First, write your desired `atheme.conf` and copy `services.db` (if you have one) into an empty directory. Make sure it is writable by **UID 10000** (or rebuild the image with your desired UID - see Build Arguments below)
$ docker run -v /path/to/services/data:/atheme/etc ovdnet/atheme
### Supported tags
- You can use the `latest` tag (which points to the [latest release built from this repository](/.drone.yml)), or pin to a specific version (e.g. `7.2.10-r2`, `7.2`, `7`)
- Builds with contrib modules are also available: `contrib` (latest release), as well as pins to specific versions (e.g. `7.2.10-r2-contrib`, `7.2-contrib`, `7-contrib`)
This container bundles `msmtp` to easily route mail through an external provider. You can use it in Atheme by setting `mta = /usr/bin/msmtp` and mounting a configuration file into `/etc/msmtprc`.
The Arch Linux Wiki has a useful page on msmtp configuration: