2022-12-24 20:04:59 +00:00
version : '3'
tasks :
act :
summary : |
## Simulate GitHub Actions Locally
[ Act]((https://github.com/nektos/act) gives you the capability to test
GitHub Actions locally. The program allows you to programmatically run
steps defined in your `.github/workflows/` folder. Just like GitHub,
it runs the actions in Docker containers. You can then simulate
your GitHub Actions with a CLI :
**Example triggering pull_request flow:**
`act pull_request`
**Example running a specific job:**
`act -j test`
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
status :
- type act > /dev/null
allure :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : allure
status :
- type allure > /dev/null
ansifilter :
run : once
tags :
- update
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : ansifilter
status :
- type ansifilter > /dev/null
axel :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : axel
status :
- type axel > /dev/null
bfg :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
status :
- type bfg > /dev/null
brew :
run : once
log :
error : Failed to install or load Homebrew
start : Ensuring Homebrew is installed and available
success : Successfully ensured Homebrew is installed
cmds :
- task : common
- task : brew:{{OS}}
status :
- type brew > /dev/null || [ -n "$NO_INSTALL_HOMEBREW" ]
brew:cask :
run : when_changed
log :
error : Failed to install `{{.CASK}}`
start : Ensuring the `{{.CASK}}` Homebrew cask is installed
success : Successfully installed `{{.CASK}}`
cmds :
- task : brew
- |
if [ -n "$CI" ]; then echo "*************** brew cask --> {{.CASK}}"; fi
- brew install --cask {{.CASK}}
status :
- type {{.CASK}} &> /dev/null
brew:darwin :
cmds :
- |
if ! type brew &> /dev/null; then
if type sudo &> /dev/null && sudo -n true; then
echo | /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
.config/log info 'Attempting to install Homebrew - you may be prompted for your `sudo` password'
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
task install:software:exit:notice:reload
- task : brew:utils
status :
- type brew &> /dev/null
brew:formulae :
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
brew:linux :
run : once
cmds :
- |
function ensureSource() {
if ! (grep "/bin/brew shellenv" < "$1" &> /dev/null); then
echo 'eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> "$1"
if ! type brew &> /dev/null; then
if type sudo &> /dev/null && sudo -n bash; then
echo | /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
ensureSource "$HOME/.profile"
task install:software:exit:notice:reload
status :
- type brew &> /dev/null
brew:utils :
run : once
log :
error : Failed to setup GNU-compatibility tools
start : Installing GNU-compatibility tools for macOS via Homebrew
success : Successfully installed GNU-compatibility tools
cmds :
- task : compatibility:coreutils
- task : compatibility:findutils
- task : compatibility:gnu-sed
- task : compatibility:grep
- task : compatibility:gnu-tar
- task : compatibility:gawk
status :
- '[ "{{OS}}" != "darwin" ]'
brew:windows :
cmds :
- task : common:windows
bundle :
deps :
- brew
cmds :
- brew tap Homebrew/bundle
codeclimate :
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : codeclimate/formulae/codeclimate
status :
- type codeclimate > /dev/null
common :
run : once
log :
error : There was an error ensuring common system tools are present
start : Ensuring common system tools are present
success : Ensured common system tools are present
cmds :
- task : common:{{OS}}
common:darwin :
cmds :
- task : common:darwin:xcode
common:darwin:xcode :
vars :
sh : brew config | grep CLT
log :
error : Failed to run `sudo xcode-select --install`
start : Running `sudo xcode-select --install` to install macOS developer tools
success : Successfully ran `sudo xcode-select --install`
cmds :
- sudo xcode-select --install
status :
- '[ "{{.CLT_STATUS}}" != "CLT: N/A" ]'
common:linux :
vars :
sh : |
if [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then
echo 'debian'
elif [ -f "/etc/redhat-release" ]; then
echo 'redhat'
elif [ -f "/etc/arch-release" ]; then
echo 'archlinux'
elif [ -f "/etc/alpine-release" ]; then
echo 'alpine'
elif type apk &> /dev/null; then
echo 'alpine'
elif type apt-get &> /dev/null; then
echo 'debian'
elif type dnf &> /dev/null || type yum &> /dev/null; then
echo 'redhat'
elif type pacman &> /dev/null; then
echo 'archlinux'
elif type yum &> /dev/null; then
echo 'redhat'
echo 'unknown'
log :
error : Failed to ensure basic system dependencies are installed
start : Ensuring basic system dependencies are installed
success : Basic system dependencies are installed!
cmds :
- task : common:linux:{{.LINUX_FAMILY}}
common:linux:alpine :
vars :
sh : apk info
PACKAGES : bash coreutils curl file g++ grep git libc6-compat make ruby ruby-bigdecimal ruby-etc ruby-irb ruby-json ruby-test-unit sudo
log :
error : Failed to run `apk --no-cache add {{.PACKAGES}}`
start : Installing common dependencies by running `apk --no-cache add {{.PACKAGES}}`
success : Successfully installed common dependencies
cmds :
- |
if type sudo &> /dev/null; then
sudo apk --no-cache add {{.PACKAGES}}
apk --no-cache add {{.PACKAGES}}
status :
- type bash &> /dev/null
- type curl &> /dev/null
- type git &> /dev/null
- type grep &> /dev/null
- type gzip &> /dev/null
- type make &> /dev/null
- type ruby &> /dev/null
- type sudo &> /dev/null
- '{{.APK_INFO}} | grep coreutils'
- '{{.APK_INFO}} | grep g++'
- '{{.APK_INFO}} | grep libc6-compat'
- '{{.APK_INFO}} | grep ruby-bigdecimal'
- '{{.APK_INFO}} | grep ruby-etc'
- '{{.APK_INFO}} | grep ruby-irb'
- '{{.APK_INFO}} | grep ruby-json'
- '{{.APK_INFO}} | grep ruby-test-unit'
common:linux:archlinux :
interactive : true
vars :
PACKAGES : base-devel bash curl file gcc git grep gzip make procps-ng ruby sudo
log :
error : Failed to run `pacman -S {{.PACKAGES}}`
start : Installing common software by running `pacman -S {{.PACKAGES}}`
success : Successfully installed common software dependencies
cmds :
- .config/log warn "Archlinux support for Homebrew is not very well documented.. if this does not work and you can get it working, please open a PR :)"
- |
if type sudo &> /dev/null; then
sudo pacman update
sudo pacman -S {{.PACKAGES}}
pacman update
pacman -S base-devel {{.PACKAGES}}
status :
- type bash &> /dev/null
- type curl &> /dev/null
- type git &> /dev/null
- type grep &> /dev/null
- type gzip &> /dev/null
- type make &> /dev/null
- type ruby &> /dev/null
- type sudo &> /dev/null
- ldconfig -p | grep base-devel
- ldconfig -p | grep file
- ldconfig -p | grep procps-ng
common:linux:debian :
interactive : true
vars :
PACKAGES : bash build-essential curl file gcc git grep gzip make procps ruby sudo
log :
error : Failed to install common software with `apt-get install -y {{.PACKAGES}}`
start : Installing common software by running `apt-get install -y {{.PACKAGES}}`
success : Successfully installed common software dependencies
cmds :
- |
if type sudo &> /dev/null; then
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y {{.PACKAGES}}
apt-get update
apt-get install -y {{.PACKAGES}}
status :
- type bash &> /dev/null
- type curl &> /dev/null
- type git &> /dev/null
- type grep &> /dev/null
- type gzip &> /dev/null
- type make &> /dev/null
- type ruby &> /dev/null
- type sudo &> /dev/null
- dpkg-query -l build-essential &> /dev/null
- dpkg-query -l file &> /dev/null
- dpkg-query -l procps &> /dev/null
common:linux:redhat :
interactive : true
cmds :
- task : common:linux:redhat:packages
- task : common:linux:redhat:devtools
- task : common:linux:redhat:fedora
common:linux:redhat:devtools :
vars :
sh : if type dnf &> /dev/null; then echo 'dnf'; else echo 'yum'; fi
log :
error : Failed to install the "Development Tools" group with {{.PACKAGE_MANAGER}}
start : Installing the "Development Tools" group
success : Successfully installed the "Development Tools" group
cmds :
2023-08-08 05:29:21 +00:00
- mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/bodega"
2022-12-24 20:04:59 +00:00
- |
2023-08-08 05:29:21 +00:00
if [ ! -f "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}HOME:-$HOME/.config}/bodega/yum-devtools-check-ran" ]; then
2022-12-24 20:04:59 +00:00
if type dnf &> /dev/null; then
2023-08-08 05:29:21 +00:00
dnf groupinfo 'Development Tools' &> "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/bodega/dnf-devtools-check-ran"
2022-12-24 20:04:59 +00:00
2023-08-08 05:29:21 +00:00
yum grouplist 'Development Tools' &> "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/bodega/yum-devtools-check-ran"
2022-12-24 20:04:59 +00:00
2023-08-08 05:29:21 +00:00
DEV_TOOLS_NOT_INSTALLED="$(grep 'No groups match' < "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/bodega/yum-devtools-check-ran" > /dev/null)"
2022-12-24 20:04:59 +00:00
if [[ "$DEV_TOOLS_NOT_INSTALLED" == '0' ]]; then
if type sudo &> /dev/null; then
if type dnf &> /dev/null; then
sudo dnf groupinfo 'Development Tools'
sudo yum groupinstall -y 'Development Tools'
if type dnf &> /dev/null; then
dnf group install -y 'Development Tools'
yum groupinstall -y 'Development Tools'
2023-08-08 05:29:21 +00:00
touch "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/bodega/yum-devtools-check-ran"
2022-12-24 20:04:59 +00:00
common:linux:redhat:fedora :
vars :
PACKAGES : libxcrypt-compat
sh : if type dnf &> /dev/null; then echo 'dnf'; else echo 'yum'; fi
log :
error : Failed to install Fedora-specific common software with `{{.PACKAGE_MANAGER}} install -y {{.PACKAGES}}`
start : Installing Fedora-specific common software by running `{{.PACKAGE_MANAGER}} install -y {{.PACKAGES}}`
success : Successfully installed Fedora-specific common software dependencies
cmds :
- |
if ! rpm --quiet --query {{.PACKAGES}}; then
if type sudo &> /dev/null; then
sudo {{.PACKAGE_MANAGER}} -y install {{.PACKAGES}}
{{.PACKAGE_MANAGER}} install -y {{.PACKAGES}}
status :
- '[ -f /etc/os-release ] && source /etc/os-release && [[ "$ID" == "fedora" ]] && [ "$VERSION_ID" -gt "29" ]'
common:linux:redhat:packages :
vars :
PACKAGES : bash curl file git grep gzip make procps-ng ruby sudo
sh : if type dnf &> /dev/null; then echo 'dnf'; else echo 'yum'; fi
log :
error : Failed to install common software with `{{.PACKAGE_MANAGER}} install -y {{.PACKAGES}}`
start : Installing common software by running `{{.PACKAGE_MANAGER}} install -y {{.PACKAGES}}`
success : Successfully installed common software dependencies
cmds :
- |
if type sudo &> /dev/null; then
sudo {{.PACKAGE_MANAGER}} install -y {{.PACKAGES}}
yum install -y {{.PACKAGES}}
status :
- type bash &> /dev/null
- type curl &> /dev/null
- type git &> /dev/null
- type grep &> /dev/null
- type gzip &> /dev/null
- type make &> /dev/null
- type ruby &> /dev/null
- type sudo &> /dev/null
- rpm -q | grep file
- rpm -q | grep procps-ng
common:linux:unknown :
log :
start : You are using an operating system that we do not directly support. Please make sure
the equivalent of `build-essential`, `curl`, `file`, `git`, and `procps` are installed.
cmds :
- .config/log warn "*** Unknown OS -> $OSTYPE ***"
common:windows :
log :
error : Windows is not supported. Try using a Windows WSL environment.
cmds :
- exit 1
compatibility:findutils :
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : findutils
status :
- type gfind > /dev/null
compatibility:gawk :
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : gawk
status :
- type gawk > /dev/null
compatibility:gnu-sed :
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : gnu-sed
status :
- type gsed > /dev/null
compatibility:gnu-tar :
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : gnu-tar
status :
- type gtar > /dev/null
compatibility:grep :
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : grep
status :
- type ggrep > /dev/null
container-structure-test :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : container-structure-test
status :
- type container-structure-test > /dev/null
coreutils :
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : coreutils
status :
- type gcp > /dev/null || [ "{{OS}}" != "darwin" ]
dasel :
tags :
- update
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : dasel
status :
- type dasel > /dev/null
deno :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : deno
status :
- type deno > /dev/null
docker :
run : once
cmds :
- task : docker:{{OS}}
- task : : docker:ensure:running
status :
- type docker > /dev/null
docker-slim :
run : once
tags :
- docker-build
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : docker-slim
status :
- type docker-slim > /dev/null
docker:darwin :
run : once
cmds :
- task : brew:cask
vars :
CASK : docker
- task : exit:notice:restart
status :
- type docker > /dev/null
docker:linux :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : docker
- task : exit:notice:restart
status :
- type docker > /dev/null
docker:windows :
cmds :
- task : common:windows
dockle :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
BIN_NAME : dockle
PACKAGE : goodwithtech/r/dockle
status :
- type dockle > /dev/null
exiftool :
run : once
cmds :
- task : system
vars :
PACKAGE : exiftool
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : exiftool
status :
- type exiftool > /dev/null
exit:notice:reload :
cmds :
- .config/log warn 'Software was installed that requires a terminal session reload'
- .config/log warn 'Please close and re-open the terminal. Then, re-run the same command to continue if you face any issues.'
status :
- '[ -f /.dockerenv ]'
exit:notice:restart :
cmds :
- .config/log warn 'Software was installed that requires a system reboot'
- .config/log info 'Please reboot the system and re-run the same command after rebooting'
- exit 1
status :
- '[ -f /.dockerenv ]'
expect :
run : once
cmds :
- task : system
vars :
PACKAGE : expect
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : expect
status :
- type expect > /dev/null
fury :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
BIN_NAME : fury
PACKAGE : gemfury/tap/gemfury
status :
- type fury > /dev/null
gcc :
run : once
cmds :
- task : system
vars :
status :
- type gcc > /dev/null
gcloud :
run : once
cmds :
- task : gcloud:{{OS}}
status :
- type gcloud > /dev/null
gcloud:darwin :
cmds :
- task : brew:cask
vars :
CASK : google-cloud-sdk
status :
- type gcloud > /dev/null
gcloud:linux :
cmds :
- curl -sSL https://sdk.cloud.google.com | bash
gcloud:windows :
cmds :
- task : common:windows
gh :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
status :
- type gh &> /dev/null
git :
run : once
cmds :
- task : system
vars :
- task : common
status :
- type git > /dev/null
git-bug :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : git-bug
status :
- type git-bug > /dev/null
git-issue:admin :
run : once
cmds :
- git clone https://github.com/dspinellis/git-issue.git .git-issue
- |
cd .git-issue
sudo make install
- rm -rf .git-issue
gitlab-runner :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : gitlab-runner
status :
- type gitlab-runner > /dev/null
gitleaks :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : gitleaks
status :
- type gitleaks > /dev/null
glab :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : glab
status :
- type glab > /dev/null
glow :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : glow
status :
- type glow > /dev/null
go :
run : once
cmds :
- task : go:gopath
- task : go:goroot
- task : : install:profile:add
vars :
- task : go:install
go:gopath :
run : once
cmds :
- task : : install:profile:add
vars :
PROFILE_STRING : export GOPATH="${HOME}/.local/go"
status :
- '[ -n "$GOPATH" ]'
go:goroot :
run : once
cmds :
- task : : install:profile:add
vars :
PROFILE_STRING : export GOROOT="$(brew --prefix golang)/libexec"
status :
- '[ -n "$GOROOT" ]'
go:install :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
golangci-lint :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : golangci-lint
grype :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : anchore/grype/grype
gum :
run : once
cmds :
- task : : install:go:gum
gzip :
run : once
cmds :
- task : system
vars :
PACKAGE : gzip
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : gzip
status :
- type gzip > /dev/null
heroku :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : heroku/brew/heroku
hey :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
install:software :
vars :
BIN : '{{if .BIN_NAME}}{{.BIN_NAME}}{{else}}{{last (splitList "/" .PACKAGE)}}{{end}}'
run : when_changed
log :
error : Failed to install `{{.PACKAGE}}`
start : Ensuring the `{{.PACKAGE}}` Homebrew formulae is installed
success : Successfully installed `{{.PACKAGE}}`
cmds :
- task : brew
- |
if [ -n "$CI" ]; then echo "*************** brew formulae --> {{.PACKAGE}}"; fi
- brew install {{.PACKAGE}}
status :
- type {{.BIN}} &> /dev/null || [ -n "$NO_INSTALL_HOMEBREW" ]
jq :
tags :
- update
run : once
cmds :
- task : system
vars :
- task : install:software
vars :
status :
- type jq > /dev/null
kvm :
run : once
cmds :
- task : : install:install-doctor
vars :
- task : exit:notice:restart
status :
- type qemu-system-x86_64 > /dev/null
node :
deps :
- common
- volta
run : once
cmds :
- task : node:install
status :
- type node &> /dev/null
node:install :
cmds :
- |
. "$HOME/.profile" &> /dev/null || true
volta install node
openssl :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : openssl
p7zip :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : p7zip
packer :
run : once
tags :
- semantic-packer
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : packer
parallels :
run : once
cmds :
- task : brew:cask
vars :
CASK : parallels
status :
- '[ "{{OS}}" != "darwin" ] || ! mdfind -name "Parallels Desktop.app" &> /dev/null'
pinentry :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : pinentry-mac
status :
- '[ "{{OS}}" != "darwin" ] || [ -f /usr/local/bin/pinentry-mac ]'
pipx :
tags :
- update
run : once
log :
error : Failed to ensure `pipx` is installed
start : Ensuring `pipx` is installed
success : Successfully ensured `pipx` is installed
cmds :
- task : python
- task : pipx:{{OS}}
status :
- type pipx > /dev/null
pipx:darwin :
cmds :
- task : brew
- brew install pipx
- pipx ensurepath
pipx:linux :
deps :
- pipx:linux:brew
- pipx:linux:system
pipx:linux:brew :
cmds :
- brew install pipx
- pipx ensurepath
status :
- '! type brew > /dev/null'
pipx:linux:system :
deps :
- python
cmds :
- task : system
vars :
PACKAGE : python3-pip
- task : system
vars :
PACKAGE : python3-venv
- |
if ! type pip3; then
python3 -m ensurepip > /dev/null
- python3 -m pip install --user pipx
- python3 -m pipx ensurepath
status :
- type brew > /dev/null
pipx:windows :
log :
error : These scripts are not currently compatible with Windows. Try using WSL.
cmds :
- exit 1
poetry :
tags :
- update
run : once
cmds :
- task : poetry:{{OS}}
- task : exit:notice:reload
status :
- type poetry > /dev/null || [ -n "$NO_INSTALL_POETRY" ]
poetry:darwin :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : poetry
poetry:linux :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : poetry
poetry:windows :
log :
error : These scripts are not currently compatible with Windows. Try using WSL.
cmds :
- exit 1
python :
deps :
- common
run : once
cmds :
- task : brew
- task : python:{{OS}}
status :
- type python3 > /dev/null
python:darwin :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : python@3.10
status :
- type python3 > /dev/null
python:linux :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : python@3.10
status :
- type python3 > /dev/null
python:pip :
run : once
cmds :
- |
PIP_LOCATION="$(which pip)"
PIP3_LOCATION="$(which pip3)"
if [ "$USER" == "root" ]; then
if type pip &> /dev/null && type pip3 &> /dev/null; then
elif type pip3 &> /dev/null; then
ln -s "$PIP3_LOCATION" /usr/bin/pip
elif type pip &> /dev/null; then
ln -s "$PIP_LOCATION" /usr/bin/pip3
.config/log warn 'Both `pip` and `pip3` appear to be missing'
elif type sudo &> /dev/null && sudo -n true; then
if type pip &> /dev/null && type pip3 &> /dev/null; then
sudo rm "$PIP_LOCATION"
elif type pip3 &> /dev/null; then
sudo ln -s "$PIP3_LOCATION" /usr/bin/pip
elif type pip &> /dev/null; then
sudo ln -s "$PIP_LOCATION" /usr/bin/pip3
.config/log warn 'Both `pip` and `pip3` appear to be missing'
elif type sudo &> /dev/null; then
if type pip &> /dev/null && type pip3 &> /dev/null; then
.config/log info 'Running `sudo rm $(which pip)`'
sudo rm "$PIP_LOCATION"
elif type pip3 &> /dev/null; then
.config/log info 'Running `sudo ln -s $(which pip3) /usr/bin/pip`'
sudo ln -s "$PIP3_LOCATION" /usr/bin/pip
elif type pip &> /dev/null; then
.config/log info 'Running `sudo ln -s $(which pip) /usr/bin/pip3`'
sudo ln -s "$PIP_LOCATION" /usr/bin/pip3
.config/log warn 'Both `pip` and `pip3` appear to be missing'
.config/log warn '`sudo` unavailable and user has no permissions'
status :
- which pip > /dev/null
- which pip3 > /dev/null
- '[ "$(which pip)" == "$(which pip3)" ]'
python:windows :
log :
error : These scripts are not currently compatible with Windows. Try using WSL.
cmds :
- exit 1
rsync :
tags :
- update
run : once
cmds :
- task : system
vars :
PACKAGE : rsync
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : rsync
status :
- type rsync > /dev/null
rust :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
BIN_NAME : cargo
PACKAGE : rust
s5cmd :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
BIN_NAME : s5cmd
PACKAGE : peak/tap/s5cmd
sentry :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
BIN_NAME : sentry-cli
PACKAGE : getsentry/tools/sentry-cli
snapcraft :
run : once
tags :
- semantic
cmds :
- task : snapcraft:snap
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : snapcraft
status :
- type snapcraft > /dev/null
snapcraft:snap :
log :
error : Failed to run `sudo snap install snapcraft --classic`
start : Running `sudo snap install snapcraft --classic`
success : Successfully installed `snapcraft`
cmds :
- sudo snap install snapcraft --classic
status :
- '! type snap > /dev/null'
sshfs :
run : once
cmds :
- task : system
vars :
PACKAGE : sshfs
sshpass :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : hudochenkov/sshpass/sshpass
subrepo :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : git-subrepo
status :
- git subrepo --version > /dev/null || [[ "${container:=}" == "docker" ]]
system :
vars :
PACKAGE : '{{if .PACKAGE}}{{.PACKAGE}}{{else}}{{.CLI_ARGS}}{{end}}'
cmds :
- .config/log start 'Attempting to install `{{.PACKAGE}}` using the system package manager'
- |
if [ -f "/etc/redhat-release" ]; then
if type dnf &> /dev/null; then
task install:software:system:dnf -- '{{.PACKAGE}}'
task install:software:system:yum -- '{{.PACKAGE}}'
elif [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then
task install:software:system:apt-get -- '{{.PACKAGE}}'
elif [ -f "/etc/arch-release" ]; then
task install:software:system:pacman -- '{{.PACKAGE}}'
elif [ -f "/etc/alpine-release" ]; then
task install:software:system:apk -- '{{.PACKAGE}}'
elif type dnf &> /dev/null; then
task install:software:system:dnf -- '{{.PACKAGE}}'
elif type yum &> /dev/null; then
task install:software:system:yum -- '{{.PACKAGE}}'
elif type apt-get &> /dev/null; then
task install:software:system:apt-get -- '{{.PACKAGE}}'
elif type pacman &> /dev/null; then
task install:software:system:pacman -- '{{.PACKAGE}}'
elif type apk &> /dev/null; then
task install:software:system:apk -- '{{.PACKAGE}}'
if [ '{{OS}}' == 'darwin' ]; then
task install:software:system:macos -- '{{.PACKAGE}}'
.config/log error 'No matching system. Cannot continue with installation.' && exit 1
status :
- type {{.PACKAGE}} > /dev/null || [ '{{.PACKAGE}}' == 'null' ]
system:apk :
vars :
PACKAGE : '{{if .CLI_ARGS}}{{.CLI_ARGS}}{{else}}{{.PACKAGE}}{{end}}'
cmds :
- |
if [ "$USER" == "root" ]; then
apk --no-cache add {{.PACKAGE}}
elif type sudo &> /dev/null && sudo -n true; then
sudo apk --no-cache add {{.PACKAGE}}
elif type sudo &> /dev/null; then
.config/log info 'Running `sudo apk --no-cache add {{.PACKAGE}}`'
sudo apk --no-cache add {{.PACKAGE}}
.config/log warn '`sudo` unavailable and user has no permissions'
status :
- '[ -z "$(which apk)" ]'
system:apt-get :
vars :
PACKAGE : '{{if .CLI_ARGS}}{{.CLI_ARGS}}{{else}}{{.PACKAGE}}{{end}}'
cmds :
- |
if [ "$USER" == "root" ]; then
apt-get update
apt-get install -y {{.PACKAGE}}
elif type sudo &> /dev/null && sudo -n true; then
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y {{.PACKAGE}}
elif type sudo &> /dev/null; then
.config/log info 'Running `sudo apt-get update`'
sudo apt-get update
.config/log info 'Running `sudo apt-get install -y {{.PACKAGE}}`'
sudo apt-get install -y {{.PACKAGE}}
.config/log warn '`sudo` unavailable and user has no permissions'
status :
- '[ -z "$(which apt-get)" ]'
system:dnf :
vars :
PACKAGE : '{{if .CLI_ARGS}}{{.CLI_ARGS}}{{else}}{{.PACKAGE}}{{end}}'
cmds :
- |
if [ "$USER" == "root" ]; then
dnf install {{.PACKAGE}}
elif type sudo &> /dev/null && sudo -n true; then
sudo dnf install {{.PACKAGE}}
elif type sudo &> /dev/null; then
.config/log info 'Running `sudo dnf install {{.PACKAGE}}`'
sudo dnf install {{.PACKAGE}}
.config/log warn '`sudo` unavailable and user has no permissions'
status :
- '[ -z "$(which dnf)" ]'
system:macos :
vars :
PACKAGE : '{{if .CLI_ARGS}}{{.CLI_ARGS}}{{else}}{{.PACKAGE}}{{end}}'
cmds :
- brew install {{.PACKAGE}}
status :
- '[ "{{OS}}" != "darwin" ]'
system:pacman :
vars :
PACKAGE : '{{if .CLI_ARGS}}{{.CLI_ARGS}}{{else}}{{.PACKAGE}}{{end}}'
cmds :
- |
if [ "$USER" == "root" ]; then
pacman -S {{.PACKAGE}}
elif type sudo &> /dev/null && sudo -n true; then
sudo pacman -S {{.PACKAGE}}
elif type sudo &> /dev/null; then
.config/log info 'Running `sudo pacman -S {{.PACKAGE}}`'
sudo pacman -S {{.PACKAGE}}
.config/log warn '`sudo` unavailable and user has no permissions'
status :
- '[ -z "$(which pacman)" ]'
system:yum :
vars :
PACKAGE : '{{if .CLI_ARGS}}{{.CLI_ARGS}}{{else}}{{.PACKAGE}}{{end}}'
cmds :
- |
if [ "$USER" == "root" ]; then
yum install -y {{.PACKAGE}}
elif type sudo &> /dev/null && sudo -n true; then
sudo yum install -y {{.PACKAGE}}
elif type sudo &> /dev/null; then
.config/log info 'Running `sudo yum install -y {{.PACKAGE}}`'
sudo yum install -y {{.PACKAGE}}
.config/log warn '`sudo` unavailable and user has no permissions'
status :
- '[ -z "$(which yum)" ]'
task :
run : once
cmds :
- |
if [[ "$(which task)" == *'.local/bin/task' ]] && command -v brew > /dev/null && ! brew list go-task/tap/go-task; then
brew install go-task/tap/go-task
tokei :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : tokei
trivy :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : aquasecurity/trivy/trivy
unbuffer :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
BIN_NAME : unbuffer
PACKAGE : expect
vagrant :
cmds :
- task : vagrant:{{OS}}
status :
- type vagrant > /dev/null
vagrant:darwin :
run : once
cmds :
- task : brew:cask
vars :
CASK : vagrant
vagrant:linux :
run : once
cmds :
- task : : install:install-doctor
vars :
SOFTWARE : vagrant
virtualbox :
cmds :
- task : virtualbox:{{OS}}
- task : exit:notice:restart
status :
- type vboxmanage > /dev/null
virtualbox:darwin :
run : once
cmds :
- task : brew:cask
vars :
CASK : virtualbox
virtualbox:linux :
run : once
cmds :
- task : : install:install-doctor
vars :
SOFTWARE : virtualbox
vmware :
cmds :
- task : vmware:{{OS}}
- task : exit:notice:restart
status :
- type vmrun > /dev/null
vmware:darwin :
run : once
cmds :
- task : brew:cask
vars :
CASK : vmware-fusion
vmware:linux :
run : once
cmds :
- task : : install:install-doctor
vars :
SOFTWARE : vmware
volta :
run : once
cmds :
- .config/log info 'Installing Volta'
- curl https://get.volta.sh | bash
- |
. "$HOME/.profile" &> /dev/null || true
volta setup
- .config/log success 'Successfully setup Volta'
status :
- type volta > /dev/null
yarn :
tags :
- update
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : yarn
yq :
tags :
- update
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
yubikey-agent :
run : once
cmds :
- task : install:software
vars :
PACKAGE : yubikey-agent