2023-01-09 21:55:47 -08:00
{{- if (ne .host.distro.family "windows") -}}
2022-11-26 19:27:29 -08:00
#!/usr/bin/env bash
2023-04-12 18:27:13 -07:00
# @file Homebrew / Xcode Tools Installation
# @brief Ensures Xcode tools are installed on macOS and ensures Homebrew is installed on either Linux or macOS
# @description
# This script ensures macOS has tools like `git` by installing the Xcode command-line developer tools if they are
# not already installed. Then, on both Linux and macOS, it ensures Homebrew is installed.
2023-11-04 23:08:59 -07:00
# It also tries to perform a system update and there may be some manual work required since it is not possible
# to completely automate the system update process for macOS.
2023-08-17 21:55:27 -07:00
# ## Environment Variables
# * `NO_RESTART` - Set this variable to skip restarts triggered by system updates on macOS
2023-04-12 18:27:13 -07:00
# ## Homebrew Requirement
# Install Doctor relies on Homebrew for many tools that are currently only available via Homebrew. Removing the dependency
# would be a nice-to-have but there are currently no plans for supporting systems without Homebrew installed.
2023-01-09 21:55:47 -08:00
2023-01-24 20:36:59 -08:00
{{ includeTemplate "universal/profile-before" }}
{{ includeTemplate "universal/logg-before" }}
Update dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/_universal/run_onchange_before_8-install-zx.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/_universal/run_onchange_before_5-install-homebrew.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/darwin/run_onchange_before_10_install-darwin-dependencies.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoitemplates/universal/profile, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/private_dot_config/shell/exports.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/_universal/run_onchange_after_99_bootstrap-z4h.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/_universal/run_onchange_after_80-bash-completions.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/_universal/run_onchange_after_60-cleanup.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/_universal/run_onchange_after_50-crontab.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/_universal/run_onchange_after_15_install-asdf-packages.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/_universal/run_onchange_after_10_install-aqua-packages.sh.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/archlinux/run_onchange_before_10_install-archlinux-dependencies.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/centos/run_onchange_before_10-install-centos-dependencies.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/darwin/run_onchange_after_10_configure-macos.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/darwin/run_onchange_after_20-ensure-zsh-macos.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/debian/run_onchange_before_10-install-debian-dependencies.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/fedora/run_onchange_before_10-install-fedora-dependencies.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/freebsd/run_onchange_before_11-install-freebsd-packages.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/opensuse/run_onchange_before_11-install-opensuse-software.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/ubuntu/run_onchange_before_10_install-ubuntu-dependencies.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/private_dot_config/tabby/config.yaml.tmpl
Deleted dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/_universal/run_onchange_before_1-logging-deps
2022-11-26 19:55:43 -08:00
2023-07-30 22:31:48 -07:00
### Configure Firewall
2023-11-03 23:29:07 -07:00
# TODO: If this is required, notes should be added describing the pros / cons of the security
2023-11-03 23:05:46 -07:00
# if [ -d /Applications ] && [ -d /System ]; then
# logg info 'Disabling the block all incoming traffic option in the system Firewall settings'
# /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --setblockall off || (logg error 'Failed to disable incoming traffic block in the system Firewall' && logg info 'Manually disable the option under "System Preferences" > "Network" > "Firewall" > "Incoming Traffic Block Toggle"')
# fi
2023-07-30 22:31:48 -07:00
2023-06-13 23:02:23 -07:00
### System upgrade on macOS
2023-11-29 20:23:58 -08:00
# Note: If a shutdown is required and the `softwareupdate` command restart command does not work then `m shutdown -f` might be useful or `m restart -f`
2023-11-29 20:38:03 -08:00
# Do you want to terminate running processes in this window?
# Closing this window will terminate the running processes: softwareupdate, sudo
2023-11-29 21:32:21 -08:00
# Running sudo softwareupdate -i -a -R --agree-to-license reboots just not in the script due to the running processes perhaps
# Check for pending reboot by checking
2023-06-22 21:59:20 -07:00
if [ -d /Applications ] && [ -d /Library ] && [ -z " $ NO_RESTART " ]; then
2023-12-04 21:53:15 -08:00
logg info 'Applying OS upgrades (if available)'
2023-12-06 22:01:25 -08:00
sudo sh -c "softwareupdate -i -a --agree-to-license" || logg error 'Failed to trigger a system update via sudo softwareupdate -i -a --agree-to-license'
2023-12-04 21:53:15 -08:00
logg info 'If system updates are downloaded / installed, a reboot might be required.'
2023-12-05 22:58:56 -08:00
### Source: https://community.jamf.com/t5/jamf-pro/determine-if-update-requires-restart/m-p/11682
if softwareupdate -l | grep restart > /dev/null; then
2023-12-06 22:01:25 -08:00
### Add kickstart script to .zshrc so it triggers automatically
2023-12-05 22:58:56 -08:00
if [ ! -f " $ HOME /.zshrc" ] || ! cat " $ HOME /.zshrc" | grep ' # TEMPORARY FOR INSTALL DOCTOR MACOS' > /dev/null; then
echo 'bash <(curl -sSL https://install.doctor/start) # TEMPORARY FOR INSTALL DOCTOR MACOS' >> " $ HOME /.zshrc"
2023-12-06 22:01:25 -08:00
### Attempt to populate SUDO_PASSWORD from secrets
if [ -z " $ SUDO_PASSWORD " ]; then
SUDO_PASSWORD="{{- if and (stat (joinPath .host.home ".config" "age" "chezmoi.txt")) (stat (joinPath .chezmoi.sourceDir ".chezmoitemplates" "secrets" "SUDO_PASSWORD")) -}}{{- includeTemplate "secrets/SUDO_PASSWORD" | decrypt | trim -}}{{- end -}}"
### Prompt for SUDO_PASSWORD
if [ " $ SUDO_PASSWORD " = "" ]; then
logg prompt "Enter the current user's login / admin password. Press ENTER to bypass and skip enabling auto-login. If you would like to bypass this prompt next time then pass in the password as an environment variable named SUDO_PASSWORD before running the kickstart script."
SUDO_PASSWORD="$(gum input --password --placeholder="Enter password..")"
if [ -n " $ SUDO_PASSWORD " ] && [ " $ SUDO_PASSWORD " != "" ]; then
### Install kcpassword
if ! command -v enable_autologin > /dev/null; then
logg info 'enable_autologin is not installed and it is a requirement for auto-logging in after reboot'
brew install xfreebird/utils/kcpassword
### Enable auto-login via kcpassword
sudo enable_autologin " $ USER " " $ SUDO_PASSWORD "
### Reboot
logg info 'Reboot required - shutting down immediately' && sudo sh -c 'shutdown -r now'
2023-12-05 22:58:56 -08:00
2023-12-05 23:44:44 -08:00
if [ -f " $ HOME /.zshrc" ]; then
if command -v gsed > /dev/null; then
sudo gsed -i '/ # TEMPORARY FOR INSTALL DOCTOR MACOS/d' " $ HOME /.zshrc" || logg warn "Failed to remove kickstart script from .zshrc"
sudo sed -i '/ # TEMPORARY FOR INSTALL DOCTOR MACOS/d' " $ HOME /.zshrc" || logg warn "Failed to remove kickstart script from .zshrc"
2023-11-12 22:32:18 -08:00
2023-06-13 23:02:23 -07:00
2023-07-17 00:28:38 -07:00
### Ensure dependencies are installed on Linux
if ! command -v curl > /dev/null || ! command -v git > /dev/null || ! command -v expect > /dev/null || ! command -v rsync > /dev/null; then
if command -v apt-get > /dev/null; then
# @description Ensure `build-essential`, `curl`, `expect`, `git`, `rsync`, `procps`, and `file` are installed on Debian / Ubuntu
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential curl expect git rsync procps file
elif command -v dnf > /dev/null; then
# @description Ensure `curl`, `expect`, `git`, `rsync`, `procps-ng`, and `file` are installed on Fedora (as well as the Development Tools package)
sudo dnf groupinstall -y 'Development Tools'
sudo dnf install -y curl expect git rsync procps-ng file
elif command -v yum > /dev/null; then
# @description Ensure `curl`, `expect`, `git`, `rsync`, `procps-ng`, and `file` are installed on CentOS (as well as the Development Tools package)
sudo yum groupinstall -y 'Development Tools'
sudo yum install -y curl expect git rsync procps-ng file
elif command -v pacman > /dev/null; then
# @description Ensure `base-devel`, `curl`, `expect`, `git`, `rsync`, `procps-ng`, and `file` are installed on Archlinux
sudo pacman update
sudo pacman -Sy base-devel curl expect git rsync procps-ng file
elif command -v zypper > /dev/null; then
# @description Ensure `curl`, `expect`, `git`, `rsync`, `procps`, and `file` are installed on OpenSUSE (as well as the devel_basis pattern)
sudo zypper install -yt pattern devel_basis
sudo zypper install -y curl expect git rsync procps file
elif command -v apk > /dev/null; then
# @description Ensure `curl`, `expect`, `git`, `rsync`, `procps`, and `file` are installed on Alpine
apk add build-base curl expect git rsync procps file
elif [ -d /Applications ] && [ -d /Library ]; then
# @description Ensure CLI developer tools are available on macOS (via `xcode-select`)
sudo xcode-select -p >/dev/null 2>&1 || xcode-select --install
elif [[ " $ OSTYPE " == 'cygwin' ]] || [[ " $ OSTYPE " == 'msys' ]] || [[ " $ OSTYPE " == 'win32' ]]; then
# @description Ensure `curl`, `expect`, `git`, and `rsync` are installed on Windows
choco install -y curl expect git rsync
Update dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/_universal/run_onchange_before_8-install-zx.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/_universal/run_onchange_before_5-install-homebrew.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/darwin/run_onchange_before_10_install-darwin-dependencies.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoitemplates/universal/profile, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/private_dot_config/shell/exports.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/_universal/run_onchange_after_99_bootstrap-z4h.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/_universal/run_onchange_after_80-bash-completions.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/_universal/run_onchange_after_60-cleanup.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/_universal/run_onchange_after_50-crontab.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/_universal/run_onchange_after_15_install-asdf-packages.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/_universal/run_onchange_after_10_install-aqua-packages.sh.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/archlinux/run_onchange_before_10_install-archlinux-dependencies.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/centos/run_onchange_before_10-install-centos-dependencies.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/darwin/run_onchange_after_10_configure-macos.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/darwin/run_onchange_after_20-ensure-zsh-macos.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/debian/run_onchange_before_10-install-debian-dependencies.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/fedora/run_onchange_before_10-install-fedora-dependencies.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/freebsd/run_onchange_before_11-install-freebsd-packages.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/opensuse/run_onchange_before_11-install-opensuse-software.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/ubuntu/run_onchange_before_10_install-ubuntu-dependencies.tmpl, dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/private_dot_config/tabby/config.yaml.tmpl
Deleted dotfiles/.local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/_universal/run_onchange_before_1-logging-deps
2022-11-26 19:55:43 -08:00
2023-12-08 16:39:21 -08:00
### Ensure Homebrew is loaded
loadHomebrew() {
2023-07-17 00:28:38 -07:00
if ! command -v brew > /dev/null; then
2023-12-08 16:39:21 -08:00
if [ -f /usr/local/bin/brew ]; then
eval "$(/usr/local/bin/brew shellenv)"
2023-12-09 04:44:09 -08:00
elif [ -f " ${ HOMEBREW_PREFIX : - / opt / homebrew } /bin/brew" ]; then
2023-12-08 16:39:21 -08:00
eval "$(" ${ HOMEBREW_PREFIX : - / opt / homebrew } /bin/brew" shellenv)"
2023-12-09 04:44:09 -08:00
elif [ -d " $ HOME /.linuxbrew" ]; then
2023-07-17 00:28:38 -07:00
eval "$(" $ HOME /.linuxbrew/bin/brew" shellenv)"
elif [ -d "/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew" ]; then
eval "(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
### Ensures Homebrew folders have proper owners / permissions
fixHomebrewPermissions() {
if command -v brew > /dev/null; then
logg info 'Applying proper permissions on Homebrew folders'
sudo chmod -R go-w "$(brew --prefix)/share"
2023-12-08 16:39:21 -08:00
BREW_DIRS="share etc/bash_completion.d"
2023-07-17 00:28:38 -07:00
for BREW_DIR in $ BREW_DIRS ; do
if [ -d "$(brew --prefix)/ $ BREW_DIR " ]; then
2023-12-08 16:39:21 -08:00
sudo chown -Rf "$(whoami)" "$(brew --prefix)/ $ BREW_DIR "
2023-07-17 00:28:38 -07:00
2023-12-08 16:39:21 -08:00
logg info 'Running brew update --force --quiet' && brew update --force --quiet
2023-07-17 00:28:38 -07:00
### Installs Homebrew
2022-11-26 19:27:29 -08:00
ensurePackageManagerHomebrew() {
if ! command -v brew > /dev/null; then
if command -v sudo > /dev/null && sudo -n true; then
echo | bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
logg info 'Homebrew is not installed. Password may be required.'
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" || BREW_EXIT_CODE="$?"
if [ -n " $ BREW_EXIT_CODE " ]; then
2023-07-17 00:28:38 -07:00
logg warn 'Homebrew was installed but part of the installation failed to complete successfully.'
2023-12-05 10:07:50 -08:00
2022-11-26 19:27:29 -08:00
2023-07-17 00:28:38 -07:00
### Logic
2023-12-08 16:39:21 -08:00
2022-11-26 19:27:29 -08:00
2023-12-08 16:39:21 -08:00
2023-07-10 22:05:07 -07:00
2023-07-17 00:28:38 -07:00
### Enable auto-update service
2023-08-17 22:12:36 -07:00
if [ -d /Applications ] && [ -d System ]; then
# Enable Homebrew auto-update service if system is macOS
if brew autoupdate status | grep 'Autoupdate is not configured.' > /dev/null; then
logg info 'Enabling Homebrew auto-update service (every 24 hours)'
brew autoupdate start --cleanup --greedy --upgrade
2023-07-10 22:05:07 -07:00
2023-11-27 17:03:00 -08:00
### Scrub ~/.viminfo
if [ -f " $ HOME /.viminfo" ]; then
logg info 'Removing ~/.viminfo' && sudo rm -f " $ HOME /.vimino"
Update .local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/universal/run_onchange_after_99_bootstrap-zsh-plugins.tmpl, .local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/universal/run_onchange_after_10_install-aqua-packages.sh.tmpl, .local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/universal/run_onchange_after_50-crontab.tmpl, .local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/universal/run_onchange_before_5-install-homebrew.tmpl, .local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/universal/run_onchange_before_8-install-zx.tmpl, .local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/windows/run_onchange_before_10-install-windows-dependencies.tmpl, .local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/windows/run_onchange_before_11-install-windows-packages.tmpl, .local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/ubuntu/run_onchange_before_10_install-ubuntu-dependencies.tmpl, .local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/opensuse/run_onchange_before_11-install-opensuse-software.tmpl, .local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/freebsd/run_onchange_before_11-install-freebsd-packages.tmpl, .local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/fedora/run_onchange_before_10-install-fedora-dependencies.tmpl, .local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/debian/run_onchange_before_10-install-debian-dependencies.tmpl, .local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/darwin/run_onchange_before_10_install-darwin-dependencies.tmpl, .local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/darwin/run_onchange_after_set-wallpaper.tmpl, .local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/darwin/run_onchange_after_20-ensure-zsh-macos.tmpl, .local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/darwin/run_onchange_after_10_configure-macos.tmpl, .local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/centos/run_onchange_before_10-install-centos-dependencies.tmpl, .local/share/chezmoi/home/.chezmoiscripts/archlinux/run_onchange_before_10_install-archlinux-dependencies.tmpl, .local/share/chezmoi/home/Library/Fonts/run_onchange_after_add-fonts.tmpl
2022-12-01 23:18:16 -08:00
{{ end -}}