------------------------------------------- -- @author https://github.com/Kasper24 -- @copyright 2021-2022 Kasper24 ------------------------------------------- local GLib = require("lgi").GLib local gobject = require("gears.object") local gtable = require("gears.table") local subscribable = require("lib.animation.subscribable") local tween = require("lib.animation.tween") local ipairs = ipairs local table = table local pairs = pairs local animation_manager = {} animation_manager.easing = { linear = "linear", inQuad = "inQuad", outQuad = "outQuad", inOutQuad = "inOutQuad", outInQuad = "outInQuad", inCubic = "inCubic", outCubic = "outCubic", inOutCubic = "inOutCubic", outInCubic = "outInCubic", inQuart = "inQuart", outQuart = "outQuart", inOutQuart = "inOutQuart", outInQuart = "outInQuart", inQuint = "inQuint", outQuint = "outQuint", inOutQuint = "inOutQuint", outInQuint = "outInQuint", inSine = "inSine", outSine = "outSine", inOutSine = "inOutSine", outInSine = "outInSine", inExpo = "inExpo", outExpo = "outExpo", inOutExpo = "inOutExpo", outInExpo = "outInExpo", inCirc = "inCirc", outCirc = "outCirc", inOutCirc = "inOutCirc", outInCirc = "outInCirc", inElastic = "inElastic", outElastic = "outElastic", inOutElastic = "inOutElastic", outInElastic = "outInElastic", inBack = "inBack", outBack = "outBack", inOutBack = "inOutBack", outInBack = "outInBack", inBounce = "inBounce", outBounce = "outBounce", inOutBounce = "inOutBounce", outInBounce = "outInBounce", } local animation = {} local instance = nil local ANIMATION_FRAME_DELAY = 5 local function micro_to_milli(micro) return micro / 1000 end local function second_to_micro(sec) return sec * 1000000 end local function second_to_milli(sec) return sec * 1000 end function animation:start(args) args = args or {} -- Awestoer/Rubbto compatibility -- I'd rather this always be a table, but Awestoer/Rubbto -- except the :set() method to have 1 number value parameter -- used to set the target local is_table = type(args) == "table" local initial = is_table and (args.pos or self.pos) or self.pos local subject = is_table and (args.subject or self.subject) or self.subject local target = is_table and (args.target or self.target) or args local duration = is_table and (args.duration or self.duration) or self.duration local easing = is_table and (args.easing or self.easing) or self.easing duration = self._private.anim_manager._private.instant == true and 0.01 or duration if self.tween == nil or self.reset_on_stop == true then self.tween = tween.new({ initial = initial, subject = subject, target = target, duration = second_to_micro(duration), easing = easing, }) end if self._private.anim_manager._private.animations[self.index] == nil then table.insert(self._private.anim_manager._private.animations, self) end self.state = true self.last_elapsed = GLib.get_monotonic_time() self.started:fire() self:emit_signal("started") end function animation:set(args) self:start(args) self:emit_signal("set") end function animation:stop() self.state = false self:emit_signal("stopped") end function animation:abort(reset) animation:stop(reset) self:emit_signal("aborted") end function animation:initial() return self._private.initial end function animation_manager:set_instant(value) self._private.instant = value end function animation_manager:new(args) args = args or {} args.pos = args.pos or 0 args.subject = args.subject or nil args.target = args.target or nil args.duration = args.duration or 0 args.easing = args.easing or nil args.loop = args.loop or false args.signals = args.signals or {} args.update = args.update or nil args.reset_on_stop = args.reset_on_stop == nil and true or args.reset_on_stop -- Awestoer/Rubbto compatibility args.subscribed = args.subscribed or nil local ret = subscribable() ret.started = subscribable() ret.ended = subscribable() if args.subscribed ~= nil then ret:subscribe(args.subscribed) end for sig, sigfun in pairs(args.signals) do ret:connect_signal(sig, sigfun) end if args.update ~= nil then ret:connect_signal("update", args.update) end gtable.crush(ret, args, true) gtable.crush(ret, animation, true) ret._private = {} ret._private.anim_manager = self ret._private.initial = args.pos return ret end local function new() local ret = gobject({}) gtable.crush(ret, animation_manager, true) ret._private = {} ret._private.animations = {} ret._private.instant = false GLib.timeout_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, ANIMATION_FRAME_DELAY, function() for index, animation in ipairs(ret._private.animations) do if animation.state == true then -- compute delta time local time = GLib.get_monotonic_time() local delta = time - animation.last_elapsed animation.last_elapsed = time -- If pos is true, the animation has ended local pos = animation.tween:update(delta) if pos == true then -- Loop the animation, don't end it. -- Useful for widgets like the spinning cicle if animation.loop == true then animation.tween:reset() else -- Snap to end animation.pos = animation.tween.target animation:fire(animation.pos) animation:emit_signal("update", animation.pos) animation.state = false animation.ended:fire(pos) table.remove(ret._private.animations, index) animation:emit_signal("ended", animation.pos) end -- Animation in process, keep updating else animation.pos = pos animation:fire(animation.pos) animation:emit_signal("update", animation.pos) end else table.remove(ret._private.animations, index) end end -- call again the function after cooldown return true end) return ret end if not instance then instance = new() end return instance