-highlight
+[50] https://github.com/tiagofumo
+[51] https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/issues/110#issue-103801335
+[52] https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/issues/153
+[53] https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/blob/master/src/glyphs/Symbols-1000-em%20Nerd%20Font%20Complete.ttf
+[54] https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/blob/master/src/glyphs/Symbols-2048-em%20Nerd%20Font%20Complete.ttf
+[55] https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/blob/master/10-nerd-font-symbols.conf
+[56] https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/issues/124
+[57] https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons#character-mappings
+vim: ft=help
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/nerdtree_plugin/webdevicons.vim b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/nerdtree_plugin/webdevicons.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7c1f9f73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/nerdtree_plugin/webdevicons.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+" Version: 0.11.0
+" Webpage: https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons
+" Maintainer: Ryan McIntyre
+" License: see LICENSE
+" @todo fix duplicate global variable initialize here:
+if !exists('g:webdevicons_enable')
+ let g:webdevicons_enable = 1
+if !exists('g:webdevicons_enable_nerdtree')
+ let g:webdevicons_enable_nerdtree = 1
+if !exists('g:DevIconsEnableFoldersOpenClose')
+ let g:DevIconsEnableFoldersOpenClose = 0
+if !exists('g:DevIconsEnableFolderPatternMatching')
+ let g:DevIconsEnableFolderPatternMatching = 1
+if !exists('g:DevIconsEnableFolderExtensionPatternMatching')
+ let g:DevIconsEnableFolderExtensionPatternMatching = 0
+" end @todo duplicate global variables
+" Temporary (hopefully) fix for glyph issues in gvim (proper fix is with the
+" actual font patcher)
+if !exists('g:webdevicons_gui_glyph_fix')
+ if has('gui_running')
+ let g:webdevicons_gui_glyph_fix = 1
+ else
+ let g:webdevicons_gui_glyph_fix = 0
+ endif
+if !exists('g:DevIconsEnableNERDTreeRedraw')
+ if has('gui_running')
+ let g:DevIconsEnableNERDTreeRedraw = 1
+ else
+ let g:DevIconsEnableNERDTreeRedraw = 0
+ endif
+if g:webdevicons_enable_nerdtree == 1
+ if !exists('g:loaded_nerd_tree')
+ echohl WarningMsg |
+ \ echomsg 'vim-webdevicons requires NERDTree to be loaded before vim-webdevicons.'
+ endif
+ if exists('g:loaded_nerd_tree') && g:loaded_nerd_tree == 1 && !exists('g:NERDTreePathNotifier')
+ let g:webdevicons_enable_nerdtree = 0
+ echohl WarningMsg |
+ \ echomsg 'vim-webdevicons requires a newer version of NERDTree to show glyphs in NERDTree - consider updating NERDTree.'
+ endif
+ " @todo I don't even want this to execute UNLESS the user has the
+ " 'nerdtree-git-plugin' INSTALLED (not LOADED)
+ " As it currently functions this warning will display even if the user does
+ " not have nerdtree-git-plugin not just if it isn't loaded yet
+ " (not what we want)
+ "if !exists('g:loaded_nerdtree_git_status')
+ " echohl WarningMsg |
+ " \ echomsg 'vim-webdevicons works better when 'nerdtree-git-plugin' is loaded before vim-webdevicons (small refresh issues otherwise).'
+ "endif
+if !exists('g:webdevicons_enable_airline_tabline')
+ let g:webdevicons_enable_airline_tabline = 1
+if !exists('g:webdevicons_enable_airline_statusline')
+ let g:webdevicons_enable_airline_statusline = 1
+function! s:SetupListeners()
+ call g:NERDTreePathNotifier.AddListener('init', 'NERDTreeWebDevIconsRefreshListener')
+ call g:NERDTreePathNotifier.AddListener('refresh', 'NERDTreeWebDevIconsRefreshListener')
+ call g:NERDTreePathNotifier.AddListener('refreshFlags', 'NERDTreeWebDevIconsRefreshListener')
+" util like helpers
+" scope: local
+function! s:Refresh()
+ call b:NERDTree.root.refreshFlags()
+ call NERDTreeRender()
+" Temporary (hopefully) fix for glyph issues in gvim (proper fix is with the
+" actual font patcher)
+" NERDTree-C
+" scope: global
+function! WebDevIconsNERDTreeChangeRootHandler(node)
+ call b:NERDTree.changeRoot(a:node)
+ call NERDTreeRender()
+ call a:node.putCursorHere(0, 0)
+ if g:DevIconsEnableNERDTreeRedraw ==# 1
+ redraw!
+ endif
+" NERDTree-u
+" scope: global
+function! WebDevIconsNERDTreeUpDirCurrentRootClosedHandler()
+ call nerdtree#ui_glue#upDir(0)
+ if g:DevIconsEnableNERDTreeRedraw ==# 1
+ redraw!
+ endif
+function! WebDevIconsNERDTreeDirUpdateFlags(node, glyph)
+ let path = a:node.path
+ let isOpen = a:node.isOpen
+ let postPadding = g:WebDevIconsNerdTreeAfterGlyphPadding
+ let prePadding = g:WebDevIconsNerdTreeBeforeGlyphPadding
+ let hasGitFlags = (len(path.flagSet._flagsForScope('git')) > 0)
+ let hasGitNerdTreePlugin = (exists('g:loaded_nerdtree_git_status') == 1)
+ let collapsesToSameLine = (exists('g:NERDTreeCascadeSingleChildDir') == 1)
+ let dirHasOnlyOneChildDir = 0
+ if collapsesToSameLine
+ " need to call to determin children:
+ call a:node._initChildren(1)
+ let dirHasOnlyOneChildDir = (a:node.getChildCount() ==# 1 && a:node.children[0].path.isDirectory)
+ endif
+ " properly set collapsed/combined directory display to opened glyph
+ if collapsesToSameLine && dirHasOnlyOneChildDir
+ call WebDevIconsNERDTreeDirOpen(a:node.children[0])
+ endif
+ " align vertically at the same level: non git-flag nodes with git-flag nodes
+ if g:WebDevIconsNerdTreeGitPluginForceVAlign && !hasGitFlags && hasGitNerdTreePlugin
+ let prePadding .= ' '
+ endif
+ let flag = prePadding . a:glyph . postPadding
+ call a:node.path.flagSet.clearFlags('webdevicons')
+ if flag !=? ''
+ call a:node.path.flagSet.addFlag('webdevicons', flag)
+ "echom "added flag of " . flag
+ call a:node.path.refreshFlags(b:NERDTree)
+ "echom "flagset is now " . string(a:node.path.flagSet)
+ endif
+function! WebDevIconsNERDTreeDirClose(node)
+ let a:node.path.isOpen = 0
+ let glyph = g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFolderNodesDefaultSymbol
+ call WebDevIconsNERDTreeDirUpdateFlags(a:node, glyph)
+function! WebDevIconsNERDTreeDirOpen(node)
+ let a:node.path.isOpen = 1
+ let glyph = g:DevIconsDefaultFolderOpenSymbol
+ call WebDevIconsNERDTreeDirUpdateFlags(a:node, glyph)
+function! WebDevIconsNERDTreeDirOpenRecursively(node)
+ call WebDevIconsNERDTreeDirOpen(a:node)
+ for i in a:node.children
+ if i.path.isDirectory ==# 1
+ call WebDevIconsNERDTreeDirOpenRecursively(i)
+ endif
+ endfor
+function! WebDevIconsNERDTreeDirCloseRecursively(node)
+ call WebDevIconsNERDTreeDirClose(a:node)
+ for i in a:node.children
+ if i.path.isDirectory ==# 1
+ call WebDevIconsNERDTreeDirCloseRecursively(i)
+ endif
+ endfor
+function! WebDevIconsNERDTreeDirCloseChildren(node)
+ for i in a:node.children
+ if i.path.isDirectory ==# 1
+ call WebDevIconsNERDTreeDirClose(i)
+ endif
+ endfor
+" NERDTreeMapActivateNode and <2-LeftMouse>
+" handle the user activating a tree node
+" scope: global
+function! WebDevIconsNERDTreeMapActivateNode(node)
+ let isOpen = a:node.isOpen
+ if isOpen
+ let glyph = g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFolderNodesDefaultSymbol
+ else
+ let glyph = g:DevIconsDefaultFolderOpenSymbol
+ endif
+ let a:node.path.isOpen = !isOpen
+ call WebDevIconsNERDTreeDirUpdateFlags(a:node, glyph)
+ " continue with normal activate logic
+ call a:node.activate()
+ " glyph change possible artifact clean-up
+ if g:DevIconsEnableNERDTreeRedraw ==# 1
+ redraw!
+ endif
+" NERDTreeMapActivateNodeSingleMode
+" handle the user activating a tree node if NERDTreeMouseMode is setted to 3
+" scope: global
+function! WebDevIconsNERDTreeMapActivateNodeSingleMode(node)
+ if g:NERDTreeMouseMode == 3
+ let isOpen = a:node.isOpen
+ if isOpen
+ let glyph = g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFolderNodesDefaultSymbol
+ else
+ let glyph = g:DevIconsDefaultFolderOpenSymbol
+ endif
+ let a:node.path.isOpen = !isOpen
+ call WebDevIconsNERDTreeDirUpdateFlags(a:node, glyph)
+ " continue with normal activate logic
+ call a:node.activate()
+ " glyph change possible artifact clean-up
+ if g:DevIconsEnableNERDTreeRedraw ==# 1
+ redraw!
+ endif
+ endif
+function! WebDevIconsNERDTreeMapOpenRecursively(node)
+ " normal original logic:
+ call nerdtree#echo('Recursively opening node. Please wait...')
+ call WebDevIconsNERDTreeDirOpenRecursively(a:node)
+ call a:node.openRecursively()
+ " continue with normal original logic:
+ call b:NERDTree.render()
+ " glyph change possible artifact clean-up
+ if g:DevIconsEnableNERDTreeRedraw ==# 1
+ redraw!
+ endif
+ call nerdtree#echo('Recursively opening node. Please wait... DONE')
+function! WebDevIconsNERDTreeMapCloseChildren(node)
+ " close children but not current node:
+ call WebDevIconsNERDTreeDirCloseChildren(a:node)
+ " continue with normal original logic:
+ call a:node.closeChildren()
+ call b:NERDTree.render()
+ call a:node.putCursorHere(0, 0)
+ " glyph change possible artifact clean-up
+ if g:DevIconsEnableNERDTreeRedraw ==# 1
+ redraw!
+ endif
+function! WebDevIconsNERDTreeMapCloseDir(node)
+ " continue with normal original logic:
+ let parent = a:node.parent
+ while g:NERDTreeCascadeOpenSingleChildDir && !parent.isRoot()
+ let childNodes = parent.getVisibleChildren()
+ if len(childNodes) == 1 && childNodes[0].path.isDirectory
+ let parent = parent.parent
+ else
+ break
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ if parent ==# {} || parent.isRoot()
+ call nerdtree#echo('cannot close tree root')
+ else
+ call parent.close()
+ " update the glyph
+ call WebDevIconsNERDTreeDirClose(parent)
+ call b:NERDTree.render()
+ call parent.putCursorHere(0, 0)
+ " glyph change possible artifact clean-up
+ if g:DevIconsEnableNERDTreeRedraw ==# 1
+ redraw!
+ endif
+ endif
+function! WebDevIconsNERDTreeMapUpdirKeepOpen()
+ call WebDevIconsNERDTreeDirOpen(b:NERDTree.root)
+ " continue with normal logic:
+ call nerdtree#ui_glue#upDir(1)
+ call s:Refresh()
+ " glyph change possible artifact clean-up
+ if g:DevIconsEnableNERDTreeRedraw ==# 1
+ redraw!
+ endif
+if g:webdevicons_enable == 1 && g:webdevicons_enable_nerdtree == 1
+ call s:SetupListeners()
+ if g:DevIconsEnableFoldersOpenClose
+ " These overrides are needed because we cannot
+ " simply use AddListener for reliably updating
+ " the folder open/close glyphs because the event
+ " path has no access to the 'isOpen' property
+ " some of these are a little more brittle/fragile
+ " than others
+ " TODO FIXME better way to reliably update
+ " open/close glyphs in NERDTreeWebDevIconsRefreshListener
+ " NERDTreeMapActivateNode
+ call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({
+ \ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapActivateNode,
+ \ 'callback': 'WebDevIconsNERDTreeMapActivateNode',
+ \ 'override': 1,
+ \ 'scope': 'DirNode' })
+ " NERDTreeMapCustomOpen
+ call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({
+ \ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapCustomOpen,
+ \ 'callback': 'WebDevIconsNERDTreeMapActivateNode',
+ \ 'override': 1,
+ \ 'scope': 'DirNode' })
+ " NERDTreeMapOpenRecursively
+ call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({
+ \ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapOpenRecursively,
+ \ 'callback': 'WebDevIconsNERDTreeMapOpenRecursively',
+ \ 'override': 1,
+ \ 'scope': 'DirNode' })
+ " NERDTreeMapCloseChildren
+ call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({
+ \ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapCloseChildren,
+ \ 'callback': 'WebDevIconsNERDTreeMapCloseChildren',
+ \ 'override': 1,
+ \ 'scope': 'DirNode' })
+ " NERDTreeMapCloseChildren
+ call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({
+ \ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapCloseDir,
+ \ 'callback': 'WebDevIconsNERDTreeMapCloseDir',
+ \ 'override': 1,
+ \ 'scope': 'Node' })
+ " <2-LeftMouse>
+ call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({
+ \ 'key': '<2-LeftMouse>',
+ \ 'callback': 'WebDevIconsNERDTreeMapActivateNode',
+ \ 'override': 1,
+ \ 'scope': 'DirNode' })
+ "
+ call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({
+ \ 'key': '',
+ \ 'callback': 'WebDevIconsNERDTreeMapActivateNodeSingleMode',
+ \ 'override': 1,
+ \ 'scope': 'DirNode' })
+ " NERDTreeMapUpdirKeepOpen
+ call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({
+ \ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapUpdirKeepOpen,
+ \ 'callback': 'WebDevIconsNERDTreeMapUpdirKeepOpen',
+ \ 'override': 1,
+ \ 'scope': 'all' })
+ endif
+ " Temporary (hopefully) fix for glyph issues in gvim (proper fix is with the
+ " actual font patcher)
+ if g:webdevicons_gui_glyph_fix ==# 1
+ call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({
+ \ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapChangeRoot,
+ \ 'callback': 'WebDevIconsNERDTreeChangeRootHandler',
+ \ 'override': 1,
+ \ 'quickhelpText': "change tree root to the\n\" selected dir\n\" plus devicons redraw\n\" hack fix",
+ \ 'scope': 'Node' })
+ call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({
+ \ 'key': g:NERDTreeMapUpdir,
+ \ 'callback': 'WebDevIconsNERDTreeUpDirCurrentRootClosedHandler',
+ \ 'override': 1,
+ \ 'quickhelpText': "move tree root up a dir\n\" plus devicons redraw\n\" hack fix",
+ \ 'scope': 'all' })
+ endif
+" modeline syntax:
+" vim: fdm=marker tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab:
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/plugin/webdevicons.vim b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/plugin/webdevicons.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..596ec68b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/plugin/webdevicons.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
+" Version: 0.11.0
+" Webpage: https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons
+" Maintainer: Ryan McIntyre
+" License: see LICENSE
+let s:version = '0.11.0'
+let s:plugin_home = expand(':p:h:h')
+" set scriptencoding after 'encoding' and when using multibyte chars
+scriptencoding utf-8
+" standard fix/safety: line continuation (avoiding side effects) {{{1
+let s:save_cpo = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" standard loading / not loading {{{1
+if exists('g:loaded_webdevicons')
+ finish
+let g:loaded_webdevicons = 1
+" config enable / disable settings {{{1
+" Set the variable to the default value, only if variable is not defined.
+" @param {string} var Variable name with its scope.
+" @param {*} default Default value for variable.
+function! s:set(var, default) abort
+ if !exists(a:var)
+ if type(a:default)
+ execute 'let' a:var '=' string(a:default)
+ else
+ execute 'let' a:var '=' a:default
+ endif
+ endif
+call s:set('g:webdevicons_enable', 1)
+call s:set('g:webdevicons_enable_nerdtree', 1)
+call s:set('g:webdevicons_enable_unite ', 1)
+call s:set('g:webdevicons_enable_denite', 1)
+call s:set('g:webdevicons_enable_vimfiler', 1)
+call s:set('g:webdevicons_enable_ctrlp', 1)
+call s:set('g:webdevicons_enable_airline_tabline', 1)
+call s:set('g:webdevicons_enable_airline_statusline', 1)
+call s:set('g:webdevicons_enable_airline_statusline_fileformat_symbols', 1)
+call s:set('g:webdevicons_enable_flagship_statusline', 1)
+call s:set('g:webdevicons_enable_flagship_statusline_fileformat_symbols', 1)
+call s:set('g:webdevicons_enable_startify', 1)
+call s:set('g:webdevicons_conceal_nerdtree_brackets', 1)
+call s:set('g:DevIconsAppendArtifactFix', has('gui_running') ? 1 : 0)
+call s:set('g:DevIconsArtifactFixChar', ' ')
+" config options {{{1
+call s:set('g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodes', 1)
+call s:set('g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFolderNodes', 1)
+call s:set('g:DevIconsEnableFoldersOpenClose', 0)
+call s:set('g:DevIconsEnableFolderPatternMatching', 1)
+call s:set('g:DevIconsEnableFolderExtensionPatternMatching', 0)
+call s:set('g:DevIconsEnableDistro', 1)
+call s:set('g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFolderNodesExactMatches', 1)
+call s:set('g:WebDevIconsUnicodeGlyphDoubleWidth', 1)
+call s:set('g:WebDevIconsNerdTreeBeforeGlyphPadding', ' ')
+call s:set('g:WebDevIconsNerdTreeAfterGlyphPadding', ' ')
+call s:set('g:WebDevIconsNerdTreeGitPluginForceVAlign', 1)
+call s:set('g:NERDTreeUpdateOnCursorHold', 1) " Obsolete: For backward compatibility
+call s:set('g:NERDTreeGitStatusUpdateOnCursorHold', 1)
+call s:set('g:WebDevIconsTabAirLineBeforeGlyphPadding', ' ')
+call s:set('g:WebDevIconsTabAirLineAfterGlyphPadding', '')
+" config defaults {{{1
+call s:set('g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesDefaultSymbol', '')
+call s:set('g:WebDevIconsUnicodeByteOrderMarkerDefaultSymbol', '')
+call s:set('g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFolderNodesDefaultSymbol', g:DevIconsEnableFoldersOpenClose ? '' : '')
+call s:set('g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFolderNodesSymlinkSymbol', '')
+call s:set('g:DevIconsDefaultFolderOpenSymbol', '')
+" functions {{{1
+" local functions {{{2
+" scope: local
+function s:getDistro()
+ if exists('s:distro')
+ return s:distro
+ endif
+ if has('bsd')
+ let s:distro = ''
+ return s:distro
+ endif
+ if g:DevIconsEnableDistro && executable('lsb_release')
+ let s:lsb = system('lsb_release -i')
+ if s:lsb =~# 'Arch'
+ let s:distro = ''
+ elseif s:lsb =~# 'Gentoo'
+ let s:distro = ''
+ elseif s:lsb =~# 'Ubuntu'
+ let s:distro = ''
+ elseif s:lsb =~# 'Cent'
+ let s:distro = ''
+ elseif s:lsb =~# 'Debian'
+ let s:distro = ''
+ elseif s:lsb =~# 'Dock'
+ let s:distro = ''
+ else
+ let s:distro = ''
+ endif
+ return s:distro
+ endif
+ let s:distro = ''
+ return s:distro
+" scope: local
+function s:isDarwin()
+ if exists('s:is_darwin')
+ return s:is_darwin
+ endif
+ if exists('g:WebDevIconsOS')
+ let s:is_darwin = g:WebDevIconsOS ==? 'Darwin'
+ return s:is_darwin
+ endif
+ if has('macunix')
+ let s:is_darwin = 1
+ return s:is_darwin
+ endif
+ if ! has('unix')
+ let s:is_darwin = 0
+ return s:is_darwin
+ endif
+ if system('uname -s') ==# "Darwin\n"
+ let s:is_darwin = 1
+ else
+ let s:is_darwin = 0
+ endif
+ return s:is_darwin
+" scope: local
+function! s:strip(input)
+ return substitute(a:input, '^\s*\(.\{-}\)\s*$', '\1', '')
+" scope: local
+function! s:setDictionaries()
+ let s:file_node_extensions = {
+ \ 'styl' : '',
+ \ 'sass' : '',
+ \ 'scss' : '',
+ \ 'htm' : '',
+ \ 'html' : '',
+ \ 'slim' : '',
+ \ 'haml' : '',
+ \ 'ejs' : '',
+ \ 'css' : '',
+ \ 'less' : '',
+ \ 'md' : '',
+ \ 'mdx' : '',
+ \ 'markdown' : '',
+ \ 'rmd' : '',
+ \ 'json' : '',
+ \ 'webmanifest' : '',
+ \ 'js' : '',
+ \ 'mjs' : '',
+ \ 'jsx' : '',
+ \ 'rb' : '',
+ \ 'gemspec' : '',
+ \ 'rake' : '',
+ \ 'php' : '',
+ \ 'py' : '',
+ \ 'pyc' : '',
+ \ 'pyo' : '',
+ \ 'pyd' : '',
+ \ 'coffee' : '',
+ \ 'mustache' : '',
+ \ 'hbs' : '',
+ \ 'conf' : '',
+ \ 'ini' : '',
+ \ 'yml' : '',
+ \ 'yaml' : '',
+ \ 'toml' : '',
+ \ 'bat' : '',
+ \ 'mk' : '',
+ \ 'jpg' : '',
+ \ 'jpeg' : '',
+ \ 'bmp' : '',
+ \ 'png' : '',
+ \ 'webp' : '',
+ \ 'gif' : '',
+ \ 'ico' : '',
+ \ 'twig' : '',
+ \ 'cpp' : '',
+ \ 'c++' : '',
+ \ 'cxx' : '',
+ \ 'cc' : '',
+ \ 'cp' : '',
+ \ 'c' : '',
+ \ 'cs' : '',
+ \ 'h' : '',
+ \ 'hh' : '',
+ \ 'hpp' : '',
+ \ 'hxx' : '',
+ \ 'hs' : '',
+ \ 'lhs' : '',
+ \ 'nix' : '',
+ \ 'lua' : '',
+ \ 'java' : '',
+ \ 'sh' : '',
+ \ 'fish' : '',
+ \ 'bash' : '',
+ \ 'zsh' : '',
+ \ 'ksh' : '',
+ \ 'csh' : '',
+ \ 'awk' : '',
+ \ 'ps1' : '',
+ \ 'ml' : 'λ',
+ \ 'mli' : 'λ',
+ \ 'diff' : '',
+ \ 'db' : '',
+ \ 'sql' : '',
+ \ 'dump' : '',
+ \ 'clj' : '',
+ \ 'cljc' : '',
+ \ 'cljs' : '',
+ \ 'edn' : '',
+ \ 'scala' : '',
+ \ 'go' : '',
+ \ 'dart' : '',
+ \ 'xul' : '',
+ \ 'sln' : '',
+ \ 'suo' : '',
+ \ 'pl' : '',
+ \ 'pm' : '',
+ \ 't' : '',
+ \ 'rss' : '',
+ \ 'f#' : '',
+ \ 'fsscript' : '',
+ \ 'fsx' : '',
+ \ 'fs' : '',
+ \ 'fsi' : '',
+ \ 'rs' : '',
+ \ 'rlib' : '',
+ \ 'd' : '',
+ \ 'erl' : '',
+ \ 'hrl' : '',
+ \ 'ex' : '',
+ \ 'exs' : '',
+ \ 'eex' : '',
+ \ 'leex' : '',
+ \ 'heex' : '',
+ \ 'vim' : '',
+ \ 'ai' : '',
+ \ 'psd' : '',
+ \ 'psb' : '',
+ \ 'ts' : '',
+ \ 'tsx' : '',
+ \ 'jl' : '',
+ \ 'pp' : '',
+ \ 'vue' : '﵂',
+ \ 'elm' : '',
+ \ 'swift' : '',
+ \ 'xcplayground' : '',
+ \ 'tex' : 'ﭨ',
+ \ 'r' : 'ﳒ',
+ \ 'rproj' : '鉶',
+ \ 'sol' : 'ﲹ',
+ \ 'pem' : ''
+ \}
+ let s:file_node_exact_matches = {
+ \ 'exact-match-case-sensitive-1.txt' : '1',
+ \ 'exact-match-case-sensitive-2' : '2',
+ \ 'gruntfile.coffee' : '',
+ \ 'gruntfile.js' : '',
+ \ 'gruntfile.ls' : '',
+ \ 'gulpfile.coffee' : '',
+ \ 'gulpfile.js' : '',
+ \ 'gulpfile.ls' : '',
+ \ 'mix.lock' : '',
+ \ 'dropbox' : '',
+ \ '.ds_store' : '',
+ \ '.gitconfig' : '',
+ \ '.gitignore' : '',
+ \ '.gitattributes' : '',
+ \ '.gitlab-ci.yml' : '',
+ \ '.bashrc' : '',
+ \ '.zshrc' : '',
+ \ '.zshenv' : '',
+ \ '.zprofile' : '',
+ \ '.vimrc' : '',
+ \ '.gvimrc' : '',
+ \ '_vimrc' : '',
+ \ '_gvimrc' : '',
+ \ '.bashprofile' : '',
+ \ 'favicon.ico' : '',
+ \ 'license' : '',
+ \ 'node_modules' : '',
+ \ 'react.jsx' : '',
+ \ 'procfile' : '',
+ \ 'dockerfile' : '',
+ \ 'docker-compose.yml' : '',
+ \ 'rakefile' : '',
+ \ 'config.ru' : '',
+ \ 'gemfile' : '',
+ \ 'makefile' : '',
+ \ 'cmakelists.txt' : '',
+ \ 'robots.txt' : 'ﮧ'
+ \}
+ let s:file_node_pattern_matches = {
+ \ '.*jquery.*\.js$' : '',
+ \ '.*angular.*\.js$' : '',
+ \ '.*backbone.*\.js$' : '',
+ \ '.*require.*\.js$' : '',
+ \ '.*materialize.*\.js$' : '',
+ \ '.*materialize.*\.css$' : '',
+ \ '.*mootools.*\.js$' : '',
+ \ '.*vimrc.*' : '',
+ \ 'Vagrantfile$' : ''
+ \}
+ if !exists('g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExtensionSymbols')
+ let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExtensionSymbols = {}
+ endif
+ if !exists('g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExactSymbols')
+ " do not remove: exact-match-case-sensitive-*
+ let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExactSymbols = {}
+ endif
+ if !exists('g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesPatternSymbols')
+ let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesPatternSymbols = {}
+ endif
+ " iterate to fix allow user overriding of specific individual keys in vimrc (only gvimrc was working previously)
+ for [key, val] in items(s:file_node_extensions)
+ if !has_key(g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExtensionSymbols, key)
+ let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExtensionSymbols[key] = val
+ endif
+ endfor
+ " iterate to fix allow user overriding of specific individual keys in vimrc (only gvimrc was working previously)
+ for [key, val] in items(s:file_node_exact_matches)
+ if !has_key(g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExactSymbols, key)
+ let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExactSymbols[key] = val
+ endif
+ endfor
+ " iterate to fix allow user overriding of specific individual keys in vimrc (only gvimrc was working previously)
+ for [key, val] in items(s:file_node_pattern_matches)
+ if !has_key(g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesPatternSymbols, key)
+ let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesPatternSymbols[key] = val
+ endif
+ endfor
+" scope: local
+function! s:setSyntax()
+ if g:webdevicons_enable_nerdtree == 1 && g:webdevicons_conceal_nerdtree_brackets == 1
+ augroup webdevicons_conceal_nerdtree_brackets
+ au!
+ autocmd FileType nerdtree syntax match hideBracketsInNerdTree "\]" contained conceal containedin=NERDTreeFlags
+ autocmd FileType nerdtree syntax match hideBracketsInNerdTree "\[" contained conceal containedin=NERDTreeFlags
+ autocmd FileType nerdtree syntax match hideBracketsInNerdTree "\]" contained conceal containedin=NERDTreeLinkFile
+ autocmd FileType nerdtree syntax match hideBracketsInNerdTree "\]" contained conceal containedin=NERDTreeLinkDir
+ autocmd FileType nerdtree syntax match hideBracketsInNerdTree "\[" contained conceal containedin=NERDTreeLinkFile
+ autocmd FileType nerdtree syntax match hideBracketsInNerdTree "\[" contained conceal containedin=NERDTreeLinkDir
+ autocmd FileType nerdtree setlocal conceallevel=3
+ autocmd FileType nerdtree setlocal concealcursor=nvic
+ augroup END
+ endif
+" scope: local
+" stole solution/idea from nerdtree-git-plugin :)
+function! s:setCursorHold()
+ if g:webdevicons_enable_nerdtree
+ augroup webdevicons_cursor_hold
+ autocmd CursorHold * silent! call s:CursorHoldUpdate()
+ augroup END
+ endif
+" scope: local
+" stole solution/idea from nerdtree-git-plugin :)
+function! s:CursorHoldUpdate()
+ if g:NERDTreeUpdateOnCursorHold != 1 || g:NERDTreeGitStatusUpdateOnCursorHold != 1
+ return
+ endif
+ if !exists('g:NERDTree') || !g:NERDTree.IsOpen()
+ return
+ endif
+ " Do not update when a special buffer is selected
+ if !empty(&l:buftype)
+ return
+ endif
+ " winnr need to make focus go to opened file
+ " CursorToTreeWin needed to avoid error on opening file
+ let l:winnr = winnr()
+ let l:altwinnr = winnr('#')
+ call g:NERDTree.CursorToTreeWin()
+ call b:NERDTree.root.refreshFlags()
+ call NERDTreeRender()
+ exec l:altwinnr . 'wincmd w'
+ exec l:winnr . 'wincmd w'
+" scope: local
+function! s:hardRefreshNerdTree()
+ if g:webdevicons_enable_nerdtree == 1 && g:webdevicons_conceal_nerdtree_brackets == 1 && g:NERDTree.IsOpen()
+ NERDTreeClose
+ NERDTree
+ endif
+" scope: local
+function! s:softRefreshNerdTree()
+ if g:webdevicons_enable_nerdtree == 1 && exists('g:NERDTree') && g:NERDTree.IsOpen()
+ NERDTreeToggle
+ NERDTreeToggle
+ endif
+" local initialization {{{2
+" scope: local
+function! s:initialize()
+ call s:setDictionaries()
+ call s:setSyntax()
+ call s:setCursorHold()
+ if exists('g:loaded_flagship') | call devicons#plugins#flagship#init() | endif
+ if exists('g:loaded_unite') && g:webdevicons_enable_unite | call devicons#plugins#unite#init() | endif
+ if exists('g:loaded_denite') && g:webdevicons_enable_denite | call devicons#plugins#denite#init() | endif
+ if exists('g:loaded_vimfiler') && g:webdevicons_enable_vimfiler | call devicons#plugins#vimfiler#init() | endif
+ if exists('g:loaded_ctrlp') && g:webdevicons_enable_ctrlp | call devicons#plugins#ctrlp#init() | endif
+ if exists('g:loaded_startify') && g:webdevicons_enable_startify | call devicons#plugins#startify#init() | endif
+" public functions {{{2
+" scope: public
+function! webdevicons#version()
+ return s:version
+" scope: public
+function! webdevicons#pluginHome()
+ return s:plugin_home
+" scope: public
+" allow the first version of refresh to now call softRefresh
+function! webdevicons#refresh()
+ call webdevicons#softRefresh()
+" scope: public
+function! webdevicons#hardRefresh()
+ call s:setSyntax()
+ call s:hardRefreshNerdTree()
+" scope: public
+function! webdevicons#softRefresh()
+ call s:setSyntax()
+ call s:softRefreshNerdTree()
+" a:1 (bufferName), a:2 (isDirectory)
+" scope: public
+function! WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(...) abort
+ if a:0 == 0
+ let fileNodeExtension = !empty(expand('%:e')) ? expand('%:e') : &filetype
+ let fileNode = expand('%:t')
+ let isDirectory = 0
+ else
+ let fileNodeExtension = fnamemodify(a:1, ':e')
+ let fileNode = fnamemodify(a:1, ':t')
+ if a:0 > 1
+ let isDirectory = a:2
+ else
+ let isDirectory = 0
+ endif
+ endif
+ if isDirectory == 0 || g:DevIconsEnableFolderPatternMatching
+ let symbol = g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesDefaultSymbol
+ let fileNodeExtension = tolower(fileNodeExtension)
+ let fileNode = tolower(fileNode)
+ for [pattern, glyph] in items(g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesPatternSymbols)
+ if match(fileNode, pattern) != -1
+ let symbol = glyph
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if symbol == g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesDefaultSymbol
+ if has_key(g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExactSymbols, fileNode)
+ let symbol = g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExactSymbols[fileNode]
+ elseif ((isDirectory == 1 && g:DevIconsEnableFolderExtensionPatternMatching) || isDirectory == 0) && has_key(g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExtensionSymbols, fileNodeExtension)
+ let symbol = g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExtensionSymbols[fileNodeExtension]
+ elseif isDirectory == 1
+ let symbol = g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFolderNodesDefaultSymbol
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ let symbol = g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFolderNodesDefaultSymbol
+ endif
+ let artifactFix = s:DevIconsGetArtifactFix()
+ return symbol . artifactFix
+" scope: local
+" Temporary (hopefully) fix for glyph issues in gvim (proper fix is with the
+" actual font patcher)
+function! s:DevIconsGetArtifactFix()
+ if g:DevIconsAppendArtifactFix == 1
+ let artifactFix = g:DevIconsArtifactFixChar
+ else
+ let artifactFix = ''
+ endif
+ return artifactFix
+" scope: public
+function! WebDevIconsGetFileFormatSymbol(...)
+ let fileformat = ''
+ let bomb = ''
+ if (&bomb && g:WebDevIconsUnicodeByteOrderMarkerDefaultSymbol !=? '')
+ let bomb = g:WebDevIconsUnicodeByteOrderMarkerDefaultSymbol . ' '
+ endif
+ if &fileformat ==? 'dos'
+ let fileformat = ''
+ elseif &fileformat ==? 'unix'
+ let fileformat = s:isDarwin() ? '' : s:getDistro()
+ elseif &fileformat ==? 'mac'
+ let fileformat = ''
+ endif
+ let artifactFix = s:DevIconsGetArtifactFix()
+ return bomb . fileformat . artifactFix
+" for airline plugin {{{3
+" scope: public
+function! AirlineWebDevIcons(...)
+ let w:airline_section_x = get(w:, 'airline_section_x',
+ \ get(g:, 'airline_section_x', ''))
+ let w:airline_section_x .= ' %{WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol()} '
+ let hasFileFormatEncodingPart = airline#parts#ffenc() !=? ''
+ if g:webdevicons_enable_airline_statusline_fileformat_symbols && hasFileFormatEncodingPart
+ let w:airline_section_y = ' %{&fenc . " " . WebDevIconsGetFileFormatSymbol()} '
+ endif
+if g:webdevicons_enable == 1 && exists('g:loaded_airline') && g:loaded_airline == 1 && g:webdevicons_enable_airline_statusline
+ call airline#add_statusline_func('AirlineWebDevIcons')
+if g:webdevicons_enable == 1 && g:webdevicons_enable_airline_tabline
+ " Store original formatter.
+ let g:_webdevicons_airline_orig_formatter = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#formatter', 'default')
+ let g:airline#extensions#tabline#formatter = 'webdevicons'
+" for nerdtree plugin {{{3
+" scope: public
+function! NERDTreeWebDevIconsRefreshListener(event)
+ let path = a:event.subject
+ let postPadding = g:WebDevIconsNerdTreeAfterGlyphPadding
+ let prePadding = g:WebDevIconsNerdTreeBeforeGlyphPadding
+ let hasGitFlags = (len(path.flagSet._flagsForScope('git')) > 0)
+ let hasGitNerdTreePlugin = (exists('g:loaded_nerdtree_git_status') == 1)
+ let artifactFix = s:DevIconsGetArtifactFix()
+ " align vertically at the same level: non git-flag nodes with git-flag nodes
+ if g:WebDevIconsNerdTreeGitPluginForceVAlign && !hasGitFlags && hasGitNerdTreePlugin
+ let prePadding .= ' '
+ endif
+ if !path.isDirectory
+ " Hey we got a regular file, lets get it's proper icon
+ let flag = prePadding . WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(path.str()) . postPadding
+ elseif path.isDirectory && g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFolderNodes == 1
+ " Ok we got a directory, some more tests and checks
+ let directoryOpened = 0
+ if g:DevIconsEnableFoldersOpenClose && len(path.flagSet._flagsForScope('webdevicons')) > 0
+ " did the user set different icons for open and close?
+ " isOpen is not available on the path listener directly
+ " but we added one via overriding particular keymappings for NERDTree
+ if has_key(path, 'isOpen') && path.isOpen == 1
+ let directoryOpened = 1
+ endif
+ endif
+ if g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFolderNodesExactMatches == 1
+ " Did the user enable exact matching of folder type/names
+ " think node_modules
+ if g:DevIconsEnableFoldersOpenClose && directoryOpened
+ " the folder is open
+ let flag = prePadding . g:DevIconsDefaultFolderOpenSymbol . artifactFix . postPadding
+ else
+ " the folder is not open
+ if path.isSymLink
+ " We have a symlink
+ let flag = prePadding . g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFolderNodesSymlinkSymbol . artifactFix . postPadding
+ else
+ " We have a regular folder
+ let flag = prePadding . WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(path.str(), path.isDirectory) . postPadding
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ " the user did not enable exact matching
+ if g:DevIconsEnableFoldersOpenClose && directoryOpened
+ " the folder is open
+ let flag = prePadding . g:DevIconsDefaultFolderOpenSymbol . artifactFix . postPadding
+ else
+ " the folder is not open
+ if path.isSymLink
+ " We have a symlink
+ let flag = prePadding . g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFolderNodesSymlinkSymbol . artifactFix . postPadding
+ else
+ " We have a regular folder
+ let flag = prePadding . g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFolderNodesDefaultSymbol . artifactFix . postPadding
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ let flag = prePadding . ' ' . artifactFix . postPadding
+ endif
+ call path.flagSet.clearFlags('webdevicons')
+ if flag !=? ''
+ call path.flagSet.addFlag('webdevicons', flag)
+ endif
+" call setup after processing all the functions (to avoid errors) {{{1
+" had some issues with VimEnter, for now using:
+call s:initialize()
+" standard fix/safety: line continuation (avoiding side effects) {{{1
+let &cpo = s:save_cpo
+unlet s:save_cpo
+" modeline syntax:
+" vim: fdm=marker tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab:
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/pythonx/vim_devicons/__init__.py b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/pythonx/vim_devicons/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ece379ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/pythonx/vim_devicons/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+import pkg_resources
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/pythonx/vim_devicons/powerline/__init__.py b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/pythonx/vim_devicons/powerline/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ece379ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/pythonx/vim_devicons/powerline/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+import pkg_resources
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/pythonx/vim_devicons/powerline/segments.py b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/pythonx/vim_devicons/powerline/segments.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f92f4eea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/pythonx/vim_devicons/powerline/segments.py
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# vim:se fenc=utf8 noet:
+from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function)
+ import vim
+except ImportError:
+ vim = {}
+from powerline.bindings.vim import (vim_get_func, buffer_name)
+from powerline.theme import requires_segment_info
+def webdevicons(pl, segment_info):
+ webdevicons = vim_get_func('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol')
+ name = buffer_name(segment_info)
+ return [] if not webdevicons else [{
+ 'contents': webdevicons(name),
+ 'highlight_groups': ['webdevicons', 'file_name'],
+ }]
+def webdevicons_file_format(pl, segment_info):
+ webdevicons_file_format = vim_get_func('WebDevIconsGetFileFormatSymbol')
+ return [] if not webdevicons_file_format else [{
+ 'contents': webdevicons_file_format(),
+ 'highlight_groups': ['webdevicons_file_format', 'file_format'],
+ }]
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/rplugin/python3/denite/filter/devicons_denite_converter.py b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/rplugin/python3/denite/filter/devicons_denite_converter.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6768009a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/rplugin/python3/denite/filter/devicons_denite_converter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# vim:se fenc=utf8 noet:
+from .base import Base
+from os.path import isdir
+class Filter(Base):
+ def __init__(self, vim):
+ super().__init__(vim)
+ self.name = 'devicons_denite_converter'
+ self.description = 'add devicons in front of candidates'
+ def filter(self, context):
+ for candidate in context['candidates']:
+ if 'bufnr' in candidate:
+ bufname = self.vim.funcs.bufname(candidate['bufnr'])
+ filename = self.vim.funcs.fnamemodify(bufname, ':p:t')
+ elif 'word' in candidate and 'action__path' in candidate:
+ filename = candidate['word']
+ icon = self.vim.funcs.WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(
+ filename, isdir(filename))
+ # Customize output format if not done already.
+ if icon not in candidate.get('abbr', '')[:10]:
+ candidate['abbr'] = ' {} {}'.format(
+ icon, candidate.get('abbr', candidate['word']))
+ return context['candidates']
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/test/.themisrc b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/test/.themisrc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f59497a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/test/.themisrc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+filetype plugin on
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/test/default_setting.vim b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/test/default_setting.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b3799486
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/test/default_setting.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+scriptencoding utf-8
+let s:suite = themis#suite('Webdevicons-default-value')
+let s:assert = themis#helper('assert')
+function! s:suite.ExtensionConfig()
+ call s:assert.equals(g:webdevicons_enable, 1)
+ call s:assert.equals(g:webdevicons_enable_nerdtree, 1)
+ call s:assert.equals(g:webdevicons_enable_unite, 1)
+ call s:assert.equals(g:webdevicons_enable_denite, 1)
+ call s:assert.equals(g:webdevicons_enable_vimfiler, 1)
+ call s:assert.equals(g:webdevicons_enable_ctrlp, 1)
+ call s:assert.equals(g:webdevicons_enable_airline_tabline, 1)
+ call s:assert.equals(g:webdevicons_enable_airline_statusline, 1)
+ call s:assert.equals(g:webdevicons_enable_airline_statusline_fileformat_symbols, 1)
+ call s:assert.equals(g:webdevicons_enable_flagship_statusline, 1)
+ call s:assert.equals(g:webdevicons_enable_flagship_statusline_fileformat_symbols, 1)
+ call s:assert.equals(g:webdevicons_enable_startify, 1)
+ call s:assert.equals(g:webdevicons_conceal_nerdtree_brackets, 1)
+function! s:suite.ConfigOptions()
+ call s:assert.equals(g:DevIconsAppendArtifactFix, 0)
+ call s:assert.equals(g:DevIconsArtifactFixChar, ' ')
+ call s:assert.equals(g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodes, 1)
+ call s:assert.equals(g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFolderNodes, 1)
+ call s:assert.equals(g:DevIconsEnableFoldersOpenClose, 0)
+ call s:assert.equals(g:DevIconsEnableFolderPatternMatching, 1)
+ call s:assert.equals(g:DevIconsEnableFolderExtensionPatternMatching, 0)
+ call s:assert.equals(1, g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFolderNodesExactMatches, 1)
+ call s:assert.equals(1, g:WebDevIconsUnicodeGlyphDoubleWidth, 1)
+ call s:assert.equals(g:WebDevIconsNerdTreeBeforeGlyphPadding, ' ')
+ call s:assert.equals(g:WebDevIconsNerdTreeAfterGlyphPadding, ' ')
+ call s:assert.equals(g:WebDevIconsNerdTreeGitPluginForceVAlign, 1)
+ call s:assert.equals(g:NERDTreeUpdateOnCursorHold, 1) " Obsolete: for backward compatibility
+ call s:assert.equals(g:NERDTreeGitStatusUpdateOnCursorHold, 1)
+ call s:assert.equals(g:WebDevIconsTabAirLineBeforeGlyphPadding, ' ')
+ call s:assert.equals(g:WebDevIconsTabAirLineAfterGlyphPadding, '')
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/test/fileformat.vim b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/test/fileformat.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..170a27b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/test/fileformat.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+scriptencoding utf-8
+" Please use nerd-font if you watch icon-font
+let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileFormatSymbol')
+let s:assert = themis#helper('assert')
+function! s:suite.UnixIcon()
+ set fileformat=unix
+ let os = system('uname -a')
+ if os =~# 'Darwin'
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileFormatSymbol(), '')
+ " It may return Ubuntu because github-actions's OS is Ubuntu
+ elseif os =~# 'Ubuntu'
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileFormatSymbol(), '')
+ else
+ call s:assert.skip('Skip testing except for Ubuntu and Mac.')
+ endif
+function! s:suite.WindowsIcon()
+ set fileformat=dos
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileFormatSymbol(), '')
+function! s:suite.MacIcon()
+ set fileformat=mac
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileFormatSymbol(), '')
diff --git a/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/test/filetype.vim b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/test/filetype.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3669ad9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/.vim/plugged/vim-devicons/test/filetype.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+scriptencoding utf-8
+" Please use nerd-font if you watch icon-font
+let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol')
+let s:assert = themis#helper('assert')
+function! s:Assert(filename, icon)
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(a:filename), a:icon)
+function! s:suite.NoArgument_GetDefaultIcon()
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(), '')
+function! s:suite.__OneArgument_VimIcon__()
+ let targetfilenames = ['.vimrc', 'vimrc', '.gvimrc', '_gvimrc', 'test.vim']
+ let expecticon = ''
+ let child = themis#suite('OneArgument_VimIcon')
+ for targetfilename in targetfilenames
+ let child[targetfilename] = funcref('s:Assert', [targetfilename, expecticon])
+ endfor
+function! s:suite.__OneArgument_RubyIcon__()
+ let targetfilenames = ['test.rb', 'rakefile', 'RAKEFILE', 'Gemfile', 'config.ru']
+ let expecticon = ''
+ let child = themis#suite('OneArgument_RubyIcon')
+ for targetfilename in targetfilenames
+ let child[targetfilename] = funcref('s:Assert', [targetfilename, expecticon])
+ endfor
+function! s:suite.__OneArgument_MarkDownIcon__()
+ let targetfilenames = ['test.md', 'test.markdown', 'test.mdx', 'test.rmd']
+ let expecticon = ''
+ let child = themis#suite('OneArgument_MarkDownIcon')
+ for targetfilename in targetfilenames
+ let child[targetfilename] = funcref('s:Assert', [targetfilename, expecticon])
+ endfor
+function! s:suite.__OneArgument_PythonIcon__()
+ let targetfilenames = ['test.py', 'test.pyc', 'test.pyo', 'test.pyd']
+ let expecticon = ''
+ let child = themis#suite('OneArgument_PythonIcon')
+ for targetfilename in targetfilenames
+ let child[targetfilename] = funcref('s:Assert', [targetfilename, expecticon])
+ endfor
+function! s:suite.__OneArgument_ShellIcon__()
+ let targetfilenames = ['test.sh', 'test.fish', 'test.bash', 'test.ksh', 'test.csh', 'test.awk', 'test.ps1']
+ let expecticon = ''
+ let child = themis#suite('OneArgument_ShellIcon')
+ for targetfilename in targetfilenames
+ let child[targetfilename] = funcref('s:Assert', [targetfilename, expecticon])
+ endfor
+function! s:suite.__OneArgument_DBIcon__()
+ let targetfilenames = ['test.db', 'test.sql', 'test.dump']
+ let expecticon = ''
+ let child = themis#suite('OneArgument_DBIcon')
+ for targetfilename in targetfilenames
+ let child[targetfilename] = funcref('s:Assert', [targetfilename, expecticon])
+ endfor
+function! s:suite.__OneArgument_RustIcon__()
+ let targetfilenames = ['test.rs', 'test.rlib']
+ let expecticon = ''
+ let child = themis#suite('OneArgument_RustIcon')
+ for targetfilename in targetfilenames
+ let child[targetfilename] = funcref('s:Assert', [targetfilename, expecticon])
+ endfor
+function! s:suite.__OneArgument_DockerIcon__()
+ let targetfilenames = ['Dockerfile', 'docker-compose.yml']
+ let expecticon = ''
+ let child = themis#suite('OneArgument_DockerIcon')
+ for targetfilename in targetfilenames
+ let child[targetfilename] = funcref('s:Assert', [targetfilename, expecticon])
+ endfor
+function! s:suite.__OneArgument_JavaScriptIcon__()
+ let targetfilenames = ['test.js', 'test.mjs']
+ let expecticon = ''
+ let child = themis#suite('OneArgument_JavaScriptIcon')
+ for targetfilename in targetfilenames
+ let child[targetfilename] = funcref('s:Assert', [targetfilename, expecticon])
+ endfor
+function! s:suite.__OneArgument_ReactIcon__()
+ let targetfilenames = ['test.jsx', 'test.tsx', 'react.jsx']
+ let expecticon = ''
+ let child = themis#suite('OneArgument_ReactIcon')
+ for targetfilename in targetfilenames
+ let child[targetfilename] = funcref('s:Assert', [targetfilename, expecticon])
+ endfor
+function! s:suite.__OneArgument_JsonIcon__()
+ let targetfilenames = ['test.json', 'test.webmanifest']
+ let expecticon = ''
+ let child = themis#suite('OneArgument_JsonIcon')
+ for targetfilename in targetfilenames
+ let child[targetfilename] = funcref('s:Assert', [targetfilename, expecticon])
+ endfor
+function! s:suite.__OneArgument_GearIcon__()
+ let targetfilenames = ['.DS_Store', 'Makefile', 'test.mk', '.bashrc', '.zshrc', '.gitignore', '.gitattributes', 'cmakelists.txt', 'test.yaml', 'test.yml', 'test.toml', 'test.bat']
+ let expecticon = ''
+ let child = themis#suite('OneArgument_GearIcon')
+ for targetfilename in targetfilenames
+ let child[targetfilename] = funcref('s:Assert', [targetfilename, expecticon])
+ endfor
+function! s:suite.__OneArgument_ErlangIcon__()
+ let targetfilenames = ['test.erl', 'test.hrl']
+ let expecticon = ''
+ let child = themis#suite('OneArgument_ErlangIcon')
+ for targetfilename in targetfilenames
+ let child[targetfilename] = funcref('s:Assert', [targetfilename, expecticon])
+ endfor
+function! s:suite.__OneArgument_SwiftIcon__()
+ let targetfilenames = ['test.swift', 'test.xcplayground']
+ let expecticon = ''
+ let child = themis#suite('OneArgument_SwiftIcon')
+ for targetfilename in targetfilenames
+ let child[targetfilename] = funcref('s:Assert', [targetfilename, expecticon])
+ endfor
+function! s:suite.__OneArgument_HaskellIcon__()
+ let targetfilenames = ['test.hs', 'test.lhs']
+ let expecticon = ''
+ let child = themis#suite('OneArgument_HaskellIcon')
+ for targetfilename in targetfilenames
+ let child[targetfilename] = funcref('s:Assert', [targetfilename, expecticon])
+ endfor
+function! s:suite.__OneArgument_CppIcon__()
+ let targetfilenames = ['test.cpp', 'test.c++', 'test.cp', 'test.cxx', 'test.cc']
+ let expecticon = ''
+ let child = themis#suite('OneArgument_C++Icon')
+ for targetfilename in targetfilenames
+ let child[targetfilename] = funcref('s:Assert', [targetfilename, expecticon])
+ endfor
+function! s:suite.__OneArgument_ElixirIcon__()
+ let targetfilenames = ['test.ex', 'test.exs', 'test.eex', 'test.leex', 'test.heex']
+ let expecticon = ''
+ let child = themis#suite('OneArgument_ElixirIcon')
+ for targetfilename in targetfilenames
+ let child[targetfilename] = funcref('s:Assert', [targetfilename, expecticon])
+ endfor
+function! s:suite.__OneArgument_PerlIcon__()
+ let targetfilenames = ['test.pl', 'test.pm', 'test.t']
+ let expecticon = ''
+ let child = themis#suite('OneArgument_PerlIcon')
+ for targetfilename in targetfilenames
+ let child[targetfilename] = funcref('s:Assert', [targetfilename, expecticon])
+ endfor
+function! s:suite.__OneArgument_FSharpIcon__()
+ let targetfilenames = ['test.fs', 'test.fsx', 'test.fsi', 'test.fsscript']
+ let expecticon = ''
+ let child = themis#suite('OneArgument_FSharpIcon')
+ for targetfilename in targetfilenames
+ let child[targetfilename] = funcref('s:Assert', [targetfilename, expecticon])
+ endfor
+function! s:suite.OneArgument_GetTypeScriptIcon()
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.ts'), '')
+function! s:suite.OneArgument_GetVueIcon()
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.vue'), '﵂')
+function! s:suite.OneArgument_GetNodeModuleIcon()
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('node_modules'), '')
+function! s:suite.OneArgument_GetDropboxIcon()
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('Dropbox'), '')
+function! s:suite.OneArgument_GetRIcon()
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.r'), 'ﳒ')
+function! s:suite.OneArgument_GetLuaIcon()
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.lua'), '')
+function! s:suite.OneArgument_GetJavaIcon()
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.java'), '')
+function! s:suite.OneArgument_GetCIcon()
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.c'), '')
+function! s:suite.OneArgument_GetCSSIcon()
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.cs'), '')
+function! s:suite.OneArgument_GetCSharpIcon()
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.cs'), '')
+function! s:suite.OneArgument_GetElmIcon()
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.elm'), '')
+function! s:suite.OneArgument_GetRssIcon()
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.rss'), '')
+function! s:suite.OneArgument_GetDartIcon()
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.dart'), '')
+function! s:suite.OneArgument_GetSolidityIcon()
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.sol'), 'ﲹ')
+function! s:suite.OneArgument_GetGoIcon()
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.go'), '')
+function! s:suite.OneArgument_GetPhpIcon()
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.php'),'')
+function! s:suite.OneArgument_GetScalaIcon()
+ call s:assert.equals( WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.scala'), '')
+function! s:suite.OneArgument_GetTexIcon()
+ call s:assert.equals( WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.tex'), 'ﭨ')
+function! s:suite.OneArgument_GetLicenseIcon()
+ call s:assert.equals( WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('LICENSE'), '')
+function! s:suite.OneArgument_GetRobotIcon()
+ call s:assert.equals( WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('robots.txt'), 'ﮧ')
+function! s:suite.OneArgument_PemIcon()
+ call s:assert.equals( WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.pem'), '')
+function! s:suite.TwoArgument_zero_GetFileIcon()
+ call s:assert.equals( WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.vim', 0), '')
+function! s:suite.TwoArgument_one_GetFolderIcon()
+ call s:assert.equals( WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.vim', 1), '')
+function! s:suite.TwoArgument_two_GetDefaultIcon()
+ call s:assert.equals( WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.vim', 2), '')
+function! s:suite.TwoArgument_string_GetFileTypeIcon()
+ call s:assert.equals( WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.php', 'test.vim'), '')
+function! s:suite.NoArgument_OverWriteFileType_GetVimIcon()
+ set ft=vim
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(), '')
+function! s:suite.NoArgument_EditVimFile_GetVimIcon()
+ edit! test.vim
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(), '')
+function! s:suite.NoArgument_Editvimrc_GetVimIcon()
+ edit! vimrc
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(), '')
+function! s:suite.NoArgument_EditPythonFile_GetPythonIcon()
+ edit! test.py
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(), '')
+function! s:suite.NoArgument_EditjavaScriptFile_GetjavaScriptIcon()
+ edit! test.js
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(), '')
+function! s:suite.NoArgument_EditRustFile_GetRustIcon()
+ edit! test.rs
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(), '')
+function! s:suite.NoArgument_EditMKFile_GetGearIcon()
+ edit! test.mk
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(), '')
+function! s:suite.OneArgument_EditPythonFile_GetRubyIcon()
+ edit! test.py
+ call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.rb'), '')