local awful = require("awful") local wibox = require("wibox") local gears = require("gears") local beautiful = require("beautiful") local dpi = beautiful.xresources.apply_dpi local filesystem = gears.filesystem local json = require("lib.json") local user_vars = require("user_variables") local icon_dir = filesystem.get_configuration_dir() .. "ui/info-panel/weather/icons/" --- Weather Widget --- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ local GET_FORECAST_CMD = [[bash -c "curl -s --show-error -X GET '%s'"]] local icon_map = { ["01d"] = "weather-clear-sky", ["02d"] = "weather-few-clouds", ["03d"] = "weather-clouds", ["04d"] = "weather-few-clouds", ["09d"] = "weather-showers-scattered", ["10d"] = "weather-showers", ["11d"] = "weather-strom", ["13d"] = "weather-snow", ["50d"] = "weather-fog", ["01n"] = "weather-clear-night", ["02n"] = "weather-few-clouds-night", ["03n"] = "weather-clouds-night", ["04n"] = "weather-clouds-night", ["09n"] = "weather-showers-scattered", ["10n"] = "weather-showers", ["11n"] = "weather-strom", ["13n"] = "weather-snow", ["50n"] = "weather-fog", } local current_weather_widget = wibox.widget({ { { id = "icon", image = icon_dir .. "weather-showers.svg", resize = true, forced_height = dpi(42), forced_width = dpi(42), widget = wibox.widget.imagebox, }, { { { id = "description", text = "Mostly cloudy", font = beautiful.font_name .. "Bold 10", widget = wibox.widget.textbox, }, { id = "humidity", text = "Humidity: 80%", font = beautiful.font_name .. " 9", widget = wibox.widget.textbox, }, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical, }, widget = wibox.container.place, }, spacing = dpi(10), layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, }, nil, { { { id = "tempareture_current", markup = "20°", align = "right", font = beautiful.font_name .. "Bold 16", widget = wibox.widget.textbox, }, { id = "feels_like", markup = "Feels like: 19°", font = beautiful.font_name .. " 8", widget = wibox.widget.textbox, }, spacing = dpi(-6), layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical, }, widget = wibox.container.place, }, layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal, }) local hourly_widget = function() local widget = wibox.widget({ { { id = "time", text = "12PM", font = beautiful.font_name .. " 9", widget = wibox.widget.textbox, }, widget = wibox.container.place, }, { { id = "icon", image = icon_dir .. "weather-clear-sky.svg", resize = true, forced_height = dpi(16), forced_width = dpi(16), widget = wibox.widget.imagebox, }, widget = wibox.container.place, }, { { id = "tempareture", markup = "1°", font = beautiful.font_name .. " 9", widget = wibox.widget.textbox, }, widget = wibox.container.place, }, spacing = dpi(6), layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical, }) widget.update = function(result) local time = widget:get_children_by_id("time")[1] local icon = widget:get_children_by_id("icon")[1] local temp = widget:get_children_by_id("tempareture")[1] temp:set_markup(math.floor(result.temp) .. "°") time:set_text(os.date("%I%p", tonumber(result.dt))) icon.image = icon_dir .. icon_map[result.weather[1].icon] .. ".svg" icon:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") end return widget end local hourly_widget_1 = hourly_widget() local hourly_widget_2 = hourly_widget() local hourly_widget_3 = hourly_widget() local hourly_widget_4 = hourly_widget() local hourly_widget_5 = hourly_widget() local hourly_widget_6 = hourly_widget() local weather_widget = wibox.widget({ { text = "Weather", font = beautiful.font_name .. "Bold 16", align = "center", widget = wibox.widget.textbox, }, current_weather_widget, { hourly_widget_1, hourly_widget_2, hourly_widget_3, hourly_widget_4, hourly_widget_5, hourly_widget_6, spacing = dpi(10), layout = wibox.layout.flex.horizontal, }, spacing = dpi(10), layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical, }) local api_key = user_vars.widget.weather.key local coordinates = user_vars.widget.weather.coordinates local show_hourly_forecast = true local show_daily_forecast = true local units = "imperial" local url = ( "https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/onecall" .. "?lat=" .. coordinates[1] .. "&lon=" .. coordinates[2] .. "&appid=" .. api_key .. "&units=" .. units .. "&exclude=minutely" .. (show_hourly_forecast == false and ",hourly" or "") .. (show_daily_forecast == false and ",daily" or "") ) awful.widget.watch(string.format(GET_FORECAST_CMD, url), 600, function(_, stdout, stderr) if stderr == "" then local result = json.decode(stdout) -- Current weather setup local icon = current_weather_widget:get_children_by_id("icon")[1] local description = current_weather_widget:get_children_by_id("description")[1] local humidity = current_weather_widget:get_children_by_id("humidity")[1] local temp_current = current_weather_widget:get_children_by_id("tempareture_current")[1] local feels_like = current_weather_widget:get_children_by_id("feels_like")[1] icon.image = icon_dir .. icon_map[result.current.weather[1].icon] .. ".svg" icon:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") description:set_text(result.current.weather[1].description:gsub("^%l", string.upper)) humidity:set_text("Humidity: " .. result.current.humidity .. "%") temp_current:set_markup(math.floor(result.current.temp) .. "°") feels_like:set_markup("Feels like: " .. math.floor(result.current.feels_like) .. "°") -- Hourly widget setup hourly_widget_1.update(result.hourly[1]) hourly_widget_2.update(result.hourly[2]) hourly_widget_3.update(result.hourly[3]) hourly_widget_4.update(result.hourly[4]) hourly_widget_5.update(result.hourly[5]) hourly_widget_6.update(result.hourly[6]) end end) return weather_widget