Update .local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoidata.yaml, .local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoi.yaml.tmpl
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 456 additions and 47 deletions
@ -12,15 +12,23 @@
{{- $cloudflareSecretAccessKey := "" -}}
{{- $cloudflareR2AccountId := "" -}}
{{- $githubUsername := "ProfessorManhattan" -}}
{{- $githubReadToken := "" -}}
{{- $gitlabReadToken := "" -}}
{{- $githubReadToken := $.Env.GITHUB_READ_TOKEN -}}
{{- $gitlabReadToken := $.Env.GITLAB_READ_TOKEN -}}
{{- $locale := (output "echo" "$LANG") }}
{{- $ngrokAuthToken := "" -}}
{{- $slackApiToken := "" -}}
{{- $tabbyConfigId := "" -}}
{{- $tabbySyncToken := "" -}}
{{- $ngrokAuthToken := $.Env.NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN -}}
{{- $slackApiToken := $.Env.SLACK_API_TOKEN -}}
{{- $tabbyConfigId := $.Env.TABBY_CONFIG_ID -}}
{{- $tabbySyncToken := $.Env.TABBY_SYNC_TOKEN -}}
{{- $timezone := "America/New_York" -}}
{{- $toolchains := list "docker" "iac" "java" "kubernetes" "node" "python" "rust" "extra" "gpg" -}}
{{- $toolchains := list "docker" "go" "java" "kubernetes" "python" "rust" "extras" "web" "gpg" -}}
{{- $softwareGroup := "standard" -}}
{{- $desktopSession := true -}}
{{- if and (ne .chezmoi.os "darwin") (ne .chezmoi.os "windows") (not $.Env.DISPLAY) -}}
{{- $desktopSession = false -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if $desktopSession -}}
{{- $softwareGroup = "standardDesktop" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $data := . }}
{{- $_ := set $data "host" (default (dict) (get $data "host")) -}}
@ -85,11 +93,6 @@
{{- if stdinIsATTY -}}
{{- $work = promptBoolOnce $data.host "work" "Work Environment" $work -}}
{{- $restricted = promptBoolOnce $data.host "restricted" "Restricted Environment (no sudo access)" $restricted -}}
{{- $name = promptStringOnce $data.user "name" "Your Name" $name -}}
{{- $email = promptStringOnce $data.user "email" "Your Email" $email -}}
{{- range $toolchain := $toolchains }}
{{- $enabled := promptBoolOnce $data.toolchains $toolchain (list "Enable" $toolchain "toolchain" | join " ") (get $toolchainsEnabled $toolchain) -}}
{{- if and (eq $toolchain "kubernetes") $enabled (not $toolchainsEnabled.docker) -}}
@ -99,8 +102,13 @@
{{- $_ := set $toolchainsEnabled $toolchain $enabled }}
{{- end }}
{{- $work = promptBoolOnce $data.host "work" "Work environment" $work -}}
{{- $restricted = promptBoolOnce $data.host "restricted" "Restricted environment (i.e. no sudo)" $restricted -}}
{{- $softwareGroup = promptStringOnce $data.host "softwareGroup" "Software group" $softwareGroup -}}
{{- $name = promptStringOnce $data.user "name" "Full name:" $name -}}
{{- $email = promptStringOnce $data.user "email" "Primary e-mail address" $email -}}
{{- $gpgKeyId = promptStringOnce $data.user "gpgKeyId" "Public GPG key ID" $gpgKeyId -}}
{{- $domain = promptStringOnce $data.user "domain" "Domain" $domain -}}
{{- $domain = promptStringOnce $data.user "domain" "Domain name" $domain -}}
{{- $timezone = promptStringOnce $data.user "timezone" "Timezone" $timezone -}}
{{- $cloudflareToken = promptStringOnce $data.user "cloudflareToken" "CloudFlare API Token" $cloudflareToken -}}
{{- $githubUsername = promptStringOnce $data.user "githubUsername" "GitHub username" $githubUsername -}}
@ -130,13 +138,14 @@ data:
cores: "{{ $cpuCores }}"
threads: "{{ $cpuThreads }}"
desktopSession: "{{ $desktopSession }}"
family: "{{ .chezmoi.os }}"
id: "{{ get .chezmoi.osRelease "id" | default .chezmoi.os }}"
home: "{{ .chezmoi.homeDir }}"
homeParentFolder: "{{ if eq .chezmoi.os "linux" }}/home{{ else if eq .chezmoi.os "darwin" }}/Users{{ else }}C:\Users{{ end }}"
qubes: {{ ne (stat (joinPath "usr" "bin" "qubes-session")) false }}
softwareGroup: "terminal"
softwareGroup: "standard"
type: "{{ $chassisType }}"
work: {{ $work }}
restricted: {{ $restricted }}
@ -24,72 +24,114 @@ config:
main: Montserrat Bold
- bash-completion
- bat
- bitwarden-cli
- chezmoi
- curl
- curlie
- delta
- direnv
- docker
- elasticagent
- empty-trash
- exa
- fd
- ffsend
- fkill
- fzf
- glances
- glow
- gping
- gtop
- gum
- neovim
- node
- oh-my-posh
- skate
- speed-test
- task
- vim
- wget
- whalebrew
- wifi-password
- zoxide
- zx
- brave
- firefox
- fonts
- tabby
- vscode
- cloudflared
- cockpit
- cups
- lexicon
# - maas
- ngxtop
- ansible
- ansibleconnect
- aria2
- asdf
- automake
- autorestic
- bandwhich
- bat
- bitwarden-cli
- bitly
- bottom
- broot
- cheat
- chezmoi
- cloudflared
- cmake
- commitizen
- croc
- ctop
- curl
- curlie
- dasel
- delta
- dat
- deno
- difftastic
- direnv
- dog
- duf
- dust
- etcd
- exa
- fd
- ffsend
- fq
- fselect
- fx
- fzf
- gdrive
- gist
- git
- git-lfs
- git-secret
- gitui
- glances
- glow
- git-open
- glusterfs
- gnu
- go
- gomplate
- googler
- gping
- gphotos-sync
- grex
- gron
- gum
- hexyl
- hey
- htop
- hyperfine
- imagemagick
- jo
- imgur-uploader
- is-up
- jq
- jq
- litecli
- kvm
- lxdc
- m-cli
- mas
- mcfly
- mkcert
- mycli
- nb
- netcat
- nmap
- nnn
- node
- ots
- pass
- peco
- pm2
- pnpm
- prettier
- procs
- pup
- pywhat
@ -101,27 +143,385 @@ softwareGroups:
- rsync
- sd
- shellcheck
- skate
- serve
- share
- sharp
- spotdl
- sqlite
- ssh-vault
- sysbench
- task
- t-rec
- teller
- tig
- tinypng
- tldr
- tmux
- translate
- tree
- typescript
- up
- vagrant
- vault
- vim
- volta
- watchexec
- wget
- whalebrew
- yj
- ykman
- youtube-dl
- yq
- zoxide
- yubikey-manager
- zsh
- zx
- autokey
- balenaetcher
- bitwarden-cli
- cerebro
- chrome
- clocker
- cumulus
- dat-desktop
- g-assist
- gimp
- inkscape
- jitsi-meet-electron
- keybase
- kodi
- ledgerlive
- libreoffice
- lollypop
- mailspring
- microsoft-office
- microsoft-todo
- motrix
- nuclear
# - onionshare
- parallels
- peek
- plex
- portmaster
- pretzel
- proton
- qtbittorrent
- qlplugins
- remote-desktop
- rofi
# - secretive
- sharex
- shotcut
- shotwell
- skype
- slack
- stats
- teams
- teamviewer
- temps
- timeshift
- virtualbox
- vlc
- webtorrent
- yubikey-authenticator
- yubikey-manager-qt
- zoom
- act
- allure
- angular-cli
- ansible-lint
- aqua
- argocli
- auto-install
- automake
- awscli
- azurecli
- azurefunctions
- bane
- beets
- bin
- browser-sync
- bundler
- caniuse
- carbon-now
- carthage
- clair
- cmake
- cocoapods
- composer
- container-structure-test
- cookiecutter
- cordova
- delve
- deno
- desed
- dframe
- dive
- docker-slim
- dockle
- dotenv-linter
- dotnet
- dprint
- drone
- easyengine
- editly
- electron
- emma
- emoj
- eslint
- etcd
- exiftool
- fastify
- feathers
- filebrowser
- firebase
- flutter
- fpm
- fq
- fuego
- fx
- gcloud
- gdown
- gfi
- gh
- ghorg
- git-filter-repo
- git-lfs
- git-secret
- gitui
- gitextras
- gitfuzzy
- gitlabrunner
- gitleaks
- gitomatic
- gitsome
- gitstats
- gixy
- glab
- glen
- go-chromecast
- go-outline
- golangci-lint
- gomodifytags
- gopkgs
- gopls
- gotests
- grype
- gulp
- hadolint
- hclq
- heroku
- hexyl
- hey
- hostctl
- htmlq
- http-prompt
- httpie
- httpstat
- hub
- ideviceinstaller
- impl
- infracost
- ionic
- ios-deploy
- ipfs
- ipfs-deploy
- jiq
- jo
- litecli
- jqp
- juju
- libimobiledevice
- localtunnel
- mc # TODO
- mitmproxy
- mkcert
- mockoon
- molecule
- mycli
- nativefier
- ncc
- nectar
- nest
- newman
- node-prune
- nomad
- nomino
- np
- npm-check
- oq
- package-size
- packer
- pageres
- pandoc
- pastel
- pkg
- playwright
- psi
- psu
- ramda
- rancher
- ruby
- rust
- s5cmd
- schema
- scrcpy
- sdkman
- semantic-release
- sentry-cli
- serverless
- shc
- shdoc
- shfmt
- slackterm
- sloth
- snitch
- starred
- statcode
- staticcheck
- stegcloak
- surge
- svgo
- t
- t-rec
- terminalizer
- tokei
- trellis
- trivy
- trufflehog
- ts2c
- up
- upx
- virtualenv
- watchexec
- watchman
- waypoint
- websocat
- whaler
- winrm-cli
- wireshark
- wkhtmltopdf
- wordpressify
- wrangler
- xurls
- yamllint
- yank
- yarn
- altair
- android-studio
- appium
- fig
- filezilla
- gitdock
- gitify
- gitkraken
- intellij-idea-ce
- ipfs-desktop
- iterm2
- lepton
- microsoft-edge
- mjml
- mqttx
- postman
- pre-commit
- quasar
- raspberry-pi-imager
- redis-desktop-manager
- responsively
- runjs
- sqlectron
- visual-studio
- asciicinema
- assh
- astronvim
- awxcli
- budibase-cli
- cfssl
- chef
- chrome-cli
- cointop
- confd
- consul
- curator
- deta
- difftastic
- doctl
- envconsul
- fission
- fly
- fm
- fselect
- gdown
- gojq
- himalaya
- lazygit
- linuxkit
- logcli
- mergestat
- minikube
- mole
- muffet
- nebula
- osquery
- page-fetch
- papertrail
- poetry
- pony
- q
- sftpgo
- skm
- social-analyzer
- solidity
- teleport
- teller
- termius
- tfenv
- tflint
- tilt
- vector
- betwixt
- lens
- manta
- mark-text
- masscode
- mullvad-vpn
- powershell
- kdash
- kn
- kubectx
- kubenav
- kubernetes-cli
- kubernetes-helm
- kubernetes-kompose
- kubeval
- linkerd2
- velero
- bivac
- boilr
- captain
- consul-cli
- consultemplate
- diffsofancy
- emplace
- htop
- hyper
- jenv
- kitty
- license
- lpass
- lsd
- mackup
- nvm
- pyenv
- raindrop
- rear
- sad
- supdock
- transfer
- ulauncher
- upt
Reference in a new issue